Kingdom hearts lost and forgotten YES ITS A FAN FIC!

Discussion in 'Archives' started by cstar, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ok sorry about the title a lot of people ask a lot of stupid questions like that ok well her it is i'll keep going if people like it.

    ~On The Destiny Islands~
    Sora,Riku,and Kairi are sitting on the each with nothing to do. it has been a good year since they defeated Xemnas and brought peace to the world.

    Kairi: *looks at Riku* you have been really glum today whats wrong?
    Riku: *looks up* its nothing
    Sora: *punches Riku's shoulder* aw come on your not still sad about me beating you on guitar hero last night are you?
    Riku: IT'S NOTHING! he gets up and walks away*
    Kairi: *looks at sora* whats wrong with him he never acts this way.
    Sora: I'll go check
    when sora gets up he stops moving like he is frozen.
    Kairi: Sora? Sora? why did you stop *she pokes him but he doesn't move*
    suddenly someone pops up out of darkness.
    Kairi: who are you.
    ???: you probably don't remember me but please just listen to me i need you to come with me. *pulls down hood* my name is Xion there is no time to explain but i really need you to come with me.
    Kairi: Why?
    Xion: *breaths heavy* its a really long story but plea..
    someone else pops up.
    ???: Kairi come with me please.
    Xion: don't listen to him!
    ???: I know what is wrong with riku adn i can help you.
    Kairi: I am not coming with any of you.
    Xion: I need you to help me and Namine
    ???: I need you for better purposes
    Kairi: whats going on??
    ???: *grabs Kairi's arm* your coming with me if you like it or not.
    Xion: No get back here!
    ???: *Turns around* why?
    ??? disapears with kairi and kairi dropped her lucky charm and Xion looked at it and then picked it up then suddenly time went back again.
    Sora: *Turns around* ow did you throw a rock at me.. *looks wide eyed at Xion*Who are you? where is Kairi? why are you in an organization robe?
    Xion: my name is Xion its too long of a story to answer your questons but i guess i'll need YOUR help now.

    Does anyone like this one? if you want me to continue just ask me