KHV Timeline.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jayn, Nov 13, 2011.

  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I need one from the forum's creation to now.

    Even if you don't know the forum's completely history. If you know of a big event that happened and the year it happened in, that would be helpful. The exact day doesn't matter.

    It doesn't have to be a serious event. "The shipping Stabby was created", or "DPWolf and Fayt started dating." Those are examples of 'non-serious' things that don't have much to do with the forum itself but are still acceptable.

    "___ became a moderator/was promoted" is another example. Etc, etc.

    As long as it's true, it's fine to include. I'll edit this post with things put in order.

    Feel free to move thread if this isn't the place for it. No Spamzone plz. |:


    Red = Directly regarding the forum/staff.

    • December 19th: site opens.
    • December 28th: forum opens.
    • Libre is a registered member.

    • February 26th: Misty joins ( :'D )
    • 13th of March: Christhor joins.
    • July 6th: Misty (and Darkwatch, though I think he was a day or two before me) are asked to join staff permanently.
    • September 25th: vBulletin forum is opened to staff only, to get things set up. I believe the staff, at this point, consisted of: Sara (admin), Deathspank (admin), *Sora* (super mod at first, but he would shortly be admin), Xaldin (admin), Arc (admin) Misty (super mod), Cin (super mod), Darkwatch (super mod), Cheal (Forum Helper), Xeshin (unsure), 1winged_angel (unsure if he was a sectional mod or super mod), Fayth (super mod), Roxas-chan (super mod), General Grievous (Forum Helper), Roxas (Forum Helper), Cloudo (Forum Helper),
    • September 29th: vBulletin forum is open to all members.
    • September: KH-Vids Royale is announced & begins. Deathspank & Sara announce that we will be moving from phpbb to vBulletin. All user accounts, posts, etc, will be lost.
    • September 30, 2006: libregkd became active.
    • On September 30th 2006 NOISE joined KHV ... and forever changes KHV.
    • September. Forum Helpers are introduced as a new staff position. (A few people were asked to be Forum Helpers in mid-2006, Misty included, but the usergroup did not formally appear until the vBulletin site opened)
    • October 29, 2006 - Spunk Ransom joins.
    • October: Mish joins the staff as a Forum Helper.
    • October: Xeitr The False Image joins.
    • November 3rd: Video Portal opens.
    • November: First User Awards are hosted by Roxas.
    • November: *Sora* quits the staff. Cin leaves the staff. Darkwatch is promoted to Admin. Roxas is promoted to sectional moderator. Van the Deathseeker, IceKitty, and MaliciousRelik join the staff.
    • December 3rd: Top Five begins.
    • End of December: Blue & black skin that everyone loved becomes the new default.
    • December: Cin re-joins the staff. Darkandroid and Hissora join the staff as Forum Helpers.
    • December 2005-2011: axel91 kept stalking KHV as a guest to download KH videos and get the latest KH news.
    • Sabby joins KHV.
    • Mr. Boom (RAT'S ALTER EGO) joins KHV...and gets banned?
    • DPWolf joins KHV after two months of lurking.
    • RvR Joins.
    • Boris the Blade goes crazy with power. (Boris was around from, late 2005 to early 2006.)
    • Hayabusa joins (before the forum crash)
    • January: Reputation system enabled, Premium usergroup created, Spam Zone flame war begins, after which entire Spam Zone is closed down for a week.
    • 1/25/2007-greater_bloo joined download some videos for his Kingdom Hearts AMVs!
    • Amaury joins on January 15, 2007
    • February of 2007, the largest Kadaj Family thread was made.
    • March 31, Nashida joins.
    • April: Forsaken and Catch The Rain join KHV.
    • April: Anniexo, Mari, DarknessKingdom, and Soushirei join the staff, all as Forum Helpers.
    • KHV IRC room starts around April 07?...Maybe?
    • May 2007 - Peace-and-War joins the forum.
    • June: Repliku Joins
    • June 2007, Weeaboo joins the site and rage quit about 203593847 times.
    • June: Vivi quits the staff. Darkwatch goes on a three month leave from staff.
    • July 07 - Alice posts the epic kamikaze post that gets her banninated (lol)
    • 07-26-2007: Zhe Axelrific Family was founded
    • August: Shadowjak and Kitty join the staff.
    • 09-29-2007. Jayn joins KHV.
    • September: Misty is demoted to sectional moderator, to focus on school. Arc is demoted from Admin to Forum Helper, per his request. Soku joins the staff as a Forum Helper.
    • October 27th - AndrewTemari101 first joined KHV as Temari's boyfriend.
    • October: Rosey joins the staff as a Forum Helper. Misty is re-promoted to Super Moderator. HigherBeing joins the staff as a Forum Helper. Kairi (later Peyton) joins the staff.
    • October 2007, Arch joined the site.
    • November: HigherBeing leaves staff. Catch the Rain joins the staff.
    • 31 Dec 2007: Haseo joins KHV.
    • December: Deathspank resigns, spdude buys KHV. (Same day as we got the new white skin “everyone hated” IIRC.)
    • December: Christhor is permabanned.
    • December: Rosey hosts the User Awards.
    • December: white skin that everyone hated becomes the new default.
    • Black Phoenix (Ace) joins KHV.
    • This is the year that the database errors first started cropping up.
    • Around the middle of the year, I know Roxas is not on staff.
    • Rat rejoins KHV as ...Rat.
    • RvR fails staff interview
    • RvR becomes forum helper anyways.
    • RvR becomes Mod
    • RvR becomes S. Mod
    • RvR becomes Admin
    • Sometime 2007: Staff realise that Forum Helpers were a terrible idea and they remove the feature. (Mish leaves staff around Christmas?)
    • The Premium Section is created.
    • The Premium Section has posts counting, which leads to tons of exploitation and the members with the most posts get even more posts.
    • The Premium Section no longer has posts counting.
    • Early, sometime before March: Vivi joins the staff as a Forum Helper.
    • KH2 released in 2007.
    • 01-15-2008: Zhe Axelrific Family gets a second thread
    • 01-26-2008: Sumi joined Zhe Axelrific Family
    • January: Cocohints joins the staff as a sectional moderator. Rosey leaves the staff.
    • February 3: Hayabusa comes back to KHV after the forum crash.
    • May: Rosey leaves the staff. Sara leaves the staff.
    • June: Coder usergroup is introduced; premiere members include EvilMan_89, Antiweapon, Carey, Erkz, NeoCloudStrife, and iwantedtoexplode. Repliku and DPWolf join the staff as sectional moderators.
    • August: Rosey re-joins the staff. Orange joins the staff as a sectional moderator.
    • April 19th: ~Ryan~ joins and becomes active about a month later.
    • March 16th, 2008- Amethyst Heart joins as shadow of sephiroth. She later gets a name change.
    • May 2008: phoenixkh93 joins.
    • June: RIP Soku.
    • Mike joined the staff on October 26th, 2008.
    • 1 Nov 2008: Haseo becomes Premium.
    • December: Arc leaves the staff. Repliku is promoted to Super Mod.
    • Lilbueno joins KHV.
    • Bushy Brow joins KHV.
    • DPWolf joins staff.
    • The Fuk? joined in 2008.
    • (?) Catch the rain and Repliku become staff members.
    • Feenie Joins KHV.
    • January 11th - AndrewTemari101 joined for the third and final time.
    • Heart (KH530) joins KHV.
    • Plums joins KHV.
    • March: rikusorakairiown is permabanned.
    • 04/14/2009 - DarknessKingdom leaves KHV
    • May: Advent, Trigger, Styx, and Fayt-Harkwind join the staff, all as sectional moderators. Orange and Hissora are demoted.
    • August: Kitty is demoted.
    • October: Mike joins the staff as our first-ever Reporter.
    • 358/2 Days released.
    • February: Loxare joins the site.
    • PaW becomes basically inactive.
    • Luxord joins and becomes quite active on January 13th of 2009.
    • 08-05-2009: Zhe Axelrific Family, Zhe One, Zhe Only 4
    • 22 Aug-6 Sep: animals rule!
    • Nouveau Nova joins the forum. Noteworthy characteristics: Kind of shy (at first), decent English skills, actually makes Kingdom Hearts jokes.
    • Nouveau Nova joins the Gentlemen.
    • 2/5/2009- KHV Fan dubs is born. Auditions for the 358/2 Days Fan Dub Production are held.
    • 9/6/2009-Auditions for the Birth by Sleep Fan Dub Production are held.
    • Cat<3Sora joins KHV. (May 1st)
    • Heart (KH530) joins KHV.
    • Plums joins KHV.
    • January 20th, 2010: Sumi leaves.
    • KH530 became active.
    • Blast to the Past Hack
    • Sabby makes section mod.
    • 23 June: Llave de Espada joins KHV
    • November: Forsaken joins staff.
    • Feenie becomes active.
    • Feenie gets a name change.
    • July: Christhor and rikusorakairiown are unbanned.
    • August: Repliku resigns.
    • July: Chevalier and Jiku Neon join the staff as sectional moderators.
    • August: Aurangzeb56 joins the staff as our first-ever Media Content Reporter.
    • September: Sabby joins the staff as a sectional moderator. Misty becomes Admin (the reign of terror begins).
    • Machi joins, 10-10-10.
    • November 19: Tale_Wind joins KHV.
    • November: Forsaken and Stardust join the staff as sectional moderators.
    • December 28th, 2010: The Hero of Time joins as Ventus108
    • The first episode of the KHV Podcast was released on November 7th, 2010.
    • April 1st, 2010- Night171 joined the forums
    • Saxima joins on the new year in 2010.
    • Sprothe is born, through the work of Nouveau Nova, Absol, and bigkingdomheartsfan2.
    • Nouveau Nova and What? combine their powers to create "I've done it."
    • Keyblade Spirit abuses Sprothe to death. Nouveau Nova sorely regrets creating it.
    • With membership thinning and enthusiasm dwindling, the Gentlemen informally disband.
    • Nouveau Nova has his name changed to Sforzato.
    • KH-V Christmas! First annual Castle Oblivion challenge.
    • Nashida reaches premium.
    • Hayabusa leaves early in the year.
    • Birth by Sleep released.
    • PaW becomes active again.

    • January 2011: Ventus 108 becomes active.
    • 17 July 2011: Llave de Espada becomes active
    • 25 August 2011: This Day in History begins
    • 15 September 2011: "Hacked by Phil"
    • 11/2/2011: Axel91 finally decided to be a member.
    • 1 November 2011: Llave de Espada becomes premium
    • Amaury becomes active again. June 5, 2011.
    • 20th of Feb. Daxa joins KHV,and begins stalking EVERYONE.
    • RvR becomes Mado Scientist Hououin KYOUMA(Okabe Rintarou).
    • Cat<3 Sora becomes Prem.
    • November 14th - Aqua gets a top 5 pin.
    • The Fuk leaves KHV.
    • June: Premium Postbox gets created by Catch the Rain, it’s the most lovey-dovey thread of all time.
    • May: Luxord joins the staff as a Coder. Mixt joins the staff as a Media Content Reporter. Aurangzeb56 resigns.
    • August: The Premium Postbox gets an offspring: The Postbox.
    • July: NarutoSuperKubii joins the staff as a Coder.
    • November: Ty leaves the site.
    • January 25th, 2011, Te Deum joined the site.
    • Re: Coded released.
    • November 15 - Vientiesis joined.
    • Loxare becomes active.
    • 10/11/2011 - Amaury becomes Premium.
    • 11-13-2011 - Jayn makes KHV Timeline.
    • Britishism joins.
    • Christhor leaves. (?) /Lolnotreally.
    • November 10th, 2011: Ty resigns as a Reporter.
    • December 19th, 2011: KH-Vids 5.0 skins go up.
    • December 21st, 2011: Forum rearrange.
    • December of 2011: Second annual Secret Santa and Castle Oblivion.
    • June 22nd, 2011: Sumi comes back.
    • December 31st, 2011: What? appropriately titled KHV as an "anime harem love dodecahedron with Plums as the main character."
    • Amethyst Heart becomes active again, and becomes premium.
    • Mid 2011- Night171 becomes very active
    • September 18th, 2011- Night171 becomes Nights
    • Saxima becomes active on the new year of 2011.
    • September 2011: phoenixkh93 join...again, and actually use my account this time.
    • Dec 24th - Noroz became prem.
    • Voxli becomes a thing.* (May be late/early 2010 ... Nothing is really verified.)
    • Voxli briefly stops being a thing. Tinychat takes its place. Dalk and Harriet make brief return appearances to take part in tinynanigans.
    • Voxli once again becomes a thing. P takes over as dedicated host, but is never around.
    • Sforzato and Reptar confuse a great deal of the forum as to their genders. Sforzato keeps up the ruse, laughing all the way.
    • Makaze crimps on Sforzato's style. Firekeyblade is not amused. Amidst arguments, Laurence_Fox claims seniority with regards to gendernanigans.
      KH-V discovers Homestuck. People either love it or hate it, or they think it's ok.
    • KH-Voxli's regular games of Truth or Dare spread to the forum, first as threads fulfilling dares, then as a full-blown Truth or Dare thread. Sforzato, Jayn, and Makaze dominate. After the twentieth love confession in a row, Sforzato formally swears off dares.
    • A suspected Heinlein alt sparks a brief but intense battle in the shadows, which ultimately involves the staff, old and new members, and even some who've left the site. In the end, the day is won and the offender ousted; new bonds are formed, old ones reforged, and existing ones strengthened.
    • Sumi returns! Sforzato is reunited with his first KH-V friend.
    • Second annual Castle Oblivion challenge, again a Christmas event. This time, a scavenger hunt is incorporated.
    • The staff wish KH-V a merry Christmas via video recording. Claw hides his face.
    • A host of Premium members compose their own merry-Christmas video.
    • Sumi kicks KH-V's already-formidable shipping instinct into overdrive. Nearly everyone is paired off, except Sforzato of course.
    • 12/21/2011-Auditions for the Dream Drop Distance Fan Dub Production are held.
    • Droid starts his Scar thing in mid November 2011.
    • January 16, 2011 - Tummer and Twilight_Nobody13 start dating
    • Cat<3Sora becomes active.
    • Jayn, Clawtooth, Enzy and Plums become Sectional Mods.
    • Ty and Mixt became reporters.
    • Tienewman replaces Spdude.
    • Fayt is demoted.
    • Bushy Brow becomes active.
    • Roleplay Idol starts.
    • We move servers. (RIP: DBE)
    • Black Phoenix (Ace) is a pervert. |:
    • Luxord resigns.
    • Makaze joins KHV.
    • Pots and Pans starts.
    • KHV Chorus starts.
    • Book Club starts.
    • Kisala (Aqua) Joins and makes prem.
    • Dr_Wigglz joins KHV.
    • Those two pirate forum family things start up.
    • Heart's Content starts.
    • Machi and Heart start dating.
    • Noroz joins KHV.
    • Kayate joins KHV.

    • The Fuk? comes back AND HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING.
    • Forum moves to XenForo.
    • Makaze is banned.
    • P is banned.
    • Sumi becomes a translator.
    • KHV Skype megachat is born.
    • Sforzato's photo revealed! It turns out he's totally sexy, and he tries not to publicize the reveal too much. Still no word on Clawtooth's photo.
    • Claw posts a picture. He is moe.
    • January 1st, 2012: Jayn x Sumi is coined Jumi by Jayn.
    • January 4th, 2012: Sabby is promoted to super moderator.
    • 01-13-2012 Machi and Heart break up.
    • ASHWIN BECOMES STAFF January 18th, 2012.
    • January 19th, 2012 -- KH-Vids Update- Torrents become available in the Cutscene Archive on.
    • January 22nd, 2012. Llave de Espada carries on the legacy of the Premium Postbox and Postbox.
    • 1/22/2012. Xeitr The False Image comes back.
    • January 2012 - 50,000 Members reached.
    • January 2012- Rumours of Mike's leaving are started, then quickly denied.
    • February 2012, Vivi returns to the forums in a blaze of glory and is received with glorious cheers.
    • February 14th: KHV's first tea party ever happens!
    • February 19, 2012. KingdomCrownXlll changed name to Krown.
    • March 25th, 2012 - Saxima becomes Prem.
    • March 31st, Luxord is banned.
    • April 2012 = Raishine creates alt as Who Am I (and is banned at some point).
    • May 19th, 2012: Kites, Mish, Peace-and-War, and Peyton are hired as sectional moderators. Miles and Krowley are hired as reporters.
    • 05/21/2012 - DarknessKingdom returns to KHV
    • June 17, 2012 - RP Arena posts count (with a post count mod).
    • August 12 - KHV is shut down and the move to Xenforo begins.
    • August 15 - The site is back up!
    • September: Rainshine wins best newbie.
    • September 30th: Neku_Sakuraba joins KHV.
    • September 26th: KHV Chorus reaches one year.
    • September 28th 2012 - The KHV Facebook page is created
    • October 9th: AndrewTemari101 changes his name to Beau.
    • October 28th: Maka/Rainbow Dash scares the bejeebus out of everyone by posting a thread with "tummer is dead" in the title, only to reveal that Tummer has actually successfully exited surgery. Somewhere in there Tummer/Maka become a thing (sort of).
    • November 2nd, 2012: Hero of Time and Kingdom Hearts530 begin dating <3
    • October 30, 2012: Jayn professes her undying love for Misty, and a new OTP is born.
    • November 3rd 2012 - The KHV Facebook page is open to all
    • Hayabusa returns to KHV early in the year. He wins best returning memory for the 2012 awards.
  2. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Last Winter Kingdom Hearts530 starts to become active <3
  3. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Cat<3 Sora joins the fray; 2009
    Cat<3 Sora becomes active again/becomes a mega-postwhore; 2011

    Jayn, Clawtooth, Enzy and Plums become Sectional Mods/Ty and Mixt become reporters/tienewman replaces spdude/Fayt is changed from Super-Mod to regular prem; 2011

    Is it sad that I know all this...?
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    I joined... XD

    So did Bueno actually now that I think about it lol

    I became super active again.

    Roleplay Idol starts etc
    Things like that? lol
    We move servers etc
  5. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Banned

    Jul 19, 2007
    Code Vault
    2011 Luxord became Coder.
    2011 Luxord quit being a Coder.
    2007. Black Phoenix joined the forum.
    2011. Black Phoenix (AKA Ace Phoenix) became an open pervert and started preaching how everyone is a pervert.
  6. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I joined toward the end of January 2011. That is all that I have for the time being.
  7. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Roleplay Idol starts.


    And Book Club.


    2010: Back to the Past Hack

    which i also call the X.A.N.A hack


    2012: Plums becomes Owner.
  8. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I joined in May 2011, and got Premium in August
    And we also started the KHV chorus in 2011
  9. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    2011 i joined

    Er..uh..2011 KHV Chorus started? 2011 Smurfasaurus/Dr_Wigglz joined a pirate crew :P
  10. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    2009- Heart Joins KHV
    2011- Heart and Machi become a couple
    Heart's Content opens
  11. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Roxas's KHV history is a good place to look, it only goes up to (I believe) 2007 but it has some of the major events.
    Anyway, here's some off the top of my head. All of the dates are rough estimates/what I have stuck in my head, but they could be different. And most of these revolve around my ego.

    • December 19th: site opens.
    • December 28th: forum opens.
    • February 26th: Misty joins ( :'D )
    • July 6th: Misty (and Darkwatch, though I think he was a day or two before me) are asked to join staff permanently. We had been temporary staff for about a week or two, at that point.
    • September: KH-Vids Royale is announced & begins. Deathspank & Sara announce that we will be moving from phpbb to vBulletin. All user accounts, posts, etc, will be lost.
    • September 25th: vBulletin forum is opened to staff only, to get things set up. I believe the staff, at this point, consisted of: Sara (admin), Deathspank (admin), *Sora* (super mod at first, but he would shortly be admin), Xaldin (admin), Arc (admin) Misty (super mod), Cin (super mod), Darkwatch (super mod), Cheal (Forum Helper), Xeshin (unsure), 1winged_angel (unsure if he was a sectional mod or super mod), Fayth (super mod), Roxas-chan (super mod), General Grievous (Forum Helper), Roxas (Forum Helper), Cloudo (Forum Helper),
    • September 29th: vBulletin forum is open to all members.
    • November 3rd: Video Portal opens.
    • November: First User Awards are hosted by Roxas.
    • December 3rd: Top Five begins.
    • End of December: Blue & black skin that everyone loved becomes the new default.
    • January: Reputation system enabled, Premium usergroup created, Spam Zone flame war begins, after which entire Spam Zone is closed down for a week.
    • This is the year that the database errors first started cropping up.
    • Around the middle of the year, I know Roxas is not on staff.
    • December: white skin that everyone hated becomes the new default.
    I can add looooots more later, and get info about when everyone started on/left staff. =]
  12. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Noroz joined in 2011. The start of an Era :)
  13. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    2006 - Sabby Joined KHV

    2010 - Sabby and Chev was made Sec Mod.
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Updated! Thank you to everyone contributing. :]

    @Misty; omg wat. I'll sift through this thread at some point. xD;
  15. Kayate King's Apprentice

    Jun 27, 2011
    Cisgender Male
    Aperture Science Testing Facility
    2011: That dancing Vegeta guy joined.
  16. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    Mr. Boom was made in December, 2006

    Mr. Boom was banned by Roxas.

    The orginal member, Mr. Boom, created the user Rat in February 2007
    So all this time, I didn't join in 07. I joined in 06.

    I don't bear any importance to the site, but that's all I could come up with about me lol.
  17. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    I joined May 1st to be specific.

    I'd never have the patience to do this...
  18. Droid Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2011
    The Pirate families are mentioned. I feel so proud now.

    Lol at Aqua making prem being an event, it was dude, in all your schizophrenic posting glory.
  19. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Jayn, I have always wanted a timeline for user referrence! Especially about who was staff at various points in time. All I have is (If considered important):


    23 June 2010: Llave de Espada joins KHV


    17 July 2011: Llave de Espada becomes active

    25 August 2011: This Day in History begins

    15 September 2011: "Hacked by Phil"

    1 November 2011: Llave de Espada becomes premium
  20. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I became active again on June 5, 2011.