Hey all! Welcome to another round of KHV Idol! The theme for this round was Noughtie Tunes! Here are your entries!! Voting ends in 7 days Happy Voting! :) EDIT: Sorry guys, I forgot the poll! Post to vote please :)
Ok, first off, let me just say that this week neither of us were at our best, performance wise. For my entry, I was just recovering from a cold I had picked up, while, I'm pretty sure that Sebax was scrambling a little, simce the deadline was extended for Saturday. I honestly thought it really showed in our performances. In any case, my vote, obviously, goes to Sebax, and while I say it wasn't a great performance, it wasn't your worst performance either.
My vote goes to Darkhorse D. And while I respect your opinion, I don't really think either suffered that much. I lost the track at one point, but I think I recovered alright. Unfortunately, yes, I probably would have re-recorded if I had the time. I do concede there. But I detected no such traces of a cold on your part, so, please, take that much. I'll agree. Not the best round. That mostly falls on participation, I'm afraid. I understand you are busy, Amythest; this is not aimed at you. I just wish there was more to the competition than D and me. xD Any takers out there?
Fearless did say that she would join next round. As for you not noticing my cold, I take great pride in my abilities to somewhat mask stuff like that through medication. Believe me, I had some pretty strong Sudafed in my system while I was recording. Felt like crap afterwords, but you can't say something small like a cold would stop me from recording.