Brilliant observation, Professor. Seriously, that kid is just a spoiled dunce with no appreciation for the classics.
He was sour over the fact he couldn't beat the first level. Is there any way I may somehow leave this generation?
"Well in other games you can get shot more than one time or like a hu- a lot and in this one if you get shot once you die." Can someone please shoot that kid a hundred times and see if he lives?
Because Halo is the best game ever apparently. Better go buy that shit. EDIT:Not a furking fanboy ;~;
I laughed when they were like "So are you like a Halo fanboy or something?" "Nah, not really." after the 23827438th time comparing the game to Halo.
so true. I do hope he realizes that those games inspired games like Halo. Kinda. If not a little. Also, you die by being shot once cause usually that's what kills you in real life.
I know someone who's obsessed with Doom. Seriously, a friend asked him what he would do if he had to choose between Doom and a girl, and he said he'd pick Doom. ._.