Kingdom Hearts | Crushed Butterflies.{Under Construction}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 6, 2010.


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  1. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Kingdom Hearts | Crushed Butterflies.{Open!}

    One of the most basic and well-known theories on time travel, suggesting that going back in time and doing so little as crushing a butterfly could change the events that were arranged to happen, tossing destiny into the wind and leaving the world with a chaotic outcome.

    So, we already know how this story ends,


    Ventus defeats Vanitas,
    Xehanort controls Terra's body,
    Sora destroys Xehnort's Heartless,
    and later kills his Nobody.

    But, what if this wasn't how it had to end?
    What if we could derail this outcome,
    or ensure that it stay on course?

    I invite you to take a journey with me,
    and crush some butterflies.


    Rules and Guidelines.

    {I} | Time Period
    This roleplay is going to be taking place during the game, Birth by Sleep, that being said, I will not be accepting a Sora, Riku, Kairi, etc. etc. However, I will be accepting the Whole Beings of the Organization members(, if you can make a decent name for them). I will also be accepting Custom Characters, say, more apprentices for Masters Eraqus and Xehanort, as well as people to play the Masters themselves. Terra, Aqua and Ven are open for the taking, as I myself will be playing Vanitas.

    {II} | Characters
    If you would like to play a character, send me a private message or a message on my page letting me know, I would rather not have the OoC cluttering up the roleplay. I will keep a list on the front page of who is available and how many more characters I'll be taking. Also, characters are to be played as themselves, with their personalities, abilities and sexualities in-tact.
    {Character Priority}: In order to keep a proper balance in this, it is paramount information that All characters are equal, your Original Character is no stronger than any others, however, Main Characters may take priority in a battle. This is to ensure that everyone has their share of fun, and that the plot I have in-store is not to be taken over, in accordance to Rule IV.

    {III} | Posting
    As it says in the extended roleplay rules, posts are to be ten-liners. I won't crack down super-hard on this rule, but you have been warned. Literacy and proper grammar are huge pluses as well. Most important though, is making a post that someone can actually respond to. I don't want you to drudge through making a ten+ line post of just what your character is thinking or just having your character sit there. Do something, be active.
    Also, not really a rule, but a suggestion, is to have something like this;
    [B]World[/B]: {Current world}
    [B]Location[/B]: {Current Location}
    [B]Interaction[/B]: {Current character interaction}
    Somewhere in your posts, please. It would help lessen a bit of the confusion in a multiple-world roleplay.

    {IV} | Behavior
    Behavior of both the character, and the RPer, need to be regulated. Characters need to keep things at a PG13 level, be it Violence, language or... romantic activities. Violence and romance of every kind are heavily encouraged in this roleplay, but please, be reasonable with it. I don't want you to describe to me how you've lost your arm and the remnant stub is leaving a bloody mess everywhere. Nor do I need your characters' sex in here. About the RPer's now, Do not try to shape the entire story for yourself, this is a team effort. Don't ignore other players, no flaming, trolling, spamming, god-modding (God-modding pertains to power playing, ever-dodging, never-tiring, writing your character out of a situation that seemed impossible), and auto-hitting (making contact with another character without the Roleplayer allowing it.).
    {Shotlocks:} If you've played BbS, and maybe even if you haven't, you know that Shotlocks are a powerful spell that your character can cast, maybe even the most powerful spell in their arsenal. Due to gameplay mechanics in BbS, after locking on to a character, you can activate this powerful spell. A Shotlock, also sometimes overwhelmingly powerful, can never miss it's target. That being said, if someone uses their Shotlock on you, you cannot evade it, and have to endure the attack. This is the only time I will allow any form of auto-hitting, but know that You cannot use your shotlock within five posts of using it.

    {V} | Rules
    Rules are subject to change, and will probably change constantly. I would suggest visiting the first page constantly, to avoid any misunderstandings.


    Here is the list of accepted, reserved, and open characters, as well as a form for you to fill out for your character, Canon or not. Characters will have different starting points, most of the Custom Characters will be starting at the Land of Departure. Main Characters, you know your spots.

    Terra - Taken by Tєrrα
    Aqua - Taken by Aqυα
    Ventus - Taken by Vєn
    Eraqus - Puppetted by Top-Tier Roxas. until I receive a request for him.
    Xehanort - Taken by Sforzato
    Vanitas - Taken by Top-Tier Roxas.

    Braig - Open.
    Dilan - Open.
    Even - Open.
    Aelaeus - Open.
    Ienzo - Taken by Fearless
    Isa - Open.
    Lea - Open.
    Demyx's Whole - Open
    Luxord's Whole - Open.
    Marluxia's Whole - Open.
    Larxene's Whole - Open.
    Ansem the Wise - Open

    Main Character profile;
    [B][U]Roleplay Sample[/U]:[/B] {just like a post in the thread, ten lines please.}
    Original Character Profile;
    [B][U]Name[/U]:[/B] use URL codes to make the name a link to their appearance.
    [B][U]Faction[/U]:[/B] {Light, or Darkness}
    [B][U]Weapon of Choice[/U]:[/B] use URL codes to make the name a link to the weapon's appearance.
    [B][U]Fighting Style[/U]:[/B] {Do you prefer speed, or brute strength, maybe magic?}
    [B][U]Roleplay Sample[/U]:[/B] {just like a post in the thread, ten lines please.}

    Accepted Original Characters

    Helpful hints with Roleplay Mechanics;
    The Butterfly Effect.

    This roleplay will rely heavily on the theory of the Butterfly Effect: Tiny changes in a timeline could lead to colossal changes in the end result. Your character is crushing a butterfly, so to speak, simply by being alive. Just by having your character in the roleplay, you'll be making minor changes to the story of Birth by Sleep. Your characters' choices and actions result in even more heavy changes. What will you fight for? Do you want to destroy Vanitas before he even makes the X-Blade? Would you help Xehanort plunge the worlds into Darkness? The choice is yours, but know this; every step you make toward your answer is another crushed butterfly, every choice has its consequences.

    Helpful hints with Roleplay Mechanics;
    Shotlocks and D-Links.

    As you read earlier, I will be incorporating Shotlocks into this roleplay. With a shotlock, you will be able to deal out massive amounts of damage to many opponents. You can choose your appropriate Shotlocks from the list of in-game shotlocks, as well as making your own and sending it to me in a private message.
    The same holds true for D-links. Create a Dimensional Link for your character, this will be Eight commands, followed by a passive ability and a Finisher. The list of commands and what the finisher does will be based on your character's own fighting style. You can only activate a D-Link with a character if they are not nearby, and you can only gain access to another character's D-Link after your character creates a friendship with them, or has a serious fight or struggle with them.

    Events & Links.


    Open: Mark of Mastery Exam.

    {OoC Page}



    The boy started his day like any other; trudging out of bed begrudgingly and forcing himself into the shower to fully wake up. He had and odd dream the night before. Large pillars of stained glass, an odd looking sword, immense, almost unmeasurable power. Was that what his master was trying to do? This was too much for the young Vanitas right now. A minor headache accompanied the odd feeling his dreams gave him. The ebony-haired youth finished his shower, feeling only slightly refreshed. His yellow irises flickered with angst in the light of the bathroom. Vanitas held out his arms, a rift of swirling darkness opening beneath him, its curious tendrils gripping his body, covering him almost instantaneously. The darkness weaved and weaved upon itself until the boy's usual apparel was created. A smug smirk overcame the boy's composure as his headgear solidified. Now what to do? Xehanort was out... Preparing for the events to come. Making an appearance with Master Eraqus, discussing the event of tomarrow. The Keyblade Master's Exam, the starting point of their plans. Vanitas supposed he could just roam around this world until he was needed. The masked youth ended up at the Land of Departure's Mountain Path, stopping to take in the view. He wasn't going to have to stay here much longer, this, he was glad of. Being that close to... him without being able to attack him was such torture. He was weak, and he needed to know he was the unworthy of the two.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Mountain Path
    Interaction: N/A

  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Since you told me to put this up now...

    Username: Tєrrα
    Name: Terra
    Roleplay Sample: Darkness swirled about, black tendrils lashed out towards the light eminating from a bright red heart. They latched onto it and began to drag it down into the sea of darkness that waited hungrily underneath it. The heart slowly sank into its depths as the last of its light began to flicker and fade away helplessly as the faint calls of a young woman and boy were heard echoing in the distance, their voices getting farther and farther away until nothing was left but absolute silence.

    Terra gasped for air as he sat up in his bed, his pupils dilated and cold sweat running down his temples. He sat there for several moments as he caught his breath and looked down at his shaking hands. He had been having dreams like this for some time now and it wasn't getting any better, he was afraid of what his friends would think if they knew of his sleepless nights. He didn't want to worry Aqua and Ven, let alone have Master Eraqus find out. Now that he thought about it, this was the first time his dream had been something like this. Terra ran a hand through his thick brown hair and slid out of bed as he rose to his feet, trying his best to recall the visions of his other dreams.

    "This just too small." He could only bring those words out from his dream, it had always been about the same boy. It wasn't much to go off of but he knew it had to mean something, but Terra couldn't risk having his master finding out about it as it would be too painful to hear of Master Eraqus's disapproval. Terra looked around for a moment, as if making sure nobody was there to spy on him. He brought his right hand out in front of him and called out for his keyblade, Earthshaker. Light swirled around his hand as the keyblade instantly took form in his hand. This too brought memories from his visions, rather haunting ones at that. "There was a suit of armor with a cape..." Terra placed his other hand underneath his keyblade as he examined it closely. "It had a keyblade just like mine...only different..." An image of the solem armor flashed in his mind, kneeling down with its hands placed on the hilt of the large keyblade it commanded. Terra shook his head slowly as the image faded just as quickly as it appeared. "I think I better get busy, I'm sure Aqua's already up and training by now." He smiled slightly, he had better things to think about other than some vague visions. He had a dream, one he shared with his two friends. To become a true Keyblade Master.


    There was a slight sound of fabric stretching as Terra flexed his fingers and rolled his left arm, having put his long gauntlet and fingerless glove on. He grinned to himself, the day would be over before he knew it and would soon bring the Master Qualification exam with it. He adjusted the golden insignia fixed on his belt before stepping out of his room and shutting the door behind him. He looked to the left and right, seeing no signs of the others nearby. Now that he had more time to think about it, the anxiety settled in. Master Eraqus was like a father to him, it felt like he had lived his entire life in the Land of Departure and now that it was time to him to take the Exam, he wasn't so sure if he wanted to take it. If he passed, he would no longer be under Eraqus and it felt as if he was replacing his master. If he didn't...Terra would face only the shame of disappointing the man he thought of as a father.

    Terra paused, he had begun to pace back and forth aimlessly while he obsessed over these thoughts. To him, the only solution was to become stronger. Only then would he rid himself of the fear of being too weak to survive without his master as well as smiting any chance of failing him. "I won't let you down." Terra whispered to himself, clenching his fist as he held it close to his chest. "I will become a Keyblade Master." Even with these words, he couldn't shake off the deep anxiety that had already built within him. He made his way out of the castle's front entrance, determined to train until he knew he was ready for whatever would come.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle. [I can't use my game to tell me where it is since I'd be taken to the Mysterious Figure battle. >>]
    Interaction: N/A
  3. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Sounds like a very interesting roleplay. Count me in.

    Username: Keyblade Spirit
    Name: Kexlaybed, Kexyl for short.
    Age: His appearance indicates early 30s, but he is far older.
    Faction: He doesn't align himself with either Light or Darkness. Consider him a wild card of sorts. He'll slowly take a side as the story progresses though.
    Weapon of Choice: Two Dual Sided Keyblades. See character picture for appearance.
    Fighting Style: He mostly uses magic, but utilizes his Keyblades in such a way that he is classed as a swordsman.
    Personality: Cold. Unlike a Nobody, he has a heart, but hasn't until recently. As such, he doesn't know what it's like to feel even though he can. It ought to be noted that he does have a heart, but didn't before the time he was put into his...unique situation.
    Biography: A Keyblade belonging to a participant in the Keyblade War, Kexyl was abandoned in the Keyblade Graveyard. Then, on one fateful day, he was transformed into a sort of half human, given a heart, and placed unconscious in the Land of Departure. Eraqus and his disciples found and took him in, but he disappeared the week after. He had fled to the valleys of LoD and discovered a small village of people wielding primitive Keyblades made of wood and raw iron, apparently copying the real Keyblade wielders in the castle. A year later, Kexyl has sensed something wrong and feels that it is his duty as a Keyblade wielder and former Keyblade to investigate.
    Roleplay Sample: I'm just gonna introduce him into the story with this if that's okay.

    Kexyl was sitting on a log in the village, watching children play with their wooden "Keyblades." He was pondering whether, after a year of this, he should stay. He had a feeling that something was wrong with this world, but couldn't put his hand on it. Something was obviously wrong, but how could he find the problem and end it? He decided that it must have something to do with the castle. Remembering his time as a Keyblade, the Mark of Mastery Exams were going on at this time of year, but there was some other power at work too. Something sinister, evil. So he decided to begin his journey up the mountain. Luckily, his mastery of magic made it simple, allowing him to use Aeroga and Reflega spells to lift himself to the summit with ease. Once there, he walked down from the summit and spotted a young boy in a helmet who to be about the age of the blonde kid he had met a year ago. Vanitas was it? Something like that. They were calling, him Van, so it must be close. Either way, Kexyl strode out to meet the helmeted boy, readying his Keyblades in case the mysterious but otherwise friendly looking boy turned out to be hostile.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Mountain Path
    Interaction: Vanitas, no verbal contact.
  4. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Username: Vєn
    Name: Ven
    Roleplay Sample: A pair of blue eyes stared up at the ceiling above them; a young boy had his hands behind his head as he laid on his bed. He had nothing else to really do. He was pretty sure his two friends were out training, attempting to gain the strength they wanted to become keyblade masters. Even though they trained hard, he knew they were ready. He smiled, chuckling a little as he sat up. “I know they’re ready,” he muttered. “They’ll become masters.”

    Ven turned his head, looking at his window that was next to his bed. It was early and could feel the warmth of the sun hit his face. He sighed out softly, turning his attention away from the window as he moved to sit on the edge of his bed. “Might as well join Terra and Aqua if they’re training.” Ven rose to his feet, stretching for a moment before running out of his room. If he stayed in his room, he was sure Aqua and Terra would end up wondering where he was.

    Even though he was still quite young, Ven shared the same dream with Aqua and Terra. He trained as hard as he could to become stronger. Being able to train with his two friends did strengthened him after all. Maybe after they become masters, I’ll become one. He chuckled at the thought. He knew he was too young, but he still wanted to know things Terra and Aqua knew. “One day, I’ll become a Keyblade Master and fight along aside them. More than I already do.”

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Inside the castle
    Interaction: N/A

    Ven lightly swung his arm front and back as it held the keyblade Terra had given to him a while back. His previous fighting sword was getting old and beaten up. It had too many dents and it was getting difficult for him to use it. He treasured this wooden keyblade. It was given by someone he cared about deeply. Ven stopped moving his hand and sat up, putting the keyblade on his lap. "I should go see what Terra and Aqua are up to," he murmured, smiling slightly as he moved over to sit on the edge of his bed. He stared down at the wooden weapon momentarily before rising to his feet and placing the keyblade on his bed.

    Without doing anything else, Ven left his room and ran through the halls of the castle. He had a feeling Terra and Aqua were probably training. The Mark of Mastery exam was approaching so he knew Aqua and Terra were probably training harder than they usually do. He didn't mind watching them spar, but he also tried his best to train just as hard. All three of them shared the exact same dream. "I'll join in their training," he said to himself, turning a corner. As soon as he reached the Throne Room, Ven slowed down his pace, soon walking once he had reached the steps that led to the door. He calmly walked down the steps, only hoping he'd be able to join in his two friends' training.
  5. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.

    Young Mister Entropy made his way from the outer edges of the Land of Departure to the outer Castle area, his ivory hair shimmering in the lights of early morning. It wasn't often that he wandered about without the Master. Not because he needed protecting, but, it was almost like they were family. A brother, a father, a teacher, he was all of those things. The boy's silver eyes flickered to a passerby. A young brunette, clad in an armored glove and hakama-pants. Young Discord heard him muttering something to himself, cutting in just in time to hear Terra's resolution.

    "I will become a Keyblade Master"

    "I apologize for my intrusion, but, did you just say you were going to become a Keyblade Master?" Discord inquired, bringing his hand to his chin, his face void of any emotional features. Before the brunette could answer his question however, Discord continued, "You see," the snow-haired male paused and summoned his key, No Name, in an array of vibrant-blue light, "I have always wanted to meet another trainee like myself, and in all my travels I have yet to do so. May I see your keyblade, if that isn't too much to ask?"

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction:Terra ​
  6. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Username: Aqυα
    Name: Aqua
    Roleplay Sample:

    The young, blue haired woman looked down at her work. "They're perfect." She said aloud to no one in particular. She had just put the finishing touches on something very special. Good luck charms for herself and her two best friends. She found herself begin to smile. The two of them meant so much to her, and she would do anything for them. She hoped that the charms would mean as much to them as they did to her. As long as each of them had a charm, they would always be together. No matter how far away they were from each other.

    She stood up from the chair she was sitting in and stretched. She put the charms somewhere safe upon her and began to think. "Today's the day." She felt a few butterflies dance about in the pit of her stomach. She felt ready for the Exam, but at the same time, she felt like she could learn so much more. She sighed aloud. "I should probably get in a bit more training..."

    She walked outside of her room, anxiety beginning to overwhelm her now. This was it. She was beginning to think that she wouldn't be able to perform at her best. She put her hand down to her side, feeling the charms. She smiled, knowing that since she had the two of them, she would be fine. With her confidence found, she began walking with her head up towards the training ground. Knowing that was where she would find the two of them.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Just arrived outside of the castle.
    Interaction: None.
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Username: Tєrrα
    Name: Unknown
    Age: Unknown
    Faction: Darkness
    Weapon of Choice: Ethereal Blades [In the picture.]
    Fighting Style: Uses everything at his disposal, capable of fighting with magic and his swords simultaneously. This mysterious character strikes fast and hard, leaving his opponents no time to recover from any of his attacks. He is more than capable of taking on and possibly defeating several keyblade users at once. He is a master of a vast arsenal of spells, one of which involving a powerful variation of the Stop spell.
    Personality: This man is utterly silent in combat, being completely focused on crushing his opponent with extreme prejudice unless he sees fit in letting his opponent survive an encounter with him. He seems to have some sort of personal vendetta but refrains from disclosing any information, often acting out in unpredictable ways. The only person he even partially opens up to is Discord, although he has never revealed his identity to the boy.
    Biography: Not much can be said about this mysterious figure, he seems to be very interested with the ongoings of the Land of Departure and keeps a particular eye on two characters. Xehanort and Terra. After having given his apprentice a fair amount of training, he mostly leaves the boy up to his own actions giving him a good deal of freedom while at the same time making sure he doesn't cause more trouble than he can handle.

    Terra stopped in his tracks upon hearing another's voice. He turned slightly to completely face the boy who had spoken to him, opening his mouth to answer his question. Before he had the chance the newcomer summoned his keyblade and asked to see his own. Terra raised an eyebrow, unsure of what this was about but had no reason to decline the male's request. "Alright. I'll show it to you." He answered, holding his right arm out in front of him as several cube-shaped objects of light swirled about his hand before his keyblade, Earthshaker, materialized in his hand. The long blade was rather modest compared to the boy's own extravagent keyblade, Terra's own looking to be much heavier and possibly even cumbersome.

    "You aren't from around here...So where are you from?" Terra curiously asked, lowering his own keyblade slightly as he spoke. "Maybe you could stay here a little longer if you're such a traveler, we've got a great master." His eyes gazed down at the ground when he continued, thinking back to the Master's Exam of tomorrow. He breathed out, figuring he was the only one who fretted so much about this while he guessed Aqua was fairing with the whole task far better than he was. At this rate, I'll never be a Master... Terra thought to himself. He returned his attention back towards the one in front of him, trying to show no signs of his own troubles.
  8. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy

    "I... I.." the white-haired youth stuttered, mental hands digging through a massive pile of memories in search of the ones on the bottom. Did... Did he really forget the name of his home world? His family? The teen shook his head, bringing his empty right hand to his forehead whilst a disgruntled, if not pained, expression covered his features. "I don't remember where I came from..." he answered, his tone holding only the slightest hints of shame.
    "But, I stay with my Master, we move around a lot, but we've been in this world for a while. I think he likes it here. It's not all that bad." Discord shrugged off the shame of the last moment with a false, friendly smile at his last comment. "You can call me Discord." the boy gave a well-mannered bow, then assumed a sturdy stance, poising the blade in his left hand to point at his new acquaintance.
    "As heavy as your keyblade looks, it looks like it'd do some serious damage. Would you like to help me in my training?" Discord smirked. The ivory-haired keyblade-wielder was curious of what this key could do, and what the burly-looking brunette was capable of. He hadn't fought any keyblade wielders, just sparring with his master's clones and fighting the creatures that lurked in the dark. Discord himself was surprised he hadn't turned into one yet, as much as they trained in the Darkness. His teacher said it was something to do with the coats they wore, the shielded them from the dark, or something like that. The boy stopped his mind from wandering, focusing his platinum eyes on Terra

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction:Terra ​
  9. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006

    As Aqua arrived at the entrance to the castle she heard voices. The curiosity in her took over and she made her way towards the noise. As she approached she saw that it was two people. One whom she had never seen before. She saw him draw a keyblade. She moved a bit closer, ready to step in if she was needed. Then, she saw that the person the boy was talking to was Terra. She decided to stay back and wait and watch to see what would happen between the two of them. She didn't want to interfere, she knew Terra could handle what was going on. But she wanted to be careful. She drew her keyblade and waited quietly to see what was going to happen between the two of them.

    She heard the boy introduce himself as Discord, he was a trainee, like herself, but under who she knew not. She continued to listen as Discord offered to train with Terra. This could be interesting. She thought to herself. She decided to stay back, and see what the outcome of this would be. But she was ready to step in if needed.


    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle // In hiding
    Interaction:Overhearing Terra and Discord
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: {Xara}
    Age: 20
    Faction: Darkness
    Weapon of Choice: {Superstition}
    Fighting Style: She prefers speed to brute strength, though her delicate form betrays her true potential she packs quite a punch when motivated. Due to intensive training she can use some magic, specifically Graviga. Combined with her agility she moves almost undecectably.
    Personality: Xara has been rather cold with people and usually rewards stares with an icy glare from her black eyes. She's often accused of being short with people and single-minded. Her attention span doesn't last long unless it has to do with the Keyblade. Her curious dislike of Discord isn't due to a feeling, for she lost her heart long ago. Before becoming a Nobody she became a Keyblade Master which boosts her lack of concern for herself or others.
    Biography: Xara's past and location of her homeworld are lost in her missing memories. Upon becoming a Nobody, her memories became a black void unpenetrated even by herself. Choosing to keep her memories locked up, she met Discord and his Unknown master when Discord began his training. Her relationship with the boy and his master is strained due to her lack of a heart but mostly because she's too much like them to actually get along with them. Xara sat with the Masters Eraquas and Xehanort since she arrived, being a third Keyblade Master.
    Roleplay Sample: I'll just introduce her.

    Xara stretched and stood from her chair as Masters Eraquas and Xehanort conversed over the tests to come. She paced eagerly awaiting to meet the new Keyblade wielders. Shoving a strand of her silver hair back from her face behind her ear, she turned her dull, emotionless gray eyes to the masters. "Is it time yet?" No matter how often she tried, her voice still sounded emotionless. When they gave her blank stares she sighed and sat down again. Her fake emotions didn't fool much of anyone here since they'd all seen her before she'd perfected her practiced emotions. The only one it seemed to fool was that young boy, Discord. She picked at the coat his Unknown master gave her when they'd met. He told her the same, it would shield her from darkness. Xara impatiently stood again and walked out of the room, heading for outside. She slowed her fast pace when she noticed Discord and who she guessed to be one of the apprentices testing to be a Keyblade Master comparing Keyblades.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of Castle//a bit back from Terra and Discord
    Interaction: Watching Terra and Discord
  11. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Ferocious yellow irises narrowed behind the boy's dark helmet. The man's unique weapon had said it all; Xehanort had told Vanitas about this guy. He didn't know much, but it was just a little information. Something about the man's strength. Tch. Vanitas felt as though this old man would be an easy kill. Darkness plumed around the youth's right hand as he raised it next to his head in his tell-tale battle stance.
    "What are you doing here?" the dark-hearted boy questioned, his voice conveying an annoyed tone. Whatever sort of mystery this guy was, Vanitas didn't like it.

    The boy stood ready to strike, though, had no intentions of starting the fight. If this guy was as strong as the Master said, then it would be a bit time consuming to defeat him, something Vanitas wasn't really in the mood for.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Mountain Path
    Interaction: Kexyl

  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Terra thought over the Discord's proposition for several moments, he was used to training with Aqua and Ven for so long that he had become accustomed to their fighting styles, he hadn't seen anything new in what felt like years. A challenge from a new face would provide him with a possible new outlook--it could help him become stronger. Terra nodded, smiling somewhat as he took a step back and lowered his keyblade near his side. "Alright. I'll spar with you. Just to warn you..." He paused as he jumped back to get some breathing room from the fellow keyblader. "I won't go easy on you." He said, pulling his keyblade just a few inches behind him as he entered his own stance. It wasn't much of defensive position as Terra believed that the best defense was a good offense and that what his fighting style was about, using his full strength to overpower an opponent. His eyes narrowed at Discord, ready for whatever came his way.

    "I'm ready whenever you are." Terra spoke aloud, clenching his left hand into a fist as he slowed his breathing. He did his best to push away the anxiety out of the back of his mind as now was not the time for that since he had nothing to worry about for this particular fight.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle.
    Interaction: Discord
  13. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy

    "Then I think you should know..." Discord smirked, waiting for a moment. Analyzing the brunette's stance. His exposed muscles rippling with strength. A strength that Discord didn't have or know, but then again, brute strength was something he had loathed. The white-haired boy brought his blade in front of him, and began to spin it counter-clockwise.
    Discord commanded, and Time had obeyed. The world around him froze for but an instant, just long enough for him to walk behind his new sparring partner. The world started turning again as Discord re-assumed his stance behind the heavy-key weilder.
    "...I won't be holding back either." he finished his warning and made a large swipe with his blade, attempting to slice at Terra's left shoulder, knowing that he possibly had enough time to turn around and block, or counter, Discord would follow his swipe with a forward thrust to his opponent's center.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Sparring with Terra ​
  14. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Watching Terra and Discord


    As Ven descended the staircase, his mind wandered as so did his eyes. They stared from one wall to another and even at times would look down at the ground and up at the ceiling, but always looked back ahead of him once more. The young boy sighed out as he stretched his arms above his head, reaching the door. Without waiting, he opened it and stepped outside. He was ready to take off running in search of his friends, but immediately heard two voices. One was familiar while the other was unknown.

    Quickly, Ven stepped to the side and hid so he wouldn't be seen. He looked down the stairs and noticed Terra was fighting with a white-haired boy. His eyes grew wide, confused as to who he was. Why is he fighting with Terra? He perked an eyebrow, slightly tempted to step into the fight, but he had a feeling Terra would only get angry with him.

    Ven huffed out quietly, only wondering who the boy was. Is he under the Master's guidance? He leaned back slightly, scratching his head as he continued to ponder. Figuring just wondering wouldn't do any good, Ven pushed all of his questions aside and simply continued to watch Terra and that boy fight. If things got out of hand, he'd be ready to step in and aid his friend.
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Terra's eyes widened when Discord had vanished from sight. He saw him prepare the spell so he already had a guess where his opponent would appear. The sound of metal clashing against metal resounded when Terra spun around and instinctively blocked Discord's first attack with an upward swing in the opposite direction. The second attack drew even closer to making contact but Terra managed to bring his keyblade down on No Name just in time, locking their weapons in place. He knew he would have to be careful, the boy seemed to be skilled in an area of magic in which he was not. In fact, Terra's magic only extended to the offensive field of the Earth element and just some basic fire spells at most. "It was only obvious that you'd go for my back when I saw you use that spell." Terra plainly commented, using both the weight of his keyblade and his own strength to keep Discord's weapon locked down.

    My turn. Terra stepped on Discord's own keyblade and vaulted over him, spinning in midair to face the opposite direction as he aimed a downward vertical strike towards his back the moment their keyblades broke away from each other.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Sparring with Discord
  16. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    "I came from the village down in the valley. To be honest, I came back because I felt something was wrong." Hesitating for a moment, Kexyl continued, "I remember when I first came here I was met by Master Eraqus and his three pupils. In one of them I sensed a Heart of pure Light. It's been a year, but I believe his name was Vanitas? In you I sense pure darkness. Are you the source of the disturbance that I felt? Come to think of it, I believe your question would be more applicable to you. So I ask: What are you doing here? Are you here to hurt Van? "

    At this point, Kexyl was in his full battle stance. Palms glowing with power, Kexyl walked forward. "I suggest you answer quickly. If you don't, my only choice is to assume that you have malicious intent, at which point the only logical decision would be to terminate you."

    The surroundings changed. In place of the training equipment was empty space, The ground became a stained glass floor depicting the masked boy and his Keyblade. Anticipating surprise, Kexyl said, "Don't worry. This is only your heart. I've brought us here so that if I must terminate you and you put up a fight as I know you will, no damages will occur to the surrounding area."

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Mountain Path
  17. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy

    Discord's face bore the slight hints of a smirk as Terra matched him blow-for-blow. The boy, very lacking in the field of muscle, struggled to pull his key free as his sparring partner stepped on it. At the moment that Terra had jumped, platinum eyes traced him vigilantly as the boy's clockwork brain began plotting out the brute's short flight pattern, and then assessed the possible angles of attack from said pattern. Discord quickly gripped his blade, though had no clue where to block. Grudgingly, the boy still defended himself, exhausting more of his Magic reserves and making a half-barrier above himself. the hexagons of solid magic would be able to fend off Terra's blade for at least one strike. Although, the momentum of his heavy blade could possibly nullify all of that. The barrier gave Discord the split-second he needed to move out of the way before Earthshaker came crashing down.

    "I'm glad that you have a decent brain behind all your brute muscle," Discord responded with a friendly smirk. "Now, allow me to retort,"
    Mr. Entropy raised his empty right hand as yellow sparks danced around it. The boy thrust his arm forward, forcing the contained static outward in a powerful bolt. This Thundaga traveled horizantally to Terra from Discord, rather than falling on him from the sky as they normally did. It was a simple variation in the focus of magic. Not the most complex magical variation that Discord has made, but still rather powerful.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Sparring with Terra ​
  18. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla


    Xara watched silently as the brunnet boy and Discord clashed. She didn't know exactly what to feel at this moment. She forced a smile as the brunnet blocked Discord's attacks. Silently wishing he'd land at least one on Discord just to knock him down a few pegs. When the brunnet boy flipped over Discord, she felt a tingle of excitement. She wished vainly that she could be apart of a normal sparring match again. Discord and the brunnet boy made it seem funner than she could remember when she'd gotten Superstition. Her gray black eyes followed their movements as if they moved slower than normal.

    That tingle had been the most feeling she'd ever felt in a while that was real. She thought about going back to the other Masters but if Eraqus found out she'd allowed his student and Discord fight too seriously, she'd be the one in trouble.

    Xara decided to wait and watch until it either got out of hand or one of them walked away victorious. She sighed and leaned against the wall.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: in front of Castle
    Interaction: watching Terra and Discord spar
  19. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Vanitas listened patiently, something new for him, through the man's ongoing speech. He knew the truth about him and that weakling, Ventus. It seemed like he could be a threat to the plan. If Eraqus new what was to become of Ventus, he would destroy the boy before letting that happen. This man was now a threat to Xehanort, and had to be eliminated. Vanitas smirked behind his helmet.
    "Tch. If you must know, I had no plans in killing Ventus. But, that's private information." Vanitas glowed with an aura of pure darkness, the tendrils reaching upward and condensing into the form of three crystals, shaping a triangle infront of the Unversed. "I'm tired of your rambling!" he shouted, thrusting the Void Gear into the center of the triangle. The crystals focused their energy into his key, as he focused his energy into activating the Magic Shotlock. Darkness surged toward the strange man in the form of a mighty beam. The Dark Cannon shot forward in an instant, leaving very little, if any, time to be dodged. If the guy could withstand this, discord would have to wait a good while before firing the Shotlock again. The Unversed knew there was little chance that anyone could survive such an attack, but he would still be surprised if the man was so easily defeated. It seemed like he was rather powerful.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Station of Awakening.
    Interaction: Kexyl

  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Terra felt his blade make contact with the barrier, causing his descent to slow down for a split second before the barrier broke down from the force of his blow. By this time Discord had already put distance between the two, something Terra didn't want happening. The last thing he needed was another barrage of spells heading his way. I have to stay close to him. He thought, knowing full well that he was outmatched in terms of magical ability.

    Terra barely had a chance to react when he saw the pale haired keyblader charge up a spell in his hand. Having no other idea in mind, Terra stabbed Earthshaker into the ground causing rock the size of his own body to errupt from the ground in between the two. When the bolt made contact it shattered the small structure and sent small chunks of debris Terra's way. He crouched, letting his keyblade take the force of the explosion. "You're strong." Terra commented, pulling his keyblade from the ground before he began charging at Discord, wanting to cross blades once more.

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Sparring with Discord
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