Kingdom Hearts at E3 - Day 2

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Second Day for Kingdom Hearts at E3, and while nothing really new has been shown since yesterday, IGN has posted their interview with
    Co-Director of the Series; Tai Yasue. (Giving Raio Mitsuno a break I guess)


    KH3D was also shown at the 3DS Software Showcase which confirmed that the Demo will released to the E-Shop Soon.
    Silconera spoke with Yasue as well, who confirmed that there will be a helpful change in the NA version compared to the Japan release. In the Japanese version, when you "Dropped" in the middle of a Boss fight and dropped back, the Boss's health is refilled, but yours isn't. Yasue stated that the NA version would be changed so the player's health is replenished as well.

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 6, 2012.

    1. Hesteen
      "Kingdom Hearts on steroids" I love it
    2. windblade
      "...Kingdom Hearts 3, the console version we're thinking about."

      Oh, that's a good sign. Ugh...

      But, all in all, this looks awesome. Cant wait for it to come out. I just wish I didn't have to go out and buy another system in order to play it. But 35 to 70 hours is really good news!
    3. Dawn
      Wow, Tai is the first staff to say "it's after Re:Coded". I'm so happy!
    4. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I watched the conference trailer on my 3DS. It was really nice. Now I really want to play that demo!
    5. KeybladeSpirit
      I also think it's worth pointing out that the trailer for KH3D that was shown at E3 is available in the E-Shop right now. So if you want a first look at how it'll actually look on the 3DS screen, it's there now.
    6. Llave
      Daemon said "Wee" at the end. 8D (I am naming my son after him now.)

      Nothing entirely new, but the drop system was explained a bit more. I personally am weary of that function, but I suppose as I play the game it'll become mroe natural.

      thanks for the update Krowley!