Kingdom Hearts III

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by The Fifth Element, May 27, 2008.

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  1. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    When the light begins to fade
    and all hope has been lost
    Take heart! the heroes shall be born
    descended from Hope itself
    Look to the east, defend your newfound heroes

    This prophecy was written into a stone, on a faraway world. It has been there since anyone can remember but now it has taken on a new meaning. At the beginning of what was to be a great and peaceful year, tragedy struck. Their king was assassinated. On that dark night, in three different worlds, children were born. These children each carried in them a symbiont, a remnant of the great king's power. The three children grew and became strong people. While they grew, an evil dictator had taken over this world, and had harnessed the power of worse enemies than heartless or nobodies. The dictator, known only as The Nameless One, was able to combine heartless and nobodies, to make something like a human, but these humans don't have any emotions or sense of right and wrong, so they kill anything in their paths. These horrible creatures and ugly and deformed, the smell of death and have super heightened senses. They must be stopped, for even now as I tell you this, they are spreading across all of the worlds, trying to blot out everything. Now on the eve of the three children's 17th birthday, the door will open. The worlds will connect once again, to stop this evil that threatens them. The children will meet with the Golden Trio and together, with some help from the people of the worlds, they will eradicate this new threat, and overthrow the dictator. Will you help them?
    Ok so basically a new threat has come up and the Golden Trio(Sora, Kairi, and Riku) plus three new characters must defeat the Kuraikages, which are the dead humans who are the combination of heartless and nobodies. Now you have to audition to be Sora, Kairi, Riku, or any of the mysterious characters. Also if you are going to be a new character then you need to make your world as well.

    -Not TOO much cussing, a little is ok
    -Keep romance at pg-13(ex. hugging, kissing)
    -At the beginning you can only have one character, I will allow you to have more if you prove yourselves
    -Auditions will be posted in the profile you give me
    - Please put somewhere in your post " Light conquers" just so I know you read the rules
    - I won't accept your profile unless you follow the above rule.
    - Please, for my sanity and your health(I'll probably flip out if ya do) don't make your characters a complete enigma, it is impossible for them to be completely shrouded in mystery. Even the Golden Trio and new characters still have weaknesses.
    -Only the Golden Trio and three new characters get keyblades
    -people who are trying out for any of the above main characters need to pm me their profiles

    Weapon(later on they will get this)-
    Demo post(required of everyone)-
    Played By-

    Special Character Template(pm me this)
    Weapon(original keyblade)-
    World they live on(include description)-
    Demo post-
    Played By-

    Characters Taken
    Sora- Xegreny
    Riku- Tularim
    Kairi- Singstar
    Kyrsten- Sweet_and_silent
    Seth- Soraspartanti
    Spero- The Fifth Element

    Name- Zidane Strife
    Age- 16
    Weapon(later on they will get this)- gunblade
    Personality- QuietAppearance- [​IMG]
    Demo post(required of everyone)-
    Zidane stood at the back of the group, pondering what the two class idiots were going to do today. "Probably try to get me in trouble. As always." Zidane made a little smirk. He reached into his desk and pulled out a lexicon. He flipped it open. He kept reading, not noticing that a student had gotten up from his seat. The other boy moved quietly to Zidane's desk. Zidane looked up. "What do you want?" he asked, not really caring for an answer.
    World- Esthar
    History- he grew up in a monistary and knows that his parents are alive but don't care about him
    Other- Weakness: hot girls
    Played By- TDGW

    Name- Ignis Fatuus (aka Inferno)
    Age- Techincally 3
    Weapon(later on they will get this)- Three-headed nunchucks, internal chains
    Personality- Anti-social, emotionless
    Demo post(required of everyone)-
    Why does everyone run from me?! Have I really changed that much?! Inferno thought. Chains sprouted from his body and burned everything it touched. He let loose his anger on everythng around him, turning it into a hellish landscape. I should have died three years ago...why do I still live on as! He screamed a scream that can be heard some length from here. It would put terror into any heart. His chains retracted back into his body. Then he heard a voice behind him. "Light conquers everything."
    History- was formed when a massive amount will-o-the-wisps formed over a lake and took over a body of a 24-year old man who was engulfed in flames, the wisps changed him into a monster but he still retained his intelligence
    Other- doesn't talk much(or at all to some people)
    World- The Forgotten Lands -Fire-
    Played By- Graxe

    Name- Shiarra
    Weapon- Tanto
    Personality- Bubbly and fun, but dont make her mad, she blows.
    Appearance- http:///
    History- She has a great family and is surrounded by great friends. She also has a dog & a cat.
    World they live on(include description)- Kancolos. It is a tropical island similar to Destiny Islands. Only it is smaller and there is a big mountain, right in the middle.
    Other- ?? ^.^
    Demo post-
    Shiarra looked around wildly at her friends. "What did you say?" She asked, looking at Lynn, her best friend.
    "Light conquers all." She said.
    "Woah, i dont know where you heard THAT...but, what ever." Shiarra said, pu=icking up Moshie, her cat.
    Played By- godsgirl
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    I'll give this a try!

    I'd like to be Riku,do I still need to fill a template out?
  3. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    Name- Zidane Strife
    Age- 16
    Weapon(later on they will get this)- gunblade
    Personality- QuietAppearance- [​IMG]
    Demo post(required of everyone)-
    Zidane stood at the back of the group, pondering what the two class idiots were going to do today. "Probably try to get me in trouble. As always." Zidane made a little smirk. He reached into his desk and pulled out a lexicon. He flipped it open. He kept reading, not noticing that a student had gotten up from his seat. The other boy moved quietly to Zidane's desk. Zidane looked up. "What do you want?" he asked, not really caring for an answer.
    World- Esthar
    History- he grew up in a monistary and knows that his parents are alive but don't care about him
    Other- Weakness: hot girls
    Played By- TDGW

    Light doesn't conquers
  4. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Name- Tuski Utasama
    Age- 17
    Weapon(later on they will get this)- The oblivion Keyblade
    Personality- She's quiet around people, and doesn't like to talk alot. She is a smart and very logical.
    Demo post(required of everyone)- Tuski paced around her room, and looked at her keyblade, and said, quietly, "I don't want this....this power...this unimaginable power. I don't want to become someone, because I'm a no one. Nobody's don't somebodies, that easily anyway" she whispered. But maybe, just maybe.. light just conquers everything.
    History- Her mother died, when she was born, and then lived with her abusive step-father. She ran away, and traveled the streets ever since, but still trying to go to school.
    Played By- Singstar
  5. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Name- Ignis Fatuus (aka Inferno)
    Age- Techincally 3
    Weapon(later on they will get this)- Three-headed nunchucks, internal chains
    Personality- Anti-social, emotionless
    Demo post(required of everyone)-
    Why does everyone run from me?! Have I really changed that much?! Inferno thought. Chains sprouted from his body and burned everything it touched. He let loose his anger on everythng around him, turning it into a hellish landscape. I should have died three years ago...why do I still live on as! He screamed a scream that can be heard some length from here. It would put terror into any heart. His chains retracted back into his body. Then he heard a voice behind him. "Light conquers everything."
    History- was formed when a massive amount will-o-the-wisps formed over a lake and took over a body of a 24-year old man who was engulfed in flames, the wisps changed him into a monster but he still retained his intelligence
    Other- doesn't talk much(or at all to some people)
    World- The Forgotten Lands -Fire-
    Played By- Graxe
  6. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    no you just have to pm me a demo post to try out for it


    read rules 5 & 8
  7. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

  8. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    So I can't be one of the characters who get keyblades, Element
    And READ my'll find it..
  9. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    lol that was perfect I love your Light conquers too ^_^

    not unless you pm me the template
    and I apologize for that, your creativity eluded me
  10. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    And..what about me? Am I in, then...?
  11. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Ok, Can i be Kairi then?
    and that character?
  12. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    like I said before, I'm reviewing all of the entries
  13. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Yeah, I got that just new. Good idea. No, great.
  14. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    sorry, only one character right now. Later on maybe though
  15. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Name- Seth
    Weapon(original keyblade)- Soul eater
    Personality- cold, lifeless, sad, expressionless, wall flower, quiet, shy?
    Appearance- Dirty Blonde, ruffled, semi long hair, blue eyes, looks like a police hat, except without a badge, Long, blue coat, with black buttons, and scrapes, rips, and mudsumdges across his face and clothes.
    History- Abandones by his parents, he was tooken in by an old lady, which took care of him. To make a living, and to get money for her health, he makes a living out of Bountyhunting. He now grew up, secretly sneeking onto a high tree to watch the soldiers fight, learning off of that. The keyblade chose him for his strength to continue on.
    World they live on(include description)- Old London time, around the 1500 era, similar to Pochahontas's world, where he came from.
    Demo post- Seth looked up from his dark expression, his eyes not to be seen, by the shadows that his hat placed on him. He spotted two people, walking into the inn, they looking around, inspecting the inn. The bartender greeted them warmly, and they asked for an inn, answering the bartenders question, which he was also the head of the inn.
    Played By- Soranspartanti

    Light conquers. Is that alright?

    Special character, there you go, easier for you. ta-ta! pm me if I'm in when you review them.
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Do you really need to have Way to the Dawn?..I mean,Riku has it..cant you use something else?
  17. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    I don't really know. That character (this may sound wierd) is kind of based on him, tough, like Riku. The Way to Dawn shows that shadowy part in him, just like Riku. If I ever find a keyblade that does do the same thing as the Way to Dawn, I shall inform you immediately. I shall google right now.
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:Soul Eater perhaps?
  19. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Yes, that is perfect. Thank you for that. Isn't the Soul eater one that looks like Way to Dawn except without those accesories, the wing, the keyblade? Yes, the one that looks like Way to Dawn. Alright, thank you, I don't have Kh. Strange, I know everything by the cutscenes.
  20. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves

    This role play is almost ready to start, we just need a Sora, so go and recruit!!
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