Hey there Guys. Its me Sora. I am Back . I Just been busy. My Friend GovanifY wanted me to post this for him. So here it is. Here is a trailer for the english translation of the french fangame Kingdom Hearts Rebirth. I( GovanifY) translated the game w/ the help of the original creator of this game Kreiss. The game is mostly translated but we still have several things to translate. W/e just enjoy the video, the game will be available soon, VERY soon ;) Download link Comming Soon Thanks, GovanifY
For those that are wondering I created this trailer w/ the original creator of the game, I made the text just a little bit upper and I made the english translation. I just asked sora to create a new thread w/ this. I think I should present a little bit myself too. I(GovanifY)am a romhacker of several KH games. I created some tools for them and did a french translation of KH2FM available here: http://govanify.blogspot.fr/. I helped sora6645 to create some translations for kh2fm w/ my tools. I'm actually working w/ Sora6645, jadentheman, Disgustor, SoraikoSan, Crazycatz00, Keytotruth, gledson, etc... This should be half a year I'm working w/ some of them on KH games in general and pretty happy of that(even if guys like crazy are MIA for now) W/e I was thinking it was a good way to present myself so I did it ;) Oh ya I did a while ago a tool that allowed Crazy's and others to extract the SDATA of KH1.5. I'll let ya w/ 2 of my old pastebins I created using IDA Pro and the ps3 sdk, I edited slightly the decompress one and letted the compression one without names at all http://pastebin.com/nw3R4RsJ http://pastebin.com/hSnEJHnj So yeah...don't have much things to say anymore, so this could be a little bit "cliché" but w/e Enjoy, GovanifY P.S: Just sayin' but I'm a young french guy so my english isn't really THAT good, please don't care 'bout that, thanks!
The japanese voices are a choice made at the beginning of the dev. We're not going to change them. And after all that's just a translation of the 1st game, so we'll maybe add 2/3 things but it'll still be the same game(not like khr2 I'm developping w/ Kreiss atm).
I tried getting the french version, but after I got it all downloaded, it said that the "rgss104e.dll" file was missing after I tried opening the game, do you know what I should do for that?