Prolouge meet the family Sora was fourteen again,standing on the disappereing islands,his home,his world,it was all going! not again! please not again! he saw riku,fifteen once more,reaching a hand out to him "c'mon Sora,why do you fear the darkness?" "because...i dont know what lies init!"he replied,worried that his friend would fall into darkness once more "dont fear Sora! you wont be alone! me and kairi will be there! we'll always be together! just take my hand!"Riku almost screamed,sora reached forward and when it took hold of riku and the darkness swalloed them,there was nothing to help him,no keyblade,nothing....he was thrashing around calling for help struggling against something that was going to crush his heart "NOOO!'He yelled,sitting up in bed "Sora!"a paniced voice called,he looked up into the face of a thrity-five year old Kairi,up into the face of his wife.she looked worried"whats wrong?,still have dreams from what happend twenty one years ago?"she said,it had been twenty one years since Sora first left the island,he was now thrity-five years old,no longer a happless schoolboy.he had his own family,he hada fifteen year old daughter name where Hikari.Hikari enterd the room,hearing the terrified yell that had woken her up,she stood,arms crossed at the bottom of her fathers bed,she had long Brown hair,Deep blue eyes,she was wearing short-shorts that were pink and a pink strap top,her mother had often told her it was rather revelling,her eyes were full of anger but at the same time,worry.this was Sora's Family,and he wouldnt change it if he could --------------------------- hope you like it ^^