Kingdom Hearts: Organization XIII Comedy

Discussion in 'Archives' started by The Joker, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    This is my first try at a comedy so please help and give tips so that I may improve my writing.
    Chapter One

    Our story starts off at the end of Kingdom Hearts II. The letter reads as follows:

    Dear Heroes
    Organizaation XIII has been reborn in the Realm of Nothingness and since Square Enix partnerd with Disney which would not let us torture them to death, we have to teach them to get along and how to feel.
    Regretfully Signed,
    Sora, Riku and Kairi just gaze at the letter in utter disbelief.

    Meanwhile Organization XIII was in Where Nothing Gathers. "Yay! We got a new chance to live a happy life," Zexion said trying to sound joyful. "What's with you?" Larxene asked. "Some kids thought I was emo and Disney decided that since it can mean stuff they wanted me to look happy so the kids would feel happy," Zexion said.

    "How great, oh so noble sir," Larxene asked. "What's with you?" Axel asked. "Disney decided I was to savage and wanted me to be more ladey-like," Larxene replied trying to remain calm.

    "Why is Xemnas no longer shown as The Supierier?" Vexen asked. "Kids thought that it impled that he was better then us and since Disney thought everybody was equal he was changed to "The Leader Who Is Equal To Everybody Else And In No Way Better Because Everybody Is Equal," Marluxia replied.

    Vexen looked at Marluxia to see that he had black hair now. "What happend to you?"" Vexen asked. "They thought I looked and acted to much like a girl," Marluxia replied after putting his hood over his face.

    "What happend to your guns?" Xemnas asked while looking at Xigbar. "They decided they looked to much like guns so they gave me some throwable Pie for the time being until the law suites are sorted out," Xigbar replied.

    "It's such a beautiful day!" Zexion said. "Shut up. Flowers are for girls," Marluxia said. "Got it memorized?" Axel said. "Got what memorized oh so kind sir?" Larxene said as ladey-like as possible. "But he is no kinder then any of us because we are all equal," Xemnas added. "Where are the others?" Axel asked. "Out getting ready for group therapy with doctor Phill," Xemnas replied. "Doctor Phill?" Vexen asked. "Did I say Docter Phill? I meant Docter Feel, don't ask," Xemnas said. "That sounds great!" Larxene said. "No it doesn't," Marluxia replied. "Your right sir," Larxene replied. "What happend to your title?" Xemnas asked Vexen. They changed it to "The Smart Guy" because kids were going out in the cold with books getting sick by trying to get smart," Vexen replied. "Got it Memorized?" Axel said. "Why do you keep saying that?" Xigbar asked. "The fans liked it and they wanted more money." Axel replied.

    "Got it memorized?" Axel finished.

    "Well this almost sucks," Xemnas said while looking at a paper. "What?" Marluxia said. "They almost changed our name from Nobodys to People Who Don't Have A Heart but are Still Nice and Kind." "Why?" Larxene asked. "Kids were saying they were Nobodys and they did not exist and could not feel. The Parent's thought this meant they had low-selfesteem and so Disney almost changed it and Square Enix stopped them.

    "Where is the place where we have to go to therapy at?" Xigbar asked. "Where People Who Do Not Have Any Issues Gather That Wish To Have Peaceful And Friendly Talks," Xemnas replied. "Got it memorized?" Axel replied.