Kingdom Hearts II - Volume 6 Manga release date

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Amazon has opened up a new page depicting the 6th Japanese Volume in the Kingdom Hearts II manga line-up. The publisher; Gangan comics has not released a Mange from the series' third game since 2009, making this issue to have a time frame of nearly 4 years.
    According to Gangan, it will be released on May 22nd 2013 for the price of 470 Yen.


    Previous issue covers;​
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Mar 8, 2013.

    1. 61
      that's nice considering I'm just now reading it.

      but that's weird, Im surprised they didn't just cancel it or something.
    2. Hexin
      Oh wow, A new hope. Good for them. :]
    3. Labrys
      I've been hearing that the Manga for Kh is horrible.
      So i tried it out anyways and i must say...... i actually like it alot!
      It kinda makes me think how this would be if it was a anime
    4. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      wait... they ARE continuing it? I thought that was a pretty little lie! but... YES!!! Now they just need an Anime...
    5. Cutsceneaddict
      The mangas are an excellent supplement to the games. They do take some liberties here and there, but mostly to add humor, so in a way they're almost an alternative, funnier plotline. If you've played the games and love 'em, then the mangas are for you too. If you've never played the games, you can still read the mangas and love 'em, but I wouldn't use them as your only source for the series because they do have some (albiet minor) differences. The storyline is basically the same, though.

      Needless to say, I'm glad to hear this series is continuing. I wish they'd release the rest of them in English though, as I can't read Japanese :/
    6. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
    7. DualBladeRoxas
      man I love the mangas for Kingdom Hearts! I actually found a slip in series 1 book 4: This is the part where Sora loses his keyblade to Riku at Hollow Bastion. Sora is suppose to have a wooden sword but on page 28 in the top left panel but gave him his keyblade accidently. I know I'm not the first person to notice but just pointing it out for those who didnt.
    8. Krowley
      This comic has been delayed to be released on May 22nd instead of April. The first post has been updated with the change and released Manga cover.
    9. Sara
      I sorta followed the manga. I do enjoy them when I do buy them, but I mostly do the ones that added content that wasn't in the original game. Like Kingdom Hearts manga Vol. 4 which went WAY more into depth about Riku after Hollow Bastion than the game did. More like Final Mix than the original game.

      The cover does look interesting though, I might keep an eye out for it when it hits stores in the U.S. since I can't read Japanese.