my second fan fic and my SECOND TIME TYING IT xP anyway hope u like it...the bases of this story is after KH2 sorry for the spelling errors ENJOY! Chapter I The Calling Ben awoke from a nightmare he was in a cold sweat and shaking. he had been waking from these kind of dreams for weeks now ever since that meteor shower. they were all the same of a boy with a werid looking sword shaped like a gaint key fighting little black things and sometimes people in black coats. "i really need to stop playing video games" Ben rolled over and tried to fall back to sleep. he was 16 tall and fit and had light brown hair the to his dislike always seem to poof up into soft spikes with deep blue eyes. he was athletic and was good at sports. he kept tossing and turing over and over in his sleep images passed in his head like cars moving on a busy freeway men in black coats, small black monsters, a duck...and a dog talking to a youunger version of the boy he had been dreaming about. and the image that always poped into his head was that of a small mouse looking person with the same key sword that the boy had only it was gold at the top and silver at the handle. he keep calling to Ben in the gentle voice that he had "Come Ben its time you joined the fight" the mouse steached out his hand light filled around him and then.... Ben awoke in a cold sweat again grumpy shaking. "what a werid dream...for the MILLIONTH TIME!" Ben yelled into his silent room "ugh!" he rolled over and tryed once again to fall back to sleep. Chapter II The Message "Kairi wait up!" called Sora running after her down a hallway. looking at the metalic walls he was reminded of what an amazing job Leon and the gang did to Destiney Island. it has been a year since the beat Xemnas and brought peace to the worlds again. Leon and the gang came to Destiney Island shortly after to build a "bunker" on the island so that when the walls the kept the world apart would go back together they atleast would be able to contact eachother and the King if need be. "Kairi really did he say that?!" Sora began to question but Kairi shot him a nasty look. "Sora look the King said the theres somthing happing out there and i dont want us to get all messed up like it did the last time...remeber?" how couldnt he, it took about 2 years to find Kairi, find Riku and then stop the heartless. " yea i guess" he said in a defeted tone " but what do u think it is? i dont wanna go and get lost from you or Riku again" Kairi smile " i know Sora dont worrie what ever happens....well go together" the both smile and walked to the door at the end of the hall it opend and a long silver haired boy stood waiting " too long enough the kings been waiting" all three of them turned to face the huge computer that was in the center of the room, it was filled with maps of worlds books and books of things sora hadnt ever look at and there on the wall were 3 keyblade Sora's Kingdom Key, Riku's Way to the Dawn and Kairi's Princess' Heart then there was a click and the face of King Mickey was on the once blank computer screen "hello you majesty---" began sora but was cut off " theres no time when can you all leave theres somthing terrible going on"