Be awfully nice and supportive to her because she is about to endure the worst pain known to womankind.
Right~! Ohohoho, you wish xD Thanks, I guess :3 I will try my best to, as I can tell its going to be painful as hell for her :C Thank you very much, Misty! This is going to be my first time supporting my mother in the hospital room, just as she's giving birth ^^;; She's already given me a warning or three about her change in behaviour whilst in labour (which sounds about natural, I guess? :S), so I've been trusted to do everything as she instructed, in case she isn't capable of saying it herself :s I posted this in the wrong area, didn't I? Thank you though! ^^ Mum's overdue, and well... :3 I guess what I was trying to say earlier, but probably forgot to mention, was that what does one do when it reaches the point of labour. Gonna be one of her birthing partners an' all XD And you're right, morphine does go down well... I think.