KHV In The Big Brother House 3

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Sep 16, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007

    *Diary Room*

    Trigger: *Walks In Diary Room* Hi Big Brother

    BB: What Is wrong Trigger?

    Trigger: Nothing...I just wanted to say hi...because I thought you would be lonely stuck In this room all day and night

    BB: Uhh...Its fine Trigger...Every things fine

    Trigger: Are you sure? Hey I was wondering...Could we have some more Oreo's?

    BB: Oreos?

    Trigger: Yeah, those chocolate biscuits with the creamy stuff Inside!

    BB: I'm sorry Trigger, but Its a no

    Trigger: Okay well...I also wanted to see If you liked my jokes? Okay heres the first one....So the guy walked Into the bar.......

    BB: Oh god...

    *Meanwhile, in the lounge*

    Mish: Good Idea CtR...

    Soku: Yeah honey!

    Darky: Although....It wasn't a very big portion *Looked at crumbs In hand*

    CtR: Well, would you like to keep on fighting and end up like HisNobody?

    HN: Ouch..Ouch...Ouch...

    Sara: Hold still! Bloody hell...Theres BITE MARKS on her leg, who the **** did that?

    Crono: ....

    Rosey: So what do we do now?

    Jordie: I dunno...You wanna annoy Big Brother?

    BB: No you don't ;-;

    Arc: Uhhh...Right....Anyway...Lets, Umm....

    Cin: Throw Stone's!

    Angel: O.O

    Cin: Okay...lets NOT throw stones...

    *Everyone Sighs*

    Jordie: *Starts to hum the song Grace Kelly by Mika*

    *Everyone starts to sing the song*

    Crono: Do I attract you?

    Darky: Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?

    DS: Am I too dirty?

    Shadowjak: Am I too flirty?

    Vivi: Do I like what you like?

    Sara: I could be wholesome I could be loathsome I guess Im a little bit shy

    Mish: Why dont you like me? Why dont you like me without making me try?

    Jordie: *Smiles* I try to be like Grace Kelly
    But all her looks were too sad
    So I try a little Freddie
    Ive gone identity mad!

    CtR: I could be brown
    I could be blue
    I could be violet sky
    I could be hurtful
    I could be purple
    I could be anything you like

    Angel: Gotta be green
    Gotta be mean
    Gotta be everything more
    Why dont you like me?
    Why dont you like me?
    Why dont you walk out the door!

    HN: Lol...I think thats enough singing...

    Vivi: Shadowjak, you can sing?

    Shadowjak: You should hear yourself =\

    Rosey: *Whispers to CtR* I think the boys have just reveled their true Identity's

    CtR: *Laughed*

    Darky: *Walked away*

    DS: Where Is HE going?

    Soku: I don't know >.>

    Darky: *Came back with ninja costumes* I found these while looking In the bed room >=3 *Hands one to everyone*

    Cin: Lol...NINJA TIME!

    Rosey: Look! Ima ninja! I will kick your butt!

    Mish: *Made ninja noises* MUHAHAHAHA

    Soku: XD Look at Shadowjak's...

    Shadowjak: Oh great...Mine HAD to be the pink one >=\

    Jordie: Your a pwetty wittle fairy!

    HN: *Gigglesnort*

    Crono: Awesome! Mine comes with a afro! *Puts afro on* Woo!

    Vivi: You know...We could do something with these....

    *Meanwhile, back In the Diary room*

    BB: ZzzZzZZzzzZZZZZzzz....

    Trigger: Well thanks for listening Big Brother!

    BB: ZzzZzZzZzzZzzzzZz-- Huh? What? Oh...Its just you Trigger =\
  2. RRMS Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 18, 2007
    In a random empty void |D ~♥
    Jordie is a Genuis!...Great story!!!!.....
    Wonder what Friday Night Live will be like
  3. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    lol me like ^^
  4. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    very funny :D, poor big brother.
  5. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    i would never sing grace kelly...ever, Mika should be shot and his whole family for making him.
  6. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Nice Vivi.

    Lol, it was good.
  7. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    I like that song but shh...xD

    The next chapter:Sing "Love today"

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