KHV In The Big Brother House 4

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Sep 17, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    {Number 4! By the way, they are all speaking on Walky Talky's XD}

    Rosey: *Crackle Noise* Ninja 3 to Ninja 6, are you there? Over

    Vivi: Yes I'm here o.o But why did I have to be the target? Over

    Rosey: Don't complain Vivi, we had a vote. Ninja 3 to Afro Ninja, are you set? Over

    Crono: As Set as I will ever be. Over

    Darky: Okay guys, this Is what we will do. Fairy Ninja---

    Shadowjak: STOP CALLING ME THAT >=\

    Darky: Fine, Pink Ninja and Ninja 8 will head towards their base from behind, Ninja 3 will attack with Ninja 1 (me) from the front, Ninja 7 and Afro Ninja will attack from the right and Ninja 5 will attack alone from the left. Are we ready? Crono?

    Crono: Yep

    Darky: Rosey?

    Rosey: Here

    Darky: Pink---

    Shadowjak: Don't even say It >=\

    Darky: Uhh...Arc?

    Arc: Yeah

    Darky: Vivi?

    Vivi: Uhh....Can somebody swap positions with me?

    Darky: No. Angel?

    Angel: Right

    Darky: And Mish?

    Mish: Here!

    Darky: Okay...Get ready...on the count of three 1...2...

    *From the other side of the house*

    DS: Okay everyone, we all know the plan?

    Everyone On Team Two: Yep

    DS: Right, Ninja 10 and Ninja 13, Attack from behind the couch

    Sara+Jordie: Right!

    DS: Ninja 14 and Ninja 11, Attack from the bathroom!

    CtR+Trigger: Yep!

    DS: Me and Ninja 16 will stay here at the base and fight

    Cin: Sure!

    DS: Ninja 12 and Ninja 15 will attack at their base

    Soku + HN: Got It!

    DS: Ready? They are coming! GO!

    *Everybody starts fighting with pillows with the lights turned off so Its dark*

    Mish: RAWR! I GOT YOU!

    Soku: Muhahaha, suckers!

    Jordie: Quickly Sara! Over here!

    Crono: FEEL MY AFRO WRATH!!!!!!


    Crono: Uhh...Come on! Keep going!

    *Fight starts again but then the lights turn on*

    BB: This, Is Big Brother, House mates....To the Diary room

    Darky: Uh Oh...

    CtR: Oopss...

    Sara: We are In trouble


    Darky: AND VIVI'S! >=\

    Vivi: Hey! Don't blame It all on me!

    *Everyone walks to Diary Room*

    BB: Hello house mates.

    Everyone: Hii

    BB: You will be getting two new house mates In a couple of seconds...

    Arc: So were not In trouble?

    BB: Hey, I don't blame you. I would be bored If I was stuck In that house

    Crono: So who are they?

    BB: You will see...

    *Everyone hears shouting from the lounge room*

    BB: That Is all

    *Angel runs out first and shouts* Angel: OH MY GOD! IT'S

    Sorry, we are getting some technical problems. Please wait.

    Thank you for waiting. We are sorry for any Inconvenience

    Jordie: OH MY GOD! Hi Xaldin

    Rosey: OH MY ****ING GOD! Hello Darkandroid

    Xaldin + DA: Sup?
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Jordie you rock for these *hugs* they always make me smile :) Keep up the good work! :)

    *cookie for you*
  3. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007

    Yay! Cookeh! Thanks CtR!! =D
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    No problem :) it's true they are ace xD

    *ninja poofs out*
  5. RRMS Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 18, 2007
    In a random empty void |D ~♥
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