Kingdom Hearts Q&A: Submit your Questions!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 26, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hey everyone, the Kingdom Hearts community still appears to lack with any new updates (or at least any announcements that we are looking for). In the mean time, I came up with an interesting front page game with all the members of KH-Vids.

    If everything goes right, we can set this up for every Friday during the summer. The Q&A can start tomorrow depending on how many of you want to interact with each other and send questions involving the Kingdom Hearts Series. I'll take the ten best questions each week and add them all to our Q&A. Fans that don't submit a question can answer what ever they want to choose. The most interesting part about this is that I'm looking for fans/members to come up with their own theories and tie it all together to create a decent question, which will interact a lot of the members.

    If you are willing to give this a shot, just pm me with your questions and we could possibly start tomorrow.

    Example of Questions: SPOILER ALERT
    Future Questions
    In the end of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, Aqua is left alone in the realm of darkness. Do you think their will be a Kingdom Hearts title based on her survival? What do you think she finds or discovers during her path?

    We are getting close to the ten year anniversary fir Kingdom Hearts. Do you think Dream Drop Distance will be the title that will release during the special ten years of Kingdom Hearts?

    Current Questions
    How is it that Organization XIII has never stumbled upon Ven's body?
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 26, 2011.

    1. P
      Good idea. Hopefully this goes well. My only concern would 8e that the questions won't get all the attention they deserve due to 8eing placed next to other questions, 8ut that may 8e outweighed 8y 8eing on the front page.

      A few possi8ilities here.

      1. A certain path/key is required to find Ven's room. Without it, there's no possi8ility of finding it at all.
      2. The Organis8ion has horri8le luck.
      3. Castle O8livion is semi-sentient, and is actively hiding Ven from them.

      Whatever it is, it's certainly not for lack of trying on their part. Xemnas has 8een attempting to 'stum8le upon' Ven's room for years, from what I gather.
    2. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      This sounds kind of fun. I'm game.

      As for why Organization XIII never found Ven's body, I believe that since Aqua locked the world with Master Keeper, you may not be able to access Ven without it. The wielder of that specific keyblade may be the only one to unlock the room in which Ven is hidden. ​
    3. Iskandar
      ^^This is exactly what I was going to say. Plus, they mention it when she changes the world into Castle Oblivion that Aqua will be the only person to get to Ven. Otherwise, everyone will wander the halls(or something like that). I'm betting Castle Oblivion messes with your mind and makes it that you can't find the room without Aqua, because she's the only person that knows the layout
    4. Mixt
      Well the key to this would be Master Eraqus's line "Just use the key, and this land will be transformed. From that day forward, all who visit this land will be lost to oblivion, none ever able to solve the mystery. None, Aqua, except you." and of course the new name granted "Castle Oblivion"

      Square actually does tend to use the term oblivion properly, that is to say that it isn't synonymous with destruction but rather means "The state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening" It is closely tied with forgetfulness and is actually the root word of oblivious if that helps anyone grasp it.

      So the room is very likely in plain sight, but no one even realizes it is there. I for one can relate. I can't count the times I've spent nearly an hour looking for something only to find that in my searching I must have looked directly at it several times over. It is the same effect but since it is done by a spell and not your own mind there is no end to it. It will simply be impossible for anyone but Aqua to notice it's existence.
    5. ShibuyaGato
      Will KH3 let you play as multiple warriors for part of the story?

      Anyway Org. XIII has never found Ven's body because only Eraqus' Keyblade can unlock the room where he's hidden. Xemnas has Aqua's armor and Keyblade but she still has her master's and so only she can get to him.
    6. Iskandar
      Another great reason why Aqua holds the biggest key links(no pun intended) to the game. If she somehow lost that keyblade, Ven would basically be lost forever
    7. Clawtooth
      It could also be to do with the nature of the castle: to find is to lose and to lose is to find. I've not actually played BBS due to a lack of a PSP, (however, that may change if they re-master it on PS3 (fingers crossed)).

      Also, due to the castle's nature of messing with your head, it could be that you forget about finding the Room of Awakening as soon as you find it, kinda like "the Silence" in the first two episodes of this series of Doctor Who. That way, as soon as you find the room, you forget about it, unless you're Aqua, in which case you don't. If this is true, then only Aqua will be able to find Ven's body. In this way, it will be necessary for Sora/RIku/Kairi/The King et al to find a way into the realm of darkness to retrieve Aqua, and/or Ansem the Wise who we also know didn't die and is there with Aqua. This would then lead to the finding of Ven's body and so on and so forth. I suppose that, once the mark of mastery exam has happened, this will be the plot of KH3 ...
    8. Iskandar
      I don't think it's something like that. Because Axel, Siax, and Xemnas are looking for that room, and who knows how many times Axel has been through that castle looking for it. If he actually forgot it, no one else would remember it either
    9. ShibuyaGato
      Only his physical body would be lost. His heart would still be inside of Sora. Maybe Aqua can do for Ven what Kairi did for Sora (make some sort of temporary body until he gets his real one back) although I doubt she'd have the power or the means to do it.
    10. Iskandar
      If that were true, isn't the situation Ven is in now the same as Kairi in the first KH? They basically already inhabit the same body, so it's just like Kairi when her heart left her body
    11. ShibuyaGato
      If Sora has to unlock his heart again I swear i'm gonna kill Nomura for re-using material. How unoriginal would that be! D:

      Anyway, yeah it's kinda like that. They both chose Sora cuz he's got a heart full of light.
    12. Iskandar
      If we really wanna get technical, so does Ven, since he destroyed his dark half, but that's only if you really want to break the boundries. He still shattered his heart, and that's the main reason he's where he is now. But what really confuses me is what Yen Sid said. He said that Ven's heart would return after it has healed. Wouldn't it have healed by now? Couldn't Sora bring Ven back if Aqua were there to help him?
    13. ShibuyaGato
      I think it's more than that. Ven's heart was damaged because it's missing the darkness. Darkness that can never be replaced. HIS darkness. They might be able to do something together but first they've gotta get Aqua out of the RoD...
    14. Clawtooth
      Can someone remind me whether or not any other characters know that Aqua's in the RoD?
    15. ShibuyaGato
      Ansem the Wise and Namine, I believe... (Data Namine knew about Aqua at all so maybe she knows more about them all but didn't wanna explain it all to Sora)
    16. Clawtooth
      Another thing: Does anyone know if Sora and Kairi retain the memories of their Nobodies? If so, that's how Kairi would know, which would be the trigger after the mark of mastery exam ...
    17. ShibuyaGato
      Maybe. Remember in KH2 when Sora saw the messed up computer from the data Twilight Town. He saw Roxas beating it up.
    18. Finn
      in the game, remember master eraqus said only aqua would know the secrets to the world, and anyone else would be lost to oblivion, and if we're asking questions here, is Ansem SoD xehanort or is xehanort seperate from his heartless, because if xehanort is Ansem, then how could he come back? he was like obliterated by light...
    19. ShibuyaGato
      It's all a complicated KH thing. When someone's heartless and nobody are destroyed (in that order) they come back whole along with the Heartless and Nobody.