Hey all! Welcome to another round of KHV Idol! This round's theme was Acoustic Versions, where participants were allowed to sing an acoustic version of any song they wanted! Here are your entries!!! 1 2 3 Voting ends in 7 days You cannot vote for yourself All participants must vote Happy voting! :)
I'm gonna vote for entry 1, mostly because I feel that whoever did that song did a better job overall singing and mixing his entry.
I actually had so much trouble choosing. D: In the end I went with 2, for the sheer emotion that went with the lyrics. Yowza. WOO POST 500
Votes are in! The Winner is Entry #2! Congratulations Tummer! 2nd place, with 3 votes, goes to entry #1! Congratulations Tale Wind! 3rd place, with 1 vote, goes to entry #3! Congratulations darkhorseD! We hope to see you again for another round of KHV Idol!