Kingdom Hearts: Catching up

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hey everyone, news has been slow lately, but some things were mentioned that I haven't already posted. A lot of the news that was already mentioned came in small bits and I thought it would be perfect to mention it all in just one update.

    December [Kingdom Hearts] Ecard
    The NA Square Enix blog is holding an ecard feature where you can send them to family members and freinds. Make sure that you send your holiday greetings with the Kingdom Hearts Christmas themed ecard. I believe that there are two other ecards that you can also send.

    Kingdom Hearts: Play Arts [Cloud]
    The new issue of Hobby Japan featured a new Play Arts from Kingdom Hearts I. The Cloud Play Arts figure has no set release date as of now. We'll keep you posted on when this changes.

    Where's the Re:Chain of Memories Trailer?
    Once again Square-Enix doesn't finish the proper promotion for it's Kingdom Hearts titles in North America. The Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories trailer has still not been released. Is there anyone that's really surprised by this?

    Jump Festa: Are you ready for the two day event?
    Make sure that you guys keep checking back with KHV for the latest news this weekend from this year's Jump Festa. Trailers and demos will be shown for Coded, 358/2 Days, Birth By Sleep and Mobile.

    Mike's Note: It's going to be a long weekend. Looks like I'll be up all night updating.

    Source: FF7AC Reunion
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 15, 2008.

    1. Scott Pilgrim
      Scott Pilgrim
      Thanks for wrapping this all together Mike. I'll keep checking in for updates.
    2. Inasuma
      It doesn't surprise me much they haven't gotten those trailers up. Even the KH2 NA website has stuff missing as you mentioned a while back. That's why I dislike them a little bit. Oh well... the games are still good at LEAST.

      I also bought the new KH1 Play Arts. They are very, very old looking. I still love 'em though. Maybe I'll get some pictures and upload. :]
    3. Finalsora120
      Wow they aint finished the trailer they must be SO embaresed!
    4. The Twin
      The Twin
      Please do. I'm kind of interested, seeing as how we only got the Formation Arts figures for KHI, and nothing more than that. I need new figures to hunt for.
    5. Noise
      thanks mike!!!

      i cant wait for new info on the KH games
      is FFvXIII making an apperence?
    6. Mike
      Yea, I believe that only a trailer will be shown.
    7. TwilightChaser37
      Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days FanMade Commercial

      Come check this out!! I made 358/2 Days commercial just like in the format when they were promoting KH2FM+! Go check it out and tell me what you think of it!
    8. Magick
      Thanks Mike!!! I'll keep checking back......
    9. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      i know you took the words out of my mouth
    10. Egypt
      I'm mad that they didn't finish RE:com, I mean what the point puting a site up if your not going to finish it.
      I can't wait to see some new trailers for the kh games and all ffXIII games.^^
    11. Maggy

      woohoo! can't wait to hear more about 358/2 days and birth by sleep!!!

      i have a DS AND a PSP xD yey! lol

      i hope square enix finally finishes that trailer :P
    12. Skylight_Defect
      No surprise here that they haven't posted the trailer yet. Eh, oh well.
      Thanks Mike.
    13. nekodoru
      Geez, and there probably won't be any trailer at all, will it? Duh, that annoys me XD I do hope the games (frikkinallofthem) will arrive to Europe soon enough as well though. Ah, anyway, I'll just keep checking KHV as I use to, and I'll have loads to read this weekend, right? :D
    14. Zexion
      Hey the Cloud Strife Play Art's Cool..
      nice..Mike ^^
    15. D*Reeves
      Still waiting for an European release of Re: Chain of Memories :(