For the first time in the history of KH-vids (I think XD), there is going to be a KHV Story competition! Anyone can participate! Just write a story, involving KHV members (it doesn't matter how many, or who they are), and then pm me the link to your story (make sure to post it in the Creativity Corner, or some other site where I can read it!), and I will judge it! :) The contest starts today, and it will end on December the 31st, with the announcement of the winner, so be sure to hurry and give me your stories! :) If you need more time, pm me to let me know. So...let the competition begin! :D Participants Roxas~Rox~my~sox DestinyStar Kiburedo Xarsa AngelsNeedFlight Last of the Organization
you know about my story! :D i want to enter it! XD XD and i will be updating it until the deadline... :)
I'll enter as well... Inspiration will hit sometime or another. when exactly in december does the contest end?
I'll give It a go xD Is there a limit to how big your story can be? Like 3 chapters the max? Because I'm sure you don't want to read like...20 chapters from each person xD And uh...One more question...Does It have to be posted In the Creativity Corner? Because I want to write It In word, then post It onto Quizilla or just send you the file on word, because I'm meant to be writing TSSSAFWAK and I don't want to look like Ive just ditched It xD
Nope, no limit. Make it as long or short as you want. :) And you can post it anywhere as long as I can read it. XD