KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep: Release Information for North America & Europe

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 17, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep has offically been announced with it's release date for both North America and Europe.

    Both of the official websites for KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep was announced for Summer 2010, but as many fans was almost to good to be true.

    KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep has now been announced for a release in North America on September 7th 2010. Europe has also been informed with their release date, which is set for September 10th 2010.

    Well guys, here we go with another four months to go with the long awaited release...

    For more information regarding limited edition PSP, voice over cast and more, check out the official statement by Square below.

    With all the exciting information, the talented voices of Mark Hamill, Willa Holland, Jesse McCartney, Leonard Nimoy, James woods, and more will be lending their voices.

    Source: gorillajoe2k
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 17, 2010.

    1. Clawtooth
      Awesome, Lenord Nimoy is doing a voice, that will be lolish.
    2. Love
      Terra's voice is the same voice actor of the joker in Batman tge Animated series :u Nice and I'm so happy that Aqua's actor is decent 8D omg no girly squeaky voice 8D yay
    3. KeybladeMasterJoe

      is the movie already a umd or is it downloaded to the 4gb memory card?

      i've got to start saving now so i can get the whole bundle cant wait till 9/7/10 :)
    4. EvilMan_89
      huh, isn't that the same trailer that was shown on Gamestop's website?
    5. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      I really like aqua's voice terra sounds sweet ven's sound the same i really can't wait to buy this

      (hurry-hurry-hurry- wanna play terra)
    6. Shikou
      they said summer not fall T~T
      but oh well i could wait a few more months its better then nothing
      (straps self to a chair and starts a count down)
    7. Dawn
      Actually, it is 9/7/10. I'm so excited for Terra and Aqua. Xehanort will be hard to adjust since I've heard japanese so many times. Makes me kinda curious what else the American will show besides harder mode. (Worries if Haley Joel Osment will appear again)
    8. Misty

      I wonder who Luke is voicing?
    9. Maggy
      OMG spock is master Xehanort! woah!
    10. ChaosFinale
      I'm getting my reserve on the PSP Bundle tomorrow.
    11. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      Europe, europe, europe... Always trying to be at least 3 days late. Oh well, least we'll still get the game in the end.. Just didn't expect it to be that late. xD

      I've got money set aside for the game already, now its just reserving and buying it as this is one game I've been looking forward to for quite some time.
    12. Evilgidgit
      Oh, yeah! Leonard Limoy is voicing Master Xehanort.
    13. KingSimba01
      KingSimba01 it might take a little while for me to get used to Xehanort's voice.

      I dunno, I just didn't expect him to sound like that :|
    14. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      I expected him to sound... slightly more sinister and less croaky, but I guess his voice will have to do and before you know it, we'll all be used to his acting voice.
      Didn't expect Xehanort to sound like how he is neither to be honest.
    15. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      Omg, I hate his voice xD
      I don't know, it sounds so unproffesional. Ah well, gotta deal with it.
      I can't wait to get it!

      Also, is there another vid where you can hear Terra, Aqua etc?
    16. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      Hmm, I don't believe there is a video at the moment which will let us hear Aqua, Terra or Ven. Fingers crossed that they won't sound as odd as Xehanort though. :3

      Ahh, months will just fly and before you know it, you've got your hands on the damn game.
    17. Inasuma
      Finally, some information after months of waiting. lol

      I may end up trying to buy the limited edition PSP, not sure yet. It's probably going to be a $400 pack, unfortunately. Or at least $200. lol
    18. Kubo
      I will check that later and let you know if I find anything.
    19. KeybladeSpirit
      I should probably also mention that the NA version of the Official BBS theme is up on the website as well. You just need to know the release date and you're given the option to download it.