Kickstarter Project: River City Ransom: Underground

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DigitalAtlas, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City

    I have absolutely NO IDEA what's going on with Kickstarter lately. The tool went from being used for crap projects with some very hidden diamonds to three-four god tier projects in dire need of funding. Strange that I'm normally Kickstarter's biggest hater, and now I'm making threads on projects because there are interesting uses going on.

    Here's the project summary:

    To expand here, River City Ransom was not your standard beat 'em up. It was the first of its kind due to its heavy reliance on RPG mechanics.

    Follow up quote:

    This is an actual sequel to the old River City Ransom.

    Why this is an interesting use of Kickstarter
    This is interesting because these developers are very cautious towards this project and taking babysteps. There have been no stretch goals announced, merely that they're toying with the idea of console ports. Also, they're keeping the funding goal to be relatively cheap: $180,000 (Canadian). This isn't much compared to other projects and shows they have everything figured out while already having a good amount of work done.

    I'm excited, I donated, which is basically pre-ordering at this point, I hope this catches your eye too.


    Source: Kickstarter