KINGDOM HEARTS Series: What's your Thought?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    With the recent announcement of KINGDOM HEARTS 3D, do you think that this would be the first untitled game that Nomura mentioned in the interview of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep ULTIMANIA?

    Nomura stated that there is still two more games that will be released before KINGDOM HEARTS III, so can we cross it off our list and say that we only have one more game left to announce...before it's officially set for the growing production of KINGDOM HEARTS III?

    And here's some questions that I want to ask you guys...
    - Rumor has it that 3D will revolve around Riku. What are your thoughts?
    - Why would Nomura first announce this title overseas? Could it be something special for North America/Europe or will we finally see a worldwide release?

    Discuss your ideas and share with the community today!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 15, 2010.

    1. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I was content with BBS, and even Re: Coded, as the latter was a game that already existed. And I have decided to give the 3DS game a chance, despite a few hesitations. But to hear that there is yet another game before KH III makes me begin to wonder. I don't want the current series to end, but how much more side stuff could there really be to offer? BBS, Coded, Days, KH 3D, and yet another title that has not even been mentioned. What else is there to explain via side stories, you know? I love the KH game series more than any other. And to see it end would likely cause me sadness. But I don't want the future games to become staple and diluted. Perhaps after KH III, the series can continue, but at a different date, time, and place with different protagonists and antagonists? But Nomura has done an outstanding job with the current series thus far. I will save my judgments for games yet to come till I get a chance to play them. I won't go off flaming and hating on something that I have yet to give a chance. After all, I have yet to hate one of his works. So that to me is a beacon of promise. There are games I prefer over others, but nothing I outright dislike or hate. So I am curious and open to what the future brings. Thanks for reading. :D

      As for playing Riku, I don't feel like it really matter to me. I played as Riku plenty in CoM. So I don't feel it's anything new. But I do remeber reading about some game fans had personally dubbed "Another Dive" or something similar that was supposed to feature Riku and the main character. Perhaps that is what this 3D game is?

      As for announcing it overseas, I have no idea what his motives are behind that. Maybe it will be a unique title for the western regions. I look forward to learning the answer to that from Nomura himself.

      And sorry for the long post. >>; ​
    2. Mike
      I agree. I mean...there's always time to put out side stories as more of the bigger titles are released.
    3. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I am just worried about them having a lack of material to make a sufficient and engaging story for new games. I don't wanna play the same stuff over and over. I don't think anybody does. I hope they open up some new possibilities for side stories in BBS and Re:Coded. Because, thinking back, if I played through the first KH now, I don't think there would be any element of mystery left. I would know the answers to all the things left unanswered after the credits. I love this series to death, but perhaps it is time for the finale. Before it dries up. ​
    4. Arch
      Maybe the hopes of "Another Dive" will come true. 8D Another possible storyline is to go even further back to when Eraqus and Xehanort were younger that way we could have a Star Wars type thing where we see "Anakin" turn to the "Dark Side". Anakin being Xehanort and the "Dark Side" being...well...the same thing. XD
    5. Mike
      If we had anymore side games, I would want it to be based on Aqua. It's so obvious that she is facing more then we think. She can't just be sitting in darkness and not defeating anything during the time period. The 3D title should focus on just that.

      ...And then you can also make a title based on before BBS, where it focuses on Eraqus and MX.
    6. Ø Riku
      Ø Riku
      My thoughts on playing as Riku are all for it. I'm interested in seeing what kind of storyline Riku takes on in this story. This is probably most likely going to be about Riku's activities in KH1, but I could be wrong. And this is only if this game centers Riku. But regardless, I'm very much open for this scenario.

      About announcing this overseas, I think Nomura's planning for this to be an overseas exclusive.
    7. KeybladeSpirit
      I don't think this would happen. For one, we already know why Xehanort fell to the darkness, and Eraqus backstory is just irrelevent altogether.
    8. EvilMan_89
      i hope they stop with these side stories. it's just that when KH3 comes out, i think we're gonna end up with quite a few clueless fans because i don't think they should have to buy so many systems to play like 5 side stories to know what the hell is going on. i mean there were quite a few people who played KH1 but missed out on Chain of Memories and was clueless as to why Sora was sleeping and as to why Organization XIII was called Organization XIII since there were only about 7 members of the Organization. i mean COM isn't bad, even though it was a rehash, it was fine because it was only once that they did this and this game DID add a lot to the story. i like this series but i hate when they re-use previous games for half-baked side story games like in 358/2 Days (which has it's moments but wasn't that great). at least with Birth by Sleep a lot of the content is brand new and hasn't been seen in previous KH games. i could be wrong about Re:Coded since i haven't played it but it looks just like KH1 and COM.

      i hope that the next unannounced title isn't just a rehash of old games.
    9. Xamad
      UGH! My brain hurts. I'm still waiting for my preorder of Birth By Sleep and once I get through that game then maybe I'll consider this one...I'm not into buying a whole new system for one game, but I'll take a crack at it...I mean, I could always read the manga, but god knows when that's gonna happen...
    10. greater_bloo
      I really have no clue what to think of this game lol it's like very random...Sora meteor showers, that giant Nobody in Traverse Town, the fact that the characters are in Kingdom Hearts 1 clothes...

      If I were to make a wild guess maybe Sora and Riku (the Kingdom Hearts 2 versions) are going thru their memories trying to find something? I mean in 358/2 Days that one scene "Snarl of Memories" was random as hell but it was due to Roxas and Xion having their memories all ker-skuffled (stole that line from Goofy xD) so that would explain the randomness...but whatever we'll eventually find out lol
    11. theogary
      I don't really have enough information to formulate an opinion of KH3DS, but I'm pretty confused by the screens and the description of the trailer. If I had to guess, I would say that this will probably be another game where stuff doesn't happen in the "real" world, ala Chain of Memories and Coded.

      On the subject of playing as Riku, I'm fairly ambivalent. Sure, it might be nice to see how he got his Keyblade in KH2, but I don't think it's any more necessary than 358/2 Days was. I also don't want to have to retread the same worlds we've already seen more than once. They need to take their cues from Birth by Sleep and at least introduce new worlds if they're going to make side-games. And I really don't want them to keep bringing up more questions to be answered. We have quite enough as it is, thank you.
    12. Dawn
      My biggest hope in 3D for Riku's story that it will show him what he has been doing after he left Castle Oblivion up to ending of KH2. That has been one thing I pondered as I kept playing this series for a long time. It seems like at the end of Roxas' day at Twilight Town, DiZ hinted to him what his motivation was at the time. So he must have mentioned it before. Some reference came from Days since Castle Oblivion was part of the timeline.
    13. Roxas The 13th
      Roxas The 13th
      I know what you mean. Like when I first played KH2 I was expecting to end up where KH1 ended (the long, long grassy trail) but instead I ended up woundering who in the hell is this blond kid I'm playing as (aka Roxas) because I didn't play CoM (because I thought CoM was a remake of KH1 for the Gameboy Advance haha). I was more confused when Sora woke up in a weird pod for no reason lol.. I don't think everyone will buy every game console that the games are on just to play every side story in the series. I just hope KH3 will come soon so we all can continue where KH2 and Coded left off...
    14. Umiyuri Papaeyra
      Umiyuri Papaeyra
      The amount of games they're pumping out are worrying me a bit. Not so much that we're getting them, really, as it is that there are going to be games after KHIII. They could very easily just end the series at that point. There doesn't need to be any big plot after that, you know; that's what continuation fic is for. But Nomura is planning on ahead anyway. It's got me kinda worried about where the quality of the games is going to go.

      At least we know that main series games take about three to five years in production time, which is good. It means they're spending their time working them out and making those games (the ones that matter more to the overall plot) as best as they can. And yes, Birth by Sleep is a main series game, not a side-story, otherwise it wouldn't have an unlockable FMV/concept for it in II.

      And yes, indeed, I am getting a bit curious about the purpose of KH3D. Is it an actual plot title (in which case, where the heck does it fit in) or just something being made to exercise the hardware?
    15. Marxaeus
      With all these side stories, I'm not exactly sure how Nomura can pull this one off, I mean he's a genius and all, but what is there to add that's really necessary? Maybe a Kingdom Hearts game based on Kairi where you feel sad for a year because of a boy you can't remember, then sit on a beach for a couple of hours before going home and doing it all again, oh plus schoolwork.

      (I sincerely hope he isn't reading this right now x_x)
    16. axel-chanviii
      To me, KH:3D seems centered around Sora and Riku . I'd actually like a Riku based game and I agree with other posters on it hopefully going from Castle Oblivion to Twilight Town (or The Castle That Never Was, how did Riku know Sora and Kairi were there anyway?), either way, I hope it's not just a re-make of KH1 for a new console...if I hear that it is, that's gonna put me off buying it. It may just be the fact that 3D is all so big now that's getting them to make this game. I don't know really, that was just a theory.

      As for ReCoded, I honestly don't know what to think of it... the amount of games they're pressing on us is a bit much. I mean, most of us are still waiting for Birth By Sleep! Adding in all of these titles now? What are they doing?

      Anyway, thanks for all the news Mike :)
    17. Marxaeus
      In Ireland, this is what was call "taking the piss". However it could be a marketing ploy, remember everyones reaction to the news of Re:Com for North America was? It was like feeding starved Pihranahs. Now they have all these games, telling us that they are parts of the main story line, in the hopes that we leap out and latch onto them with our tiny little razor sharp teeth.
    18. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      I don't really have a opinion on KH 3D but I am worried about where the series is going. They said they were going to try and release one KH game every year, so does that mean a decrease in quality? And it would also mean more Final Mixes. Also I wonder how far they could go with these side games and making sure they actually relate to the future unlike Days.

      Anyway, I really want to see KH3 come out because I can't see how complicated this Xehanort stuff could be and why we would need every single detail, next will be how Master Xehanort was born.
    19. KeybladeSpirit
      Master Xehanort was perfectly normal until he got his keyblade. His backstory, minus why he fell to darkness, is irrelevent.