Kingdom Hearts at NYCC 2012

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    New York Comic Con 2012

    For those unaware, NYCC stands for the New York Comic Con, which began today as New Yorkers swarmed to enjoy what this year's convention has to offer. To start off, Play arts from the 2012 Tokyo game Show made it to the displays. The Tron Legacy attired Sora and Riku appear (With exchangeable hands), along with the Kingdom Key, Ultima Weapon, Dual Disc, End of Pain, Way to the Dawn, and Unbound Keyblades. The Meow Wow plush was also available at the display.

    Photo courtesy of
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Oct 11, 2012.

    1. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      Ooooooh, pretty~~ :o

      So, is this post gonna be updated continually throughout NYCC, or is this just for the Play-Art figures?
    2. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I have a feeling it's just going to be for the Play-Arts, but you never know....
    3. Misty
      If we get more KH stuff from Comic Con I'm sure we'll put it up, but I'm not expecting a big Kingdom Hearts presence there.
    4. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      OMG Yay~ I am very excited for NYCC as it will be my first convention as well as my first time cosplaying ever and I'm being Xion. I will totally pick these up if they were still there on Sunday!
    5. Roxas-Ventus
      they also had a meow wow plushie
    6. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      :eek: Dat No Heart cosplayer!
    7. Krowley
      Found on the NA Square Enix Members site.
    8. Krowley
      Added to the first post.
      NYCC 2012 concluded yesterday, so not a lot was shown in total.