Kingdom hearts: Forbidden hearts

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Scarred Nobody, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    another one of my strange fan-fics. This one's a Sora x Namine story. here we go!

    Chapter 1: 'Tis better to have loved...
    After the ordeal with Organization XIII, Roxas and Namine got their own bodies, but remained nobodies. They hung out on the island, playing and laughing. Namine, however; wanted something more.

    A nobody has no really feelings, but it didn't stop her. She was attracted to Sora, nobody or not. Seeing him with Kairi made her jelious. If she could only tell how she feels

    One day on the islands, Sora and Namine went to get refresments.

    "How's it with Kairi?", Namine asked him.

    "Decent.", he told her.

    "Something wrong?", she asked hiding her enthusiasm.

    "I don't know..", Sora said. "How about you and Roxas."

    "What! We're nothing!", she told him. When they got back, Kairi kissed him on the cheek. How could Namine be able to stand it is beyond me. When she got home, she cried endlessly. "It should've been me." Her "feelings" got the best of her. When will her sadness end.

    A week later, she listened in on a conversation with Sora and Kairi.

    "What do you mean 'over'?", Sora yelled. Kairi said nothing, and stormed off. Sora fell to his knees, and Namine ran to his side.

    "Sora. I'm sorry.", she said.

    "Forget it.", Sora said.

    "You okay?", sheasked. Sora stood up.

    "I'll be.", Sora said. He hugged her. "You a good friend Namine." He ran off.

    "Friend.", Namine said. She knew a nobody cannot feel true love, but that didn't matter. She watched him run off in the distance.

    Chapter 2: Confession​


    Please tell me what you think.