Kingdom Hearts: Chain of memories 2

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Dredica, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    I found this on my old computer, I must have written it along time ago, cause it's not that great, it takes place when Sora is dreaming (Sleeping) after chain of memories. I might write more... I hope you enjoy:

    Kingdom Hearts: Chain of memories 2

    As Sora was sleeping he was regaining his memories…

    It all started from when he was chasing after Pluto…then it hit him he was still dreaming but he rembered what else he could have done. He said “Guys! Come with me!” They didn’t pay any attention to Pluto. “Gwarsh Sora, umm where are we goin’?” Sora started to open his mouth like he knew the awnsers. Then he put his finger on his lips. “Well Goofy I really don’t know”, then it hit Sora. “ I know let’s go back to the door, to make sure that Riku and Mickey ‘didn’t’ make it out.”They walked until they found the place they left behind, the door to all the hearts, “Kingdom Hearts!” Donald said. “Hey, look the door is opened!” Then they saw footsteps. “Riku!” Sora said then Donald and Goofy interrupted, “Or king Mickey!”
    They followed the foot steps for hours until the saw a place where Riku went, and that Mickey followed. They got until they saw a white abyss, there was a card lying on the ground. Sora picked it up. “Hey? Isn’t this king Mickey?” Sora looked at Donald and Goofy for advice. They looked at the card and found that it was the king. Then they walked down a hall-way until they saw a man in a black robe. “Well if it isn’t…. Oh wait your not Ri-.” The man looked at a sheet of paper. “ Who are you? Well your not that strong looking, you aren’t in any way cool looking like Riku is supposed to be-opps I sort of let that out.” The man took down his hood, “My name is Roxas and apparently your not Ri-…. Your that kid that’s in my dreams!” Roxas took out two keyblades familiar to Sora. “ Hey that’s the key chain that Kairi gave me!, that’s the one I got in Hollow Bastion!” Sora said. Roxas started to get mad. Roxas charged at Sora, the foot-steps echoed throughout the hallway. Roxas struck Sora on the head. Sora looked up, and then he said, “You can’t beat me!” Sora put out his right hand, and then the kingdom key appeared. Sora struck Roxas on the spine, sending him flying, breaking the columns. “Hmph, I’ll get Axel to help me, we’ll destroy you…Sora!”