Kingdom Hearts | Crushed Butterflies.{OoC Thread.}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 10, 2010.

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  1. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Here is a place for out of character discussions, as well as questions about my rules, making collective plans for the plot, and anything related to the roleplay, or Kingdom Hearts. Or, well, anything in general.

    Main Page
  2. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Say, here's an idea. Once the Mark of Mastery event is over, might it be a good idea to start a D-Link system? My idea is that D-Links in this RP can work to change the character's fighting style rather than abilities. For example, if Kexyl forges a D-Link with Aqua, his fighting style changes to that of a magic user for a period of let's say...3 posts. Rather than using his swords, he flings spells that he otherwise wouldn't use. And because of the nature of the RP, we could even have D-Linking between characters like Xehanort and Eraqus, as well as various others.
  3. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Sounds like a good idea. Since I was already using Shotlocks, I was looking for a way to incorporate D-Links. That might just work.
    But, I think commands is a good thing.
    Like, say, a D-Link with Discord;

    -Time Slicer
    -Magic Hour
    -Magnet(ra/ga) β
    -Thunder(ra/ga) Δ
    -Reflect(ra/ga) Ω
    -Full body Clone.
    -Passive: Magic Hastega+
    -Finisher; Twisted Hours

    β - Beta; A seperate Magnet spell, cast as a bubble around the user, and reversing the polarity of the magnetism, pushing everything away rather than drawing it in.
    Δ - Delta; The variations of Thunder I had Discord use already, sending a bolt horizontally instead of vertically, a more focused bolt.
    Ω - Omega; An advanced variant of Reflect. Condensing the entire defensive bubble into a single tile, multiplying the damage reflected tenfold.
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    That's actually not a bad from both of you, plus in the rp, it is themed to expect the unexpected.
  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Would we need to use abilities from the game itself for the D-Links? I just want to know so I can arrange abilities for my character to use so it's not just a random fire spell, then I can arrange stuff for a D-Link if anyone D-Links with Feign in the long run.
    But a question about it is, what events would trigger D-Linking between characters?
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Shouldn't we have an eight-command limit? I see nine for Discord so maybe it should be nine? 8D8 Unless that nineth one is a passive ability.

    I'm going to add descriptions for a lot of the abilities since people might not know which each does. Also, the "/" in between abilities means that at some point later in the story the abilities will become powered up. Ex: Firaga turns to Dark Firaga.

    Either way, the game has rather weak D-Links so I'll just upgrade Terra's a bit...


    Firaga/Dark Firaga
    Sonic Blade/Chaos Blade *
    Geo Impact/Quake **
    Aerial Slam
    Limit Storm ***
    Brutal Blast +
    Blitz/Meteor Crash ++
    Overdrive +++
    Finisher ~ Landbreaker #

    * - [Chaos Rave adds four more hits, adds a chance of blinding someone, and is faster.]
    ** - [Geo Impact is a move where you strike the ground and rock crystals come up. Quake has a faster casting time and has a bigger area of effect.]
    *** - [Limit Storm is a spinning attack that does more damage and hits a bigger area the weaker you are.]
    + - [Brutal Blast is something like Limit Storm except somewhat weaker and doesn't get stronger.]
    ++ - [Meteor Crash is a jumping strike in which four small "meteors" come crashing down afterwards.]
    +++ - [Overdrive is a passive ability that makes one's physical attacks stronger than normal.]
    # - [Landbreaker causes rock shards to sprout from the ground, homing in on the opponent.]
  7. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Might as well post what I have. Do you think this is too weak for a D-Link, or even just a deck for the RP?


    1. Dark Fire Dash
    2. Dark Fire Surge
    3. Dark Fire Strike
    4. Dark Haze
    5. Dark Firaga
    6. Zentetsuken
    7. Warp
    8. Ignite
    Passive: Hellburner [Adds dark fire element to physical attacks]
    Finisher: Heat Slash 2

    Just a note. Dark Fire in Feign's case is the same colour as Maleficent's green fire.
  8. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Editted Discord's,
    It is an eight command limit, excluding the Finisher and the Passive.
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Just throwing it out there for anyone who could make a D-link with Xara.

    1) Dark Firaga
    2) Dark Break
    3) Dark Aura
    5) Judgment: hurls keyblade at target and follows with a spinning attack
    6) Dark Impulse: like dark firaga but a concentrated ball of pure darkness instead of dark fire
    7) Bind: stops movement of target (target can still attack)
    8) Dark Wave: creates waves of darkness
    Passive: Darkness: powers up dark moves
    Finisher: Ragnarok
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Top-Tier Roxas reminded me that I didn't make any D-Link for the Mysterious Figure. Very few people, if any(besides Discord), will be allowed to forge a D-Link. The Mysterious Figure is practically the end-all to any situation so I'll be picky about who may D-Link with him. B| I'm not too sure about what moves he uses since some techniques are only variants of other moves from what I've seen.

    Mysterious Figure

    Vanish *
    Whirlwind **
    Raging Storm ***
    Reel +
    Mega Flare
    Light Barrage ++
    Passive: Multi-Cast +++
    Finisher: Ethereal Blade #

    * - Vanish simply makes someone invisible.
    ** - Whirlwind basically shoots out a powerful mini-tornado that moves quite quickly.
    *** - Surrounds the user in pillars of fire and allows them to charge at their enemies.
    + - Reel turns one's weapon into a beam of light that forcefully draws an opponent in and stuns them for a close range attack.
    ++ - Light Barrage summons several dozen small crystals that will shoot blasts of light at an enemy.
    +++ - Multi-Cast allows one to use two of spells at once for maximum damage.
    # - The user temporarily loses his/her weapon in place for two Ethereal Blades. They will strike their opponent from all directions with a blindingly fast and powerful string of attacks followed by an X-shaped blast that can track down enemies.

    I have something to say about D-Links. I don't think it would be right if someone were to use a D-Link if the corresponding character was nearby. Ex: Using Aqua's D-Link to fight against Aqua or using Ven's D-Link when Ven is "in your party".
  11. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    I was going to mention this next.
    Head. B/

    Also, for Ethereal blades, I was thinking that they keep their weapon,but make use of two floating ethereal blades (for example, how Sora 'steals' Roxas's keyblades in the boss fight in KHII Final Mix.)
    But, it's your character, so it's your D-Link to make, just making suggestions.
  12. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I agree with Terrarch. But how do we come to agree on D-Links? Cause not everyone will be on the same side and it usually requires a personal connection for a D-Link to happen (it seems that way in the game at least), so like if someone became friends with someone else they'd form a D-Link but how about when someone D-Links with an enemy, like how Terra does with Maleficent in the game? Beat them in a fight or go through a important "scene" with them? I'm just a little confused myself about when forging a D-Link is okay.
  13. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    For forging one with enemies, if I'll even allow it, then that would be the criteria. I think people should have to Okey that another RP'er can use their character's D-Link.

    And of course, the easy way is making friends.
  14. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    I get the feeling there will be absolutely no call for this, but... eh. Worth a shot. Given the power level of it, I won't just be handing this out for free. Xehanort wouldn't have D-linked with any of the main characters, and he's most interested in them; not to mention he's very powerful, so his D-link could grant an unfair advantage early on in the story. So you'll have to work for this.

    1. Dark Haze
    2. Dark Firaga
    3. Dark Blizzaja* (Several icicles imbued with darkness radiate outwards and surround the target. Slight homing, 180° attack radius. No Freeze status on hit.)
    4. Grand Cross* (Particles of pure darkness congeal in a cross shape and cause a bolt of dark lightning to materialize. Cross is 5' vertically and horizontally. Slow start-up, but very powerful. Most powerful at the center. No Stun status on hit.)
    5. Chaos Blade*
    Passive: Auto-Dodge (In the context of the RP, heightens reflexes when critically wounded)
    Finisher: Black Rave (Warps quickly around the target, hitting them with a flurry of dark-attribute attacks and finishing with a shockwave of dark fire. Flurry is single-target, shockwave is area-of-effect.)

    *Takes up two slots.

    It depends on how one views D-links; are they merely strong connections to the character's heart, or are they akin to summoning the character in question? In the context of the latter, I would agree that the above is reasonable.
  15. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    I'm going to be a tad busy and/or playing GGXX,
    if there's something urgent you need to say about the RP, or just want to chat in general,
    add my MSN.

    I think, chronologically accurate, Terra should get that D-Link with Xehanort after his fight with Braig, which is a good while from now.
    Makes sense.

    I think that the D-Links will be more of a Link to the Heart, as opposed to summoning.
    Still, I'd rather not have you use that person's D-Link when you're fighting them, or teaming up with them.
    Some cases, however, like the final battle of Terra and Xehanort, will be void of this limitation.
    I'll add a section about D-Links to the first page of the RP thread in a bit.
  16. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Okay, here's Kexyl's D-Link. Since it mostly uses commands that aren't in the game, I'll be explaining them as I go. If there are any that seem overpowered, please let me know so I can fix them properly. Most of them are likely to be game breakers though, so I'll be pretty exclusive for who I let use it.

    Sync Break: Shoots a ball of light that sets the opponent out of sync with time. This causes Confu and Slow status effects and lasts for two posts.
    Random Link: Causes a random D-Link to activate for the target. If no D-Links are available it forces a temporary D-Link with someone Kexyl has forged one. Works like a status effect such as Confu or Poison and lasts for three posts.
    Blade Warp: Hurls the Keyblade at the target like a strike raid but is followed up by a teleport move and vertical slash.
    Partner Slash: Keyblade turns into its human form and rushes the target for a three hit combo before changing back into its true form.
    Aerial Slam: Same as the in-game one.
    Illuminated Firaga: Shoots a ball of fire charged with the power of Light. Slight homing. Gains a Poison effect when used by Darkness aligned characters.
    Dark Firaga: Same as the in-game one.
    Thunder Blizzaga: Shoots three shards of ice charged with Lightning. Slight homing effect.

    Passive Ability:
    Yin-Yang Bomb
    For Light Aligned Characters:
    Gives a higher evasion rate.

    For Dark Aligned Characters:
    Allows for a higher number of hits per Shot-Lock

    Keyblade's Revenge
    Hits the target three times with a Keyblade and then shoots a beam of light at the target's Heart, causing Bio.
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    In a way, I'd say that would be more than a D-Link. XD Xehanort would get a lot of Terra's moves and the Lingering Sentiment would(for the RP) change his moveset to something else entirely. Personally, I want the armor to be all badass like in Final Mix +. 8D

    Also...I think I might be the one creating Aqua and Ven's D-Links since Aqua and Ven(the RPers) haven't actually played the game but instead have watched a great deal of cutscenes. <<
  18. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    I haven't played either, I just looked up the list of commands on Kingdom Hearts Wiki. Although, I'm unsure how balanced my D-Link is with the custom spells.

    Also, I think that there should be a special D-Link, just for Ven, maybe only for use in the final battle with Vanitas, cuz, after making it I decided it was a little overpowered;

    Sonic Blade - Quickly dash up to seven times with the Keyblade.
    Spark Raid - Throw the Keyblade at the enemy. If it connects, the Keyblade will split into beams of light that fly in all directions
    Ars Arcanum - Perform a massive Keyblade Combo upon the enemy.
    Hurricane Period - Aerial finishing move, Ventus spins with the Keyblade 1080 degrees vertically.
    Zantetsu~Counter - After successfully blocking an attack, counter with Zantetsuken.
    Explosion - Generates a two-stage explosion of light that Stuns foes.
    Salvation - Perform a powerful spinning attack and hit enemies with lots of columns of light at once.
    Magic Hour - dive repeatedly towards enemies and create columns of light that send enemies flying.

    Passive; "My friends are my power!" Increase total damage multiplied by the total amount of D-Links obtained.
    Finisher; Ragnarok.
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    I'll have to get Aoika's D-Link down as well

    Aoika D-Link

    Wind Raid
    Tornado Strike
    Quick Blitz
    Aero Blade*
    Aero Shield*

    Passive Ability: Aero Boost

    Finisher: Accel Strike

    * is a new command not from the game.

    Aero Blade - Focuses aero magic surrounding Keyblade and brought down or arcoss to shoot out a wide radius of enemies, can be used in smaller bursts as well.

    Aero Shield - Summon forth a shield of wind to deflect attacks for 2 posts.

    Aero Boost - Boosts all Aero-related attacks

    Accel Strike - Use the keyblade coated in Aero magic and deliver quick strikes upon your opponent, when finished, the aero magic kicks in, delivering that tiny bit more damage to the body.
  20. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Except Terra never actually gets a D-link from Xehanort. If it's a link to the heart, it would tip him off to Xehanort's true nature. He obscures himself deliberately to make himself and his teachings a forbidden fruit for Terra. He has to maintain an air of mystique to give Terra a strong inclination that there's something invaluable to be learned from him. Part of that means stringing him along like a cat with a toy; let him catch it now and then to keep him interested, but don't let him near it too much or he'll get used to it.

    D-links are more for people who stand as equals and can be trusted as allies. And that's not what I'm seeing in Terra's relationship with Xehanort. Not trying to be difficult, just sayin'.

    Oh yeah, of course. If it comes to the point that you're fighting somebody, only in very rare and interesting cases are you still connected to their heart. And linking with them while they're around to fight for you is kind of redundant, because it won't be as good as the real thing.
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