KHV Mini Adventures (Woo!)

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Soku, May 6, 2008.

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  1. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Ello Ello Chappello!! Been a long time! Approximentallyy............wait, I think I spelt that wrong.:sweat: Now, you kids be good in this next episode!


    * In the bus*

    Arc: I can't believe this, why am I here?........*gets hit with a paper ball* Hey!

    Cronoking: *hides under the seat* Alright Jube, let's get Sara now.

    Jube: *takes out a bendy straw* Let's do it! Spit style! *high fives*

    Rosey: ? What are you guys doing?

    Cronoking: Ah just having fun with the teachers. Hey Jube, remember, don't bend th-

    Jube: *launches* Yeah there it goes, get ready to-.....wait where did it go?

    Cronoking: You owe me new shoes.........

    Destined: You know, i'm just glad we didn't have to pay for this trip. My parents would have never fallen for the trick you pulled off.

    DPWolf: Yeah, worked like a charm. Bubble gum can stick to money so easily.

    Gamefreak103: was a free trip.

    DPWolf: Who said anything about using this money for a trip. >.> <.< *runs to the back of bus*

    Darkwatch: *sticks out foot and trips* Ha, friggin geek!

    Kitty: *pokes him in the ribs*

    Darkwatch: D: *falls down in the chair*

    Muffin: Huh, I thought I only knew that trick.

    Laurence_Fox: Please, you should have seen me when he tried to steal get me dirty at that food fight. Tofu never looked so disgusting......

    Shadowjak: Yeah, that was before someone become a wild hog and ate it a- Woo a speed bump!

    *The whole bus jumps up, making people hit their heads, and their bottoms*

    Mish: *falls right infront of Kitty's feet* Woah!

    Kitty: Hey, respect the toes!

    debralizjr: * hits up against Repliku*

    Repliku: You know, I would make a really long statement about how that hurt, and that you would never, ever feel the pain that has just been stowed upon me. It all started on a storm-

    Everyone: *falls asleep*

    Repliku: Man you losers..............wait, who's driving?

    *Everyone wakes up to see The Great Gatz asleep still*

    Arc: Hey.....wake up! No pay check for a week!

    The Great Gatz:zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....hmmm fudge pudding........tofu...................Pizza Hut!...zzz....

    Arc: I hope one of you guys know how to drive a bus.

    ~Amber~: Ah move aside! I maybe afraid of tables, but not buses!*pushes TGG out the way*

    Arc: Wait no! That's not what I-


    *The bus goes to an amazing speed*

    Kiburedo: Ah, stop this thing! *falls in the middle of bus*

    Xendran: *looks at the emergency brake* Spike! Emergency Alpha Plan Florange!

    O R A N G E: What?

    Xaldin: *pops up* Who?

    Roxas: *wtf?* Where?

    Arc: * throws MasterSword at them* Shut up!!!

    Spike: Wait a minute, what is that plan exactly?

    Xendran: *grabs spike, and throws him at the Emergency brake*

    Spike:* Hits right into it, and everything goes forward, including him* Doh! *goes through window*

    ~Amber~: * hits forehead on horn*

    Arc: *goes through two seats*

    Sara: *used Spdude as a shield from windows*

    advent_of_apocalypse: *finds a nickel* Pretty shiny.

    * Everyone pretty much was screwed.....everyone but advent_of_apocalypse*

    Shadowjak: *crawls towards ~Amber~*D<*eyes red*

    TheFro: Run Amber!

    ~Amber~: *tries to crawl away*

    Darkandroid: Hey, I think I see civilization!!! Not here...........T_T

    RVR: *stands out off bus* Woo! Welcome to Six Flags everybody!

    *Everybody's eyes widen with excitement, except RVR*

    Tootsie: Man! I haven't been here since forever!

    VGN: You're that old?

    Tootsie: It's not too late for the poke trick.

    Darkwatch: *grabs him by the shoulder* Trust me man...........

    GhettoX: Dang, I can't wait to mess with Daffy again! I cut off his tail last year...seemed pretty real though.

    TheChosenOne: You will be avenged tail..............AVGNED!!!!

    HigherBeing: You spelt that wrong. >.> *zips away*

    TheChosenOne: Argh! *tackles Ghetto*

    GhettoX: Hey! Don't Playa hate!

    Soush: Seriously! Stop talking like that!

    Libregkd: I wonder if that new wii section is open yet. Nah, i'd rather have the PS-

    KnightReaper: *shoots* Don't speak teh nonsense!

    Catch the Rain: Yeeah, I think im gonna go inside now.

    Soku: Yeah, atleast we won't have to wait for them in line. *sneaks off*

    * It was about two more hrs of bickering before they realized that they were missing all the fun. Now everyone was in the park, and the adventure begins!*

    Hissora: Wait, is this in TX? D:

    Soku: Yeah sure, wait, what's wrong with TX?

    Rosey: TX has a lame saying now. Don't Mess With Texas.

    Soku: I like it, kind of catchy...

    Catch the Rain: You can never Catch the Trash.*puts thumbs up* Oh yeah! Take that Chuck Norris!

    * Everyone claps*

    Soku: Wait! What about my movie?!

    XRoyale: Technically, it's a script. :3

    Rat: I can't wait to get security on everybody! >D

    Cronoking: I wonder what it will be like to get kicked out of sixflags. They'd have to catch me first!

    Catch the Rain: Catch the Crono.

    Way2Dawn: Wait a minute, there's gonna be two parts?

    Soku: Yeah, im trying to eat, and I know I wouldn't have the stuff to finish it later. So i'll just make another one.....continuing off this one.

    Shadowjak: *blows horn*

    Soku: Yeah it'll be in the same topic! Gosh you're ruining my life!*slams random door*
  2. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    You'll never catch me >D
  3. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    *catches and puts in cage*


    Lmfao, dont mess with texas!
  4. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    ... I can drive a bus?

    XD cool!


    Although I think everyone wants to kill me now >_>;
  5. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Lol, nah, that's just Sj. XD I can't wait to make you guys bad......well badder. Crap, that isn't even a word huh? D:
  6. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    *needs moar cowbell*
  7. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    avenged is such a hard word to spell ;~;
  8. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    HA! I point out the randomness of money....if only my parents HAD payed for the trip to Disneyworld...
  9. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    For some reason the part that made me lol the most was with Jube and Crono spitballing Arc and Sara at the very beginning. Soku, lmao, you haven't lost it. :> Continue, continue, I want more.
  10. KnightReaper Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 4, 2008
    lol I get what you did there. You took the info from my thread when I said I don't like the PS3. NICE...smartass.
  11. Way2Dawn Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 21, 2008
    Back from the dead (as of 9/24/13)
    The part that was funniest to me was Repliku's part. Every thread I've made he posted I know how he posts.
  12. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    how did this get here...?

    Its funny but...whoa...?
  13. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    No bumping, noob. =/
  14. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Congratulations, you just necro bumped

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