So, today's April Fools right? I know that my boyfriend is planning to do something cruel to me tonight and I want to get him first so here is my plea: Can anyone give me any ideas on what I should do? Pleaaaaaaaaaase?
Get me a plane ticket and I'll be your personal bodyguard B| alternately, threaten to deny him any cuddles if he does something Also hi. :B
xD That's a great idea or I can pick you up on my jet! HI =D what's uuuuup? Zter: But...but I don't know you. D:
Of course, I keep forgetting you have a jet at your disposal *shot* Meh, school work mostly. Almost done with it though, got just about a month left. xD I will totally try and come down sometime during the summer to visit you. :c
Tell him you're pregnant. Tell him you saw an alien Tell him you are an alien Tell him that before he can come in he has to sing really loudly in the garden to prove his commitment. Tell him you're really into monster trucks/something he absolutely adores and you don't. Tell him you're actually in the FBI Tell him you're a superhero. Put a tea bag in his pocket secretly so he doesn't find out until he takes it off. When you get him a drink, use fizzy water. I can think of more, but right now I'm needed elsewhere.
Break up with him and hook up with me then That's actually really cruel though >_> Show him KHV and tell him you regularly come here. Best April Fools joke ever.
You're almost done with school...and you're going to the college world I cannot even I just can't *too emotional* D: and that's a lovely idea! :3 I'D BE AWESOMEEEEE! I'll drive you to places and stuff cause um yeah, I'm gonna get a car on summer. x) Ienzo: lol I love the second one and the 5th one xD I'm gonna try those. Forsaken: LOL I'm gonna tell him I met a guy on internet and it's YOU. lol kidding and he knows about KHV already. xDDD
I was going to do this with a friend of mine just to see his reaction xD but I wasn't at school today due to me being sick and nausy... meh, I guess I'll text him later. xD Anyway, I'd say that you're prego like what Ienzo said. xDD
Yeah, tell me about it. Seems like it was only yesterday that we were all noobs in the Kadaj Family. D: I'll have to see what my schedule for the summer is, since I'm planning to go to England for at least two weeks and I have no idea when orientation for Drexel is 8D BUT YESSS WE CAN HAVE ROAD TRIPS
Don't get him first, get him back. The moment he does the prank, the journey begins. Start flitring with him, more than you usually do, through out the night. Make him think he may get lucky. When it's all over and he takes you home, he's going to want to kiss you. When he gets close, get close to his ear and whisper "April Fools". At that moment, have someone in your house (parent, sibling) open the door and spray him with whip cream.
Put mentos in some ice-cubes and fetch him a coke. With ice. Or do what I'm planning to do to KS and can't discuss here. It involves a friend of the opposite gender :) Failing that, tell him you feel weird about this girl you know... O_o Make up something semi-realistic.
Technically, April Fools only lasts until 12 noon and after that it's bad luck. Make sure he know that.
"Baby, I need to tell you something. I'm pregnant" "What happened?" "Well I was talking to someone online and one thing lead to another..." "You got pregnant over the internet?" "Isn't technology great? By the way, you might want to check your computer for viruses"