Hi, I'm working on a Kingdom Hearts side-scrolling game. Right now the project is entitled Kingdom Hearts: Into Oblivion. The game follows the events of Riku through Kingdom Hearts I and dives deeper into his encounters with darkness. I've been working on the project for a year now, developing story/scenes/art. I have starting designing and programming it quite recently and I'm pretty happy with how it has started to turn out. Take a Look! :) Here's a logo (animated): http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs47/f/2009/150/d/7/Into_Oblivion_Logo_by_DJ1NNsGR1MO1R3.gif This is an image, preview a boss battle I am currently working on: http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs44/f/2009/135/5/b/Into_Oblivion___Demo_Ad_by_DJ1NNsGR1MO1R3.jpg And here's a video showing early programming progress: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwICOnsmuGM