KHV In The Big Brother House 5

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Sep 18, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Last Time, On The KHV Big Brother Series....

    BB: You will be getting two new house mates...

    Jordie:OH MY GOD! Hi Xaldin

    Rosey: OH MY ****ING GOD! Hi Darkandroid


    Crono: So how come your here?

    Xaldin: Well....Me and DA met In some random street...and we were both auditioning for Big Brother..

    Sara: Isn't It weird that everyone here Is from KHV?

    Darky: Ahhh...C'mon Sara! This Is fun!!

    Sara: Mmm...I guess =\

    DA: So like...How come your all dressed In Ninja Costumes...And Shadowjak's Is pink?

    Shadowjak: GOD DAMNIT! >=\

    Trigger: Its a LOOONNNNGGGG story

    DS: Actually It only lasted for about...10 minutes

    CtR: Shhh DS!

    Xaldin: So what do we do In the house?

    Soku: Nothing

    DA: Aww come on! We have to be able to do SOMETHING!

    Cin: Well...Mish has a new hobby...

    Xaldin: And whats that?

    Mish: Come here ant! No! Don't run away!

    DA+Xaldin: o.o....Is this house THAT bad?

    Jordie: Afraid so...Although we could always fight over which bed we are going to have...


    Angel: THIS IS MY BED!!!!


    Angel: MINE

    HN: MINE!

    Angel: Grrr....

    Sara: Well...I guess this passes time...

    BB: This, Is Big Brother. Housemates....To the diary room..

    *Diary Room*

    BB: This week...We will be having a challenge called 'Dark Room'

    Darky: *Whispers to Trigger* This sounds cool...

    BB: Nine of you will be going Into a small, dark room. With no windows, no light and only a small amount of food and water. You can stay In there for as long as you want...but you also may leave any time you want. Everyday you stay In there will give you $1000. When the last person Is In there...The person will win their money and the other Nine will go In there.

    Crono: Do we get to choose who the Nine are?

    BB: No...The first Name to be called Into the room Is, Mish. Go through that big door, but before you go In there, grab one of those white bags. Use your food and water wisely!

    Mish: *Grabs bag and goes Into door*

    BB: Next person, Crono

    Crono: ._. *Grabs bag and walks Into the doorway*

    BB: Next person...Jordie

    Jordie: In there? With Crono?

    BB: Yes

    Jordie:*Grabs bag and goes Into door*

    BB: Arc

    Arc: *Grabs back and walks Into the doorway*

    BB: Sara

    Sara: *Grabs bag and walks In room*

    BB: Rosey

    Rosey: *Grabs bag and walks Into room*

    BB: Xaldin

    Xaldin: *Grabs bag and walks to room*

    BB: Soku

    Soku: *Grabs bag and walks In room*

    BB: Last person.....DS

    DS: *Grabs bag and walks to room*

    *The door shuts with a creek and bang*

    BB: The rest of you, That Is all.

    *The Left Over Nine walk Into the lounge and see the other Nine on the TV in a gray room but they couldn't hear what they were saying*

    *Gray Room*

    Crono: I'm so gonna win...

    Arc: You wish

    Jordie: ._.

    Sara: Jordie? Whats wrong?

    Jordie: S-spider.... ._.

    Xaldin: Where? I'm sure Its not----OH MY GOD! ITS HUGE!

    Rosey: Its the size of a dinner plate! ;_;

    DS: Soku...Don't move...

    Soku: *The spider was crawling on his head* Heelllppp..
  2. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    Sweet. Im gonna totally win ;D
  3. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    IT's BB and I'm not in it. Thaaannnkkssss
  4. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    It's ok, your not the only one. There's over 15,000 members that feel the same way as you.
  5. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Psht, I bet Hissy and me could spice it up a little ;P
  6. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    wtf was i in this one?
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    funny but who will win...*dramtic music* where does that keep coming from!?
  8. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    :o .
  9. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    lol, i hate spiders... i don't like small places as well :D... anyways i wonder who will win.
  10. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    Why am I never in these? D:
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