KINGDOM HEARTS 10th Anniversary FAN SELECTION -Melodies & Memories-

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    KINGDOM HEARTS 10th Anniversary FAN SELECTION -Melodies & Memories-​


    The title for the upcoming soundtrack to be released in Japan on September 19th 2012 for ¥3,500. The Japanese Square Enix store has added this lovely soundtrack addition to their site commemorating Kingdom Hearts 10th anniversary. What makes this soundtrack so special? Well, as the title implies, fans will get a chance to choose which songs they want to appear on the CD! By visiting the Soundtrack's website, die hard fans can choose tracks from any past game and vote for their inclusion in the upcoming soundtrack. Voting lasts from June 22, 2012 to July 8, 2012. It hasn't been confirmed if this will be done with North American or European countries, but it's definitely worth looking into. Each track gives a small audio preview making voting easier for those who can't remember the title to their favorite themes. When voting, keep in mind you may only vote for 10 Tracks.

    July 4th Update
    1. Roxas (KINGDOM HEARTS II)
    2. 光 -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version- (KINGDOM HEARTS)
    3. Musique pour la tristesse de Xion (KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days)
    4. Vector to the Heavens (KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days)
    5. The Other Promise (KINGDOM HEARTS II FINAL MIX)
    6. Ventus (KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep)
    7. Dearly Beloved (KINGDOM HEARTS)
    8. Passion -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version- (KINGDOM HEARTS II)
    9. Fate of the Unknown (KINGDOM HEARTS II FINAL MIX)
    10. The 13th Struggle (KINGDOM HEARTS II)
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 22, 2012.

    1. Baxby
      Wow, cool!
    2. Jump Heart
      Jump Heart
      Well,That does sound cool I might do it the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack are beautiful with there Instrumental & Vocals songs by the way nice IB icon Krowley. :)
    3. Explode
      I'm usually not big into "Best of" releases, but it's a cool idea letting the fans choose. I got my votes in :P

      For those who care:

      Vector to the Heavens
      Another Side -Battle Ver-
      The Other Promise
      Darkness of the Unknown
      Rage Awakened -The Origin-
      Dark Impetus
      Master, Tell Me The Truth
      Guardando nel buio
      Always On My Mind

      I've been nerding-out on Kingdom Hearts music lately, so it didn't take me long to pick >.>
    4. ShibuyaGato
      Well this is nice of Square. I hope that this is done with the NA/EU versions. KH has such a diverse set of fans, and it'd be cool to see which tracks are dearly beloved (lol, c wat i did thar)?

      If anyone wants to see some of my personal favorites, here you go.

      KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version (KH)
      Kairi III (KH)
      Missing You (KHII)
      Riku (KH II)
      Musique pour la tristesse de Xion (KH 358/2 Days)
      Aqua (Birth By Sleep)
      Master, Tell Me the Truth (Birth By Sleep: FM)
      The Dread of Night (KH: 3D)

      If it hadn't been for the 10 song limit, I would've picked quite a few more from 3D, BbS and KHII.
    5. Luminey
      I ending up choosing a lot of themes for the characters and emotional sounding songs. I fill like 10 wasn't enough to choose from ;~;
    6. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      My choices:

      1. Passion ~opening version
      2. Roxas
      3. Ventus
      4. Musique pour la tristesse de Xion
      5. random Dearly Beloved
      6. Lazy Afternoons
      7. Sinister Sundown
      8. random
      9. random
      10. random

      I agree 100%
    7. Applepiegirl222
      The Japanese get everything.
      My 10:
      Night of Fate (Kingdom Hearts)
      Another Side (Kingdom Hearts Final Mix)
      Struggle Away (Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories)
      The Encounter (Kingdom Hearts II)
      Deep Anxiety (Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix)
      Vector to the Heavens (Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days)
      The Tumbling (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep)
      Hunter of the Dark (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix)
      Forze dell'Oscurita (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix)
      L'Impeto Oscuro (Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance)
    9. dymitr
      LOL. Seems they stole the title almost directly off Ef ~ A fairy tale of two. They just tweaked it a bit, but it is still quite unoriginal.
    10. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Choosings so tough :c but I picked the ones I felt most emotional while listening to.
      My top ten in case you're curious:
      1) Friends in my Heart
      2) Ventus
      3) Riku
      4) Another Side Battle Ver.
      5) Enter the Darkness
      6) Roxas
      7) Xion's theme
      8) Sora
      9) My Heart's Descent
      10) Hikari Orchestra Ver.
    11. Krowley
      The leading 10 selections for the first week have been added to the first post.
      For those who have yet to add in their input, you have 4 days left before voting closes!
    12. Mish
      I don't think I could pick favourites, plus I'd rather just make my own mix CD up, lol.

      Nevertheless, I'm rather loving this website, listening to the snippets and nostalgia-ing like no other