Kingdom Hallow

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by BaseSebastian, Nov 17, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Okay, chances are anybody who was curious about who was going to be the voice of Tinkerbell, went out and bought the movie. I atually found it quite interesting to be honest. I'm a fan of Rob Paulsen, the voice of Bobble, and that's what pretty much kept me from hating the movie and being immature, and making sneerish reviews. Either way, I thought it would be quite interesting if Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Organization XIII found themselves in the place called pixie hollow.

    Back Story:+

    Organization XIII is trying to take over Pixie Hollow. Only Sora, Donald, Goofy, and the help of Tinkerbell and her friends can stop them. The Fairies have divided into two sides: Good and Evil. Now it is begining to turn from Autum to Winter, and most of the Fairies are too against each other to prepare. Now Fairies of every talent must prepare for Winter, and defend themselves. Who will win?

    Character list:

    Organization XIII: (All bad, except for Roxas who has joined the Good side.)
    Axel- BaseSebastian
    Luxord- BaseSebastian

    Heroes: (All Good)
    Bobble- BaseSebastian

    Side Characters: (Still all Good)
    Cheese, the Mouse-
    Queen Clarine(?)-
    Minister of Spring-
    Minister of Autum-
    Minister of Winter-
    Minister of Summer-
    Fairy Mary-

    Original characters: (This part is up to you.)
    Username: BaseSebastian
    Character name: Bastian (nickname: Base)
    Appearence: Wears a green, short-sleeve leaf tunic, with lighter green leggings. Brown, plain shoes. Black, short hair, with a tuft of soul on his chin. Hazel eyes. Slight muscular build. 6 inches tall.
    Dialect: Irish
    Talent: Tinker
    Interests: Tinkering. Creating new devices and a weapons expert.
    Dislikes: snide remarks and people saying Tinkering is dumb talent
    Faction: Good

    Username: BaseSebastian
    Character name: Sebax
    Appearence: Sebax.jpg
    Dialect: American. Only due to his off-world position.
    Talent: Music
    Interests: Helping the Organization peronsally and closely with it's members.
    Dislikes: Anyone who gets in his way.
    Faction: Evil.


    Character name: (Try to think of something creative, but nothing that will embarrass you.)
    Appearence: (talents sometimes affects what a character wears. Also include hair color, style, eye color, build, and height. 4-8 inches at the tallest. No canned internet images if you choose to post a picture.)
    Dialect: (Irish, Welsh, Scottish, or English Fairy. How they speak as in accent.)
    Talent: (Tinker, Garden, Frost, Snow, Painter, Music, Fast-flying, Water, Light, and animal)
    Faction: (All fairies have joined the fight for or against Pixie Hollow. Choose your side. Good or Evil. Good and you use your talent to hinder Organization XIII's take over. Evil Fairies use their talents to destroy the balance of the seasons.)

    1.) There are no weapons. Useable weapons and devices will be created only by Tinker Fairies.

    2.) No God-modding, powerplaying, or auto-kills. No deaths at all, except for Organization XIII members.

    3.) The main objective of each Good Fairy is to dispose of each Organization member. Organization members can use Fairy guards to protect them.

    4.) Once you are on a side, it's permanent until the end of the RP when all Fairies are turned good.

    5.) No Organization XIII deaths will occur in the first ten pages.

    6.) OCs will be pre-existing in pixie hallow until after page 5. All OC applications after page 5 will result in a new fairy being born and brought to Pixie hallow. It is at this point in RP, the new Fairy decides their talent and faction as well. The only time the two sides see each other peacefully is at these gatherings.

    7.) All characters have wings. But the need pixie dust to be able to fly for long periods of time. Organization XIII and Evil Fairies must steal this dust in order to aquire this ability, since Terrence is Good.

    8.) Terrence and Roxas are both voiced by Jesse Mcartney(sp?). I imagine this would spark a confusion between the two of them.

    9.) Sora fights with the Fairy Harp Keyblade, while Donald fights with the Shooting Star staff, and Goofy fights with the Dreamshield.

    10.) Bobble and Clank are almost always together. Cheese comes every time the word "Cheese" is yelled.

    11.) Try to keep in character.

    12.) You can a total of six characters as a maximum. 2 Organization members is the limit for that category, 1 hero, 1 side character, and two OCs. The is a one character minimum if you join.

    13.) No obscene language, actions, or suggestions of anything obscene. No Fairy is Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual. Fairy in this term does not mean a Gay Male who dresses up in Lengiere and dances about. Even marluxia can't be at all Gay.

    14.) Whenever you go inactive, be sure to return to your house in the realm you live in. Garden, Light, and Music Fairies live in the Spring realm where it's always spring; Frost and Snow Fairies live in the Winter Realm, where it's always cold and snowing; Painter and Fast-flying Fairies live in the Autum Realm, where it's always Fall; Water and Animal Fairies live in the Summer Realm, where it's always summer; Tinker Fairies live by the river, sort of like a backwater Irish villiage. The large tree in the middle is where all Fairies are born, and it's also where the Queen and Ministers live and discuss problems. A war room has been built below ground, where all Good Fairies decide what to do next in the fight. Organization XIII has turned part of the Winter realm as their base. A large, white castle, where all Evil Fairies live and discuss the fight.

    15.) No jumping between realms just like *snap* that. You must post you are somewhere far away from where you started. First, you say you are leaving your current position, then next post, your halfway there, at the Large Oak tree or inbetween seasons, and the third post, you're where you want to be.

    16.) Have fun. And follow the rules.
  2. SoraNRikuNkairi Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 7, 2007
    Just don't turn around, and you won't know (:
    OOh...Sounds Fun! Umm..Zexion And Demyx...And Sora & Cheese The Mousee =) Um...Can Demyx play his sitar, and Zexion have his Lexicon...But not use it to hurt people?
  3. Zeonark Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 28, 2008
    Trolling Shizu-chan
    I'll join XD Roxas please and permission for him to wield his Oathkeeper and Oblivion?
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Allowed. Keep in mind however, I can't get on alot these days.
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