Hey im a graphics designer and i make signatures and avatars and sometimes other stuff if it is requested if you want to make a request please fill in the form below. Avatar: render/stock: Theme: Text: Other: Signature: Render/stock: Theme: Text: Other: Avatar and sig Set: just fill both for it or ask make sig into avatar aswell some demonstartions of my works:
Signature Please :D Render/stock: http://media.photobucket.com/image/christmas haruhi/selenta/haruhiwallpaper2.jpg?o=19 Theme: even though its gonna be a Christmas sig try and not to use green and red Text:Reptar the Christmas Whore Other: No rush needed, i just want it before x-mas xD
i may use red considering the render is im sorry i may do it blue if i can but i possibly gonna make it vector :)
Signature: Render/stock: http://planetrenders.net/renders/albums/userpics/11123/normal_leonre410ani.png Theme: whatever you feel would look cool, something dark? Text: Point Blank Other:
the animation took ages :( ok here: very hard render had now flow was badly rendered i did my best i used c4ds :)
Signature - Render/stock: http://planetrenders.net/renders/albums/userpics/47827/StrikeFreedom.png Theme: Not bothered, just as long as it flows and fits in well. Text: Darkandroid Other: A max height of 100px please. And if possible a matching avatar.
Signature: Render/stock: http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm270/Zexion_Schemer/kh2fm45.jpg (take the website out also) Theme: leave it, I like the gray Text: Maybe you will change your mind, once I defeat you! Roxas Sora51(somewhere on the page, doesnt have to be the same spot) Other: none Thanks in advance
ill get these done when i can may take a week considering gcse mocks this week coming and revision this weeked i may do 1 or 2 during breaks to cheer me up