Hey everyone, the Kingdom Hearts community still appears to lack with any new updates (or at least any announcements that we are looking for). In the mean time, I came up with an interesting front page game with all the members of KH-Vids.
If everything goes right, we can set this up for every Friday during the summer. The Q&A can start tomorrow depending on how many of you want to interact with each other and send questions involving the Kingdom Hearts Series. I'll take the ten best questions each week and add them all to our Q&A. Fans that don't submit a question can answer what ever they want to choose. The most interesting part about this is that I'm looking for fans/members to come up with their own theories and tie it all together to create a decent question, which will interact a lot of the members.
If you are willing to give this a shot, just pm me with your questions and we could possibly start tomorrow.
Example of Questions: SPOILER ALERT
Future Questions
In the end of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, Aqua is left alone in the realm of darkness. Do you think their will be a Kingdom Hearts title based on her survival? What do you think she finds or discovers during her path?
We are getting close to the ten year anniversary fir Kingdom Hearts. Do you think Dream Drop Distance will be the title that will release during the special ten years of Kingdom Hearts?
Current Questions
How is it that Organization XIII has never stumbled upon Ven's body?
Kingdom Hearts Q&A: Submit your Questions!
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 26, 2011.
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 26, 2011.
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