Video Kingdom Hearts - So Far Away [Staind]

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by Stardust, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    SONG: So Far Away
    ARTIST: Staind
    SPOILERS FOR: Kingdom Hearts

    Uh. The more I watch this the more I don't know if I like it. At first I sorta did but now...=/

    This took around a month 'cause I couldn't keep focus. XD I finally cut off the subs on something. Yay!

    The version here on KH-Vids is a little 'fixed up', I just fixed a few mistakes before uploading it...So yeah.

    KH-Vids version: So Far Away - Staind.

    YouTube Version: So Far Away - Staind.

    Hope you like it, and please tell me what you think! ^^
  2. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    It's very good. But like you said the flow didn't work 100%. As a word of advice don't always use fast cuts. In a video like that, timing to the drums with quick flashes doesn't always work, it's fine in action videos, but in more emotional slower ones, a more simpler cross-fade or better yet cross-blur can work really work. Once it gets more uptempo or it gets to a chorus then bang out the quicker transitions.

    I'll show you an example -

    So just make them smoother at certain points, but beyond that. Timing was great, no complaints there, good scene selection and music choice. All you have to do is improve flow a bit.

    Great job. =D
  3. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Thank you for the feedback! ^^ I'll make sure to keep all of that in mind -- I've been meaning to work on my flow, that should really help. Glad you enjoyed it.