(Sorry for the delay, uni has officially become my life :( ) Hey everyone! Welcome to another round of KHV Idol! This round's theme was Acoustic Versions, where participants could sing any song as long as the instrumental was an acoustic guitar or piano version! HERE ARE YOUR ENTRIES!!!1234 Voting closes in 7 daysAll entrants must voteYou cannot vote for yourselfHappy voting! :)
i feel like i am biased because skinny love is one of my favorite songs ever and i immediately teared up when i heard it
It was, once again, a tough call for me; I was stuck between entry 1 and entry 3. Now, I must give credit where credit is due, entry 3's rendition of AcoustiMandoPony's song Kindness was my favorite of the song choices, but in terms of vocals, I have to go with entry 1, even though its a song I don't recognize.
The results are in! Equal 1st place, with 2 votes each, goes to entries 1, 3 and 4. Congratulations to Romani, darkhorseD and Fearless! Second place, with one vote, goes to entry 2! Well done PaW! We hope to see you next time for another round of KHV Idol! :)