Killing out of love Rage Anger Was it Worth it? I really don’t know Was it over passion Desire Honor Was it all worth it Now you’ll go to hell Burning in flames While the devil eats your soul While you yell for help No one can hear you... Yell all you want It doesn’t really matter You’ll be in blood Body parts everywhere Death Dispair Do you care? I don’t care if you do You got what came to you Justice Only thing to describe it Fustrating Devisation Look at your eyes You can’t belive what you did Your alone Just like me Both need to stand up to the world The anger is growing The devil controls us Shout at the world Call apon your demons Keep yourself out All alone Go for the kill --------------------------------- If I've broken a rule please tell me I've been enough troulbe as it is so just send me a pm and tell me about it
Very descriptive and frightning! Its a really good poem but you might want to think about punctuation. Like periodes, because I dont see any in here....