Kingdom Hearts: Organization XIV

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Phantom Sora, Nov 5, 2008.

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  1. Phantom Sora Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 29, 2008
    Twilight Town
    Organization XIV

    *The Secrets:

    This Organization only consists of "Reborns".
    People that have lost their hearts, and have
    created a Nobody, and a Heartless. You must
    also have some knowledge of the Key Bearer.
    The Key Bearer, had fallen ten years ago.
    Young Sora, at exactly 25 years old is not the
    current Key Bearer. YOU are.

    Or are you?

    *The Code

    Each Organization member consists of a
    "Code". This code is printed on the backs of their
    heads and must be kept secret. Starting from
    I - XIV, you will have a code planted on the
    back of your head. This code is important, because
    it shows that you are a true Organization member.

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