Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded: Novel Artwork Revealed!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded (Novel Artwork)" width="350" height="540" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2981" /></a></center>

    We got a special update for the Kingdom Hearts novel fans! If you remember our update a couple weeks back, we confirmed that a novel from Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded would be released sometime in the month of July.

    The Square-Enix Book Online has updated with the artwork for the first novel from Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded. No word if there will be a second novel from this title, but in the mean time a release date is set for July 28th 2011.

    Now for that announcement that Ty mentioned early today. We could really use that just
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 7, 2011.

    1. Saxima
      Wow, that actually doesn't look half bad, in comparison to the Birth By Sleep novels. (I wasn't very fond of those if you didn't know). Pretty awesome. :Awesome:

      I think there will probably be a second one, considering Re:Coded is a bit like Chain of Memories, and that had two novels. (unless I'm thinking of two differnt things... >_>)
    2. Shikou
      Not that bad. It took me a while what Data-Sora is doing lol.
      They did KH1, KH CoM, 358/2 Days, KH2, and BBS. Im sure they will make a manga for KH DDD.
    3. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      dwaa thats so cute i just wonder when itll come out in english...
    4. Iskandar
      if not there's always people who translate them and put them up. But this might be interesting to read
    5. Korosu
      I prefer this artwork to Chain of Memories [since that's the only Kingdom Hearts manga I have ;___;] it looks kinda cute. I wonder when it will come out in English..
      Thanks for the mini update.
    6. Shikou
      It would have if TokyoPop did not lose the rights after the KH2 manga came out, even if it didn't lose the rights we still wouldn't get it because TokyoPop has stop publishing for the North American market a few months ago.
      If the Kingdom Hearts manga was ever picked up I would want YenPress to pick it up and maybe re-translate the whole manga series. :D