Kingdom Hearts: Council of Souls

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Redeyesblackdragon, Nov 16, 2008.

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  1. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    The Defeat of the Organization, left many hearts lost after the collapse of Kingdom Hearts. Many of them were filled with darkness and a new generation was born. No they weren't nobodys, no they weren't heartless; something entirely new. They felt, they thought, but they were always residents of darkness. They often killed and slaughted both nobodys and Heartless. Now Sora tries to find out whats going on, because the heartless have dissapeared completely only strains of nobodies remain.
    You can use any character for Kingdom Hearts or create your own chrachter.
    1. No God moding as defined by Redeyesblackdragon
    2. No power play as defined by Redeyesblackdragon
    3. Keep Cursing to a minumim this is rated PG-13
    4. No talk of sex
    5. No actions regaurding sex
    6. If your charachters are in love the best you can do is hug and kiss.
    7. If these rules are violated you will get one warning, the next you will be banned from this thread, and your character will be removed unless taken over by another individual.
    These rules are strictly enforced an will be followed. Now some times things may get out of hand so your one time warning expires once a month. So mess up, you dont mess up till next month or you will be removed.

    To register your charachter you must agree with the terms above. By registering your charachter you are agreeing to the terms above.
    Note: Chrachters From Kingdom hearts do not require the templete below.

    Special Ability: Define:
    Custom Weapon:


    Name: Xarred


    Special Ability: Drain Energy Definition: Take the wellness of another to heal yourself.

    Custom Weapon: Flaming Shard [​IMG]
  2. Ice_Keyblade Kingdom Keeper

    Oct 1, 2008
    You stalker!
    I guess i'll join. this is my first time entering the Rping zone. i wanted a thread without to many people crowding. yes, i agree to the terms above, yada yada. i don't really get how you do this, but i think i can try

    Name: Hox
    Apearance: Blond hair, small, skinny with green eyes
    Special Ability: Gravity/ animal caller/Define: I control gravity and summons animals
    Custom Weapon: A ball of gravity i can summon at force and adjust it's size. i use a sword whose power has been locked away by king mickey from it's awesomness(no really!) until he gave it to me as a gift.

    Tell me if i'm doing ok.

    As i'm walking down Castle oblivion, i see a... not a heartless, or a nobody... they are there, but not there at the same time. i summoned a lion for help... he slashed at it, but it only destroyed 2 of them.I summoned my sword of awesomness, and launched a few gravity balls. BOOM!, boom!, boom! They all hit! They were like rest noticed me suddently, and started running towards me, or they seemed like the were running, but they were floating too... it all seemed unreal. They i noticed a kid with something like a key, and 5 other people with him. Two people and the kid had what seemed like the legendary keyblade. I couldn't belive it. Was that Sora? They company must've been riku, mickey, donald, and goofy. but, what was the girl? i don't remember her from the stories my mother told before bed.
    She told of many great hearts defeating the feared Xemnas, and the XIII. I ran towards them, i could see, they were truly sora, and mickey, riku, donald and goofy. They were cornered with the enemies. I summoned a gravity ball, the size of a small castle, and asked it to not harm the people, and shot! BOOM! all the enemies wee destroyed.
  3. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    Xarred moved down the streets of Twilight town to see an explostion in the distance. but it seemed far, far from where i stood.
  4. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    I agree to the terms.
    Name: Xarkness
    Apearance: A man wearing a black cloack like Organization XIII's and one black wing on his right shoulder. Has 2 smaller wings on each of his hands. Has black hair.
    Special Ability: Sin Harvest Define: If he uses Sin Harvest he can absorb the sins that others have done, that are in the area, or that are in hearts. The more sins the stronger he gets and the more he can do with the special ability.
    Custom Weapon: A Masamune that can create and control flames.
  5. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    OOC: Accepted

    BIC: Xarred noticed the blast and walk toward it hoping to see what was going, but surpired to see he noticed that it was beyond the town.
  6. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Name of Character: Xegram Zin - "The Skyward Pirate" or known as his alter ego name, Avian Skie - "The Midnight Wolf"

    Played By: XarenTheTwilitAngel

    Appearance: 5'8", has long jet-black hair that follows down towards the back of his neck. He carries a masamune, or his blade known as "Phear", on his back in a sheath. He wears a black eyepatch with silver small bullet-like circles over it that form a triangle on the right side. He wears a long black overcoat that has light silver metal over the sholders with no shirt underneath, black pants/jeans that holds many belts and chains around it. He wears a long necklace around his neck, with a cross and a skull across it. He wars fingerless black gloves with rings and metal bars on them.

    Special Ability: Midnight Dream. Define: The ability to reenact the foes dreams and nightmares to create them real in their mind for only a short amount of time.
  7. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    OOC: Accepted

    BIC: Xarred hopped over the wall and into the valley below. The valley was coverd in hundreds of flowers, but up ahead all he seen was grass, tall grass. "perhaps theres a path up ahead" he said.
  8. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    IC: "I wouldn't follow it if I were you." I heeded him in my dry and scratchy voice, I walked ahead of him, not looking, never keeping my head down or my eyes away from the road. I looked at the sky, keeping my mind shut, I turned towards him "Your name?" I asked, keeping my face stern.
  9. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    Xarred moved on and found a path, but has he aproached he heard a voice. He turned around to see a man with jet black hair standing in front of him. "Xarred and you?" I asked.
  10. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I turned away from him "Xegram Zin, call me Avian Skie if you want...I'll go ahead, don't follow." I said as I ran ahead of him, leaving leaves fluttering and crackling in the wind of my footsteps.
  11. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    Xarred thought a minute. "Don't follow. Whats he hiding. Maybe I'll follow him anyway." Xarred started walking down the path only to find a large castle, but funny thing was it seem to be abandonded.
  12. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I came to a stop, only to find the sound of winds blowing through that of a mansion. I looked behind me to hear his footsteps following "Let him play his little game...he won't be seeing the day any sooner..." I whispered to myself, walking into the mansion, leaving the sound of my footsteps to follow with.
  13. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    "Where on earth is he going?" I asked myself. "Is he looking for something? Maybe I should continue on the path, but what would be the fun of that?" I thought. I paced toward the mansion, to see stairways in ruins and, what looked to be an old keyhole used by the key bearer.
  14. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I jumped over the gate and ran to the door, but as I did I stopped and looked solemnly at the door, watching it with ease as I busted it down with one of my hands "Easy..." I walked inside as I stopped and saw these creatures lurking inside "What the-" I was attacked before I could finish my sentence by the creatures. "Damn." was the only thing I could say, pulling out Phear and slashing at the beings "Not Heartless *gasps with anxiety*, Not Nobodies *takes a slash at one of them but misses*...what---who are they?" I questioned as I stared getting pushed up against a wall.
  15. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    I suddenly felt a presence an dark presence. I pulled out my sword, the Flaming Shard, and was ready for attack.
    I called, "Who's there?" I heard no answer, and before I could ask again I was struck. I pulled away pulled up my sword and maneuvered left and swung, but missed. "Damn!" I yelled. I swung again, and missed. "What the hell are you?" I yelled. Then I saw it ; it was the icon from my past the one I hated, the one that I wanted to forget.
  16. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I looked and watched Xarred fight, he was good, but not good enough against these things. Next thing I knew, I'm starting to see the creatures stop in their tracks, so did I. "What the?" I walked up towards one of them, and tapped them with my blade, just as I did, they jumped up and hit me towards the floor "...Ngh, lousy good-for-nothing-"

    "Silence!" One of them spoke, I fell silent. "You puppets, your toying with our breatheren, our dreams, our nightmares, you destroyed a false Xehanort, Destroyed the heartless of darkness, and you want our own pity, pity is not in our dictionary...boy." the creature to my right spoke, I could sense what he was saying.

    I finally spoke "You will not tell me what I never did!" I roared with anger as I swung Phear and destroyed them in that instant. "No one messes with "The Midnight Wolf"!" I called out to the roof/ceiling.
  17. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    "What the hell!" I screamed. I slashed at him. He just faded and reapeared somewhere else. "What are you things talking about!" I shouted.
  18. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Xarkness appears infront of them both. "So the endless harvest has begun..."
  19. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    "What in the world?" I asked, sword drawn.
  20. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I looked at where Xarred was, seeing that the creature reappeared a few feet ahead of him, my heart stopped as they were right behind me "Crap..." I mouthed and slashed behind me, they appeared with more friends this time "Crap, crap, crap!" I slashed at them and just as I was about to run, I heard a voice in the room other than Xarred's.
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