kingdom alchemist part 2

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Gopihearts123, Jun 10, 2008.

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  1. Gopihearts123 Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 16, 2008
    when sora arms and leg turn into machine,and sora friends turn to a heartless,last he met edward the story begiens.sora was and eward stared each other then said he's a "SHORTY"edward was angry till he use a weapon with out a tranmutation cicrle and sora use a keyblade which is turn in into a the weapon as edward.they fight till 6 hourwhen riku and al(edward youger brother)saw they got tired fighting then thy infrodued they self when edward a heartless that he never seen it before.just thensora real mission is have revenge who turn his friend into a heartless and edward almost same thing as sora.back at disney castledonald and goofy are have new aventure.:)
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