Kingdom Hearts Adventure RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by fireflame, May 4, 2008.

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  1. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    A scattered dream that's like a far off memory....

    Kingdom Hearts is about a boy named Sora who starts off as a normal 14 year old boy in Destiny Islands with his 2 best friends Riku and Kairi. They have dreams for the future but one day a storm washes over the islanda and things happen and Sora gets the Keyblade. Afterwards Sora goes on an adventure and very soon meets Donald and Goofy and they all travel to different worlds to save the world from being taken over by darkness and to find Sora's friends. Sora eventually does find them but for people who haven't played the game i won't go into that. So that's basicly Kingdom Hearts, get the Keyblade, kick butt, save the world yada yada

    This RP starts a long time after Kingdom Hearts 3 and since then everything has been remotely peaceful, but there are still Heartless, Nobodies, and a new enemy Soul Leachers. Heartless can't fully and completely die since they exist on darkness in people's hearts so Nobodies also exist. Because Sora knew that, he trained his son to fight Heartless, Nobodies and Soul Leachers, and before he died, the Keyblade chose his son, Sern to be its new wielder. The few Heartless that remained breeded and created more and more Heartless, thus creating more and more Nobodies. You will be fighting Heartless, Nobodies, and the Soul Leachers and stop the leader of the Group Shadow(the leader of all the Soul Leachers) and save the world

    Twilight Town, the town of hope. Bustling shops, laughing kids, it's a persons paradise. When people wake up they always wake up happy. There are schools, friends, entertainment, and people are always coming there. The population is enormous, you can't help but to like it. There are protectors of the town though, they are a young group of four named The Special Defenders. Their members are Rel, Crimon, Zim, and sometimes Zern, but Zern is more likable than the rest of them. They are there in case rare cases of trouble arise. But little do the people of Twilight Town know that there is an evil coming soon..

    Twilight Town, a place of peace and tranquility. But how long will it last? The Darkness will arrive....

    -Twilight Town (where our adventure begins it has everything like stores and such)
    -Traverse Town(where you will go directly after the events in Twilight Town)
    - Radiant Garden(previously Hollow Bastion)
    -Land of Storms
    -more coming soon

    Character making
    Weapon: (starts with Kingdom Key but everyone has a different color but make it reasonable)
    Race: (Human, Heartless, Nobody, or Soul Leacher. For Humans you can be good or bad but you will be just normal humans at the start of the game.)
    Magic: (what type of magic do you have, lightning, fire, or something else)

    Heartless- creatures that are born from the darkenss in people's hearts. When a human(good or bad) yields to the darkness, then they will become a Heartless.

    Nobodies- when a Heartless is created,the shell it leaves behind acts on its own but doesn't have a heart and is called a Nobody

    Soul Leacher- a new breed of enemy, Soul Leachers are very powerful and strive to take people's souls away through whatever means necessary. Not to be taken lightly, Soul Leachers are very crafty and are growing in population.

    Group Shadow- Not related to the Shadow Heartless, Group Shadow is a team of 15 very powerful Soul Leachers who are in human form and who have an unknown goal. This team are the leaders of the Soul Leachers.

    You can choose any weapon you want except a gun or a mass destructive weapon, but for people who want Keyblades, these are the ones that are in this RP

    Keyblades- special waepons that act as your protection, you cannot buy these, instead people give them to you at certain intervals
    -Kingdom Key-Increases defense in a time of need. You get this at the start of the game.
    -Star seeker- elevates your magic. You get this in Traverse Town.
    -Rising Flame-pumps up your fire magic, get it at land of Storms.
    Oblivion- Heightens attacking Speed
    Oathkeeper- raises Keyblade length

    Other info
    1. The getting the Keyblade process will take a few days and it will start to happen on the second day when you get attacked by a few Soul Leachers. So don't expect to wake up one morning and the Keyblade just randomly pop into your hand

    2. The Special Defenders's hobby is picking on the kids in the town so at least some of you will fight the leader of the Special Defenders once.

    3. Heartless, Nobodies, and Soul Leachers are in a great abundance so you will have to fight a group of these at least once every world for plot purposes.

    4. Please be active if you're going to join, i'd like to keep my hard work going strong.

    5. 4. The thrall weapon is like this RPG's version of the struggle weapon, it's more like a sword, but not dangerous or deadly but it is useful for safe weapon to weapon combat.

    No God-Modding
    you may have romance
    obey the board rules
    enjoy yourself
    no killing in player vs player battles, which I will allow some of.
    you may travel in groups but no more than 4 to a group
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    You sound like myself when I came here.

    Ok, I'll join.
    Put me down for a Nobody leader named Sebax.
    Gotta be some evil, right?

    EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see the fill-out sheet before...Guess I have a few things to learn too >.>

    Age: 21 (If this is a few years after KH3)
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: The "Rotary Ballad" (Pictured below)
    Race: Nobody. Sort of Tan, but more actually a White guy with a good tan.
    Magic: Sound burst, along with control over voice
    Appearance: Sebax On platform.jpg
  3. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    ok sure copy and paste and fill out the character sheet and bear in mind that everyone even me starts off in Twilight TOwn as a normal person with no powers or Keyblade
  4. cloud's buddy Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 10, 2007
    Weapon: he has a golden keyblade
    Race: human/good
    Magic: lightning
  5. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Name: Crin Konaya
    Age: 15
    Gender: male
    Weapon: Blue Keyblade
    Race: Human:good
    Magic: ice
    Appearance: ?

    (now this can start.)

    Crin woke up from another startling dream about keys and darkness and these things called Heartless. "Another frightening dream" he said. Crin got dressed and went to the window. Outside was his hometown, Twilight Town, it was very peaceful, but Crin wanted more. He went outside and he met his 2 best friends, Rayba and Mink. "Hey dude" Mink said. Mink had been Crin's best friend since he could remember. He and Crin were tight. Rayba was fairly new to Twilight Town but when she, Crin and Mink had met, the three of them had become inseparable"Did you have a good rest" continued Mink "Yeah" said Crin. "so did i" Mink and Rayba said. Then Rayba turned around and saw the neighbor hood bully,Rel, and his gang coming towards them"oh no here comes trouble"said Mink, and they all tensed for trouble.
  6. cloud's buddy Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 10, 2007
    jonny woke up on the floor of his bed room"why am i on the floor again?"Jonny then got dressed and went outside to get some fresh air.
  7. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "Why can't you just leave us alone" said Rayba. "Cuz its fun picking on you twerps" Rel said with a sneer "Well, just leave everyone alone because no one wants you here" Mink retorted. "On the contrary", Rel laughed"everyone wants us here. We are the Special Defenders, defenders of Twilight Town, but things have been a little slow and unexciting around here lately, so we're having a little fun." "Forget them, ley's go guys", Crin said. "Wait, loser" I bet you can't fight" said Crimon, one of Rel's henchmen"let's test him" "Good idea Crimon, Zin, what do you think"implied Rel. "it's a brilliant idea, one on one with the twerp Crin, I like it" Zin sneered. "So, a fight it is," and Rel picked up the thrall waepon. "Where'd you get that boss,"Crimon gasped. " I have my sources, so what are you going to do about it, Crin?" Crin then pulled out his own thrall weapon for coming first in the thrall battles. Rel then laughed and went into his battle pose" even if you do have one, you can't beat me Crin!"
  8. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    From a rooftop afar, Sebax watched his target with stern eyes.
    This child is important... Sebax could sense.
    Indeed, that Sern boy was important, but this one had close ties to something unseen.

    Sebax had been watching the operations of young Crin for many weeks now,
    succesfully hidden in the Shadows.

    Now he watched him out in the open, so to speak, where Crin had a chance to see him.
    Know him...know what lies in his destiny...

    Then Sebax's unfeeling eyes drew to the young antagonists keeping Crin at bay and taunting him.
    Surely, he could not allow for such to happen to one such as Crin.

    Sebax mangled his voice to sound beastial, deep and raspy, almost omnious.
    "Well, well, don't seem like protectors to me...if you pick on ones who you believe are weaker..."
    Sebax said, now hiding in shadows so no one could see him.
    "When in fact, he who you taunt, is stronger than you ever shall be!"
    Sebax exclaims, sending his blade, "Rotary Ballad", down and directly accurate into Rel's back,
    The blade sinking deep into flesh.
    But the blade would neither maim nor kill,
    but merely send a punishmental sound ringing through Rel's ears.

    Sebax, now in danger of being spotted, leaps from the roof,
    hood up on his black coat, masking his face.

    He walked around the walls, where Crin might spot him, but far to far away to stop him.
    Within moments, Sebax opened a portal to darkness, stepping through it,
    and disappearing from the scene.

    OOC: What do you think?
  9. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Crin tried to follow the shadow but couldn't. Crin rushed back to his friends where Rel was walking away with his crew. Mink and Rayba said " what was that." " I don't know" Crin said "but it was wierd and I know its bad. After that Crin hung out with his friends for the rest of the day and then at night went home and went to sleep
  10. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax, walking through the gates fo betwixt and between,
    deeming the time worthy to go back to Twilight town.

    How long had it been since Sora's death?
    It seemed too long...
    Sebax had known Sora, and he almost felt a twinge of pain for the loss.
    But then again, nobodies could not feel, or even exist for that matter.

    Sebax walked through another portal, coming into the tram comm area,
    near a hole in a wall which led to the forrests.

    He looked around, not spotting anyone in the darkness of night.
    He waited for dawn to come, staring up at Crin's window patiently.

    OOC: I'm trying to go for the mysterious person Crin keeps seeing day afte day, yearning to know who the heck he is.
    Adds a storyline that set-ups the body of the plot.
    The fact Sora's dead though....did he die from overwhleming odds in a lesser nobody battle or something close like that...or did somebody murder him?
  11. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    As Crin woke up his head started to hurt. He fell to the ground and fainted. When he woke up he realized that he had a vision of some sort of these things called Soul Leachers. Crin shook it off and went outside.
  12. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Hearing a door open and seeing Crin in plain sight, Sebax moved with intense speed
    to hide against the wall of Crin's house.
    If he had a heart, he'd be worried that Crin had spotted him...

    Why was he here anyway!
    He had better things to accomplish than to play over-seer to some mere child.
    But then his mission came to mind.

    If the balance of light and darkness were to keep in line, then a certain enemy must be defeated.
    Sebax sensed that this boy had something to do with the two factions of light and Dark.
  13. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Crin sensed something and walked outside, but no one was there and the town was usually bustlling around this time. Then a creature appeared. It had sharp rows of teeth and strong looking hands. The creature stepped closer to Crin and he backed away as the creture stepped closer. Crin backed away until he hit a wall. It advanced slowly toward Crin as Crin bumped against the wall. The creature was feet away from Crin now and it roared. Crin threw up his hands to defend himself but then a key shaped object appeared in his hand. Somehow a word appeared in his mind: Keyblade. So that was a Keyblade. The monster leaped toward Crin but Crin swung the Key hard and it sailed though the creature and the creature dissappeared. Crin wondered what happened and a word came to mind:Soul Leacher
  14. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax watches Crin's fight with the soul leacher from above, having kicked against the wall to do a sprint for the roof.

    Impressive...more than what I have estimated... Sebax runs through his mind.
    Sebax looked closely at Crin's weapon...a keyblade?
    Much more than I estimated...

    Sebax just continues to watch from above.

    OOC: Is it ok that Sebax is following Crin around? Not a stalker or anything, but a studier of his talents to see what Crin can do...
  15. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Before Crin took in what happened, the Key dissappeared and a black portal appeared around Crin and he struggled against it but he was sucked inside.

    OOC: ot's okay as long as they accidentally meet real soon
  16. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax's eyes met with the shock radiating from Crin as he was sucked into the dark pool.
    Sebax merely rolled his eyes and looked down in disappointment,
    if Crin didn't calm down without allowing himself into darkness,
    the boy would suffocate in the pool of darkness.

    Sending off a cry of a hawk, not a mere imiation of one, Sebax jumped
    head first into the dark pool before it could close.

    The light of saving another burned his very flesh, but at least the boy was safe...

    OOC: So I wouldn't interfer with what you had planned, Sebax is just wherever you are, should you decide where, but with the hood up. You should make this into a fanfiction with all the material you're getting.
  17. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Crin looked up and saw the mysterous man with the hood."Who are you!" Crin asked jumping up.

    OOC: the hooded man is you, i'm talking to you
  18. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: How could I have guessed...?.?


    Sebax looks down at Crin.
    He merely scoffs, making the weights of his hood ties bounce a little.
    "I am one of they who knows not of all, but of the reaccurance of all, waiting for it all to come together,
    in both light and darkness."
    Sebax asks, trying to confuse Crin so he could walk away.
    He had to look down at the boy, standing 6 foot at twenty-one.

    OOC: And actually, what Sebax just said, does actually make sense to a nobody. If you listen carefully.
  19. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "hmm very odd, but I have bigger worries like my location". Crin looked around and saw a sign that said Twilight Town Second District. "Traverse Town? Where's that and where's Twilight Town!?" Asked Crin in surprise. He stood up and looked around, he saw a few shops, a few cafes and Moogle shops.Then a silver monster popped out of the ground. "Not again!" declared Crin. Then the Keyblade popped in his hand just as a few more creatures appeared and surrounded him. "Leave me alone!" shouted Crin. The creatures attacked but Crin ducked and slashed wildly destroying all 3 of them. Then a voice said, "so, another Keyblade master has come" Then a hard object hit Crin hard on the side of the head and he blacked out.

    OOC: the creature was a Dusk
  20. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    is it too late to join? if not, here is my character sheet:

    Name: Raxtion
    Age: 26
    Gender: male
    Weapon: kingdom key
    Race: Human (good)
    Magic: Lightning
    Appearance: [​IMG]
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