oh boo hoo, this kid is having problems wah. Believe it or not KHV, I am genuinely sad and in an intolerable mold. So if you try to speak with me, which never happens anyway, I'm going to come off as cold and a jerk. Today, well tonight, has been one of those nights and I'm just... done with all this bullsh*t.
Andrew D: I know I don't really message you a lot (or anyone really tiduslaugh.mp3), but I do actually worry for you. ;__; Do you want to talk?
Oh, so as soon as I say I'm upset, now people want to strike up conversations. Well no dice this time guys, sorry.
Well sometimes we don't know. However, you shouldn't take your attitude out like this. I'm sorry that you are upset but you are being pretty rude. Also, why make a thread when you know this is the reaction you are bound to get. People want to help but apparently it seems like you don't want it. It sucks to be upset, but venting does help. Instead of all this attitude you're throwing out here.
I'm down with Sabby. Understandable that you've got issues hon, but you've got no good reason to take out your little attitude on us, especially when they wanted to help. If you were going to act like this, then you shouldn't have posted this thread.
Ugh... look, I'm sorry. I'm just done with always having to start conversations with everyone. What if I want someone to talk with me for once? What if I want someone to go out of their way to have a conversation with me? I just wish that I was... that one guy that people look at and be like, "Ohey, that guy is so nice and cool. I really want to talk to him." But it never does, no matter how long I wait. It kills me eveytime it never happens.
Listen, I'm sorry that I don't message you a lot. I think of you tho, I really do. I've just been busy with school, I know it's a terrible excuse but most of the time i only talk on msn. you are on my mind because I genuinely care for you. I know how you feel, being the one that always start the conversation but you're the brave one doing it :)
I mean I feel bad because sometimes my friends don't chat me on Facebook first or whatever, but being mean to the people who are nice to you isn't going to change your situation. And neither is making a thread about it. Want to tell a particular person how you feel without seeming dramatic? Confrontation bro. In a nice way. People are much more understanding that way.
You may not know me, and some people on KHV might not either, but I thought I would respond to this. I've had the same thoughts as you have right now, man. So I can completely relate to you on this one. But allow me to say that you get more praise than you think you do. I know that some people I have talked with have mentioned you in a very positive manner. I won't mention names, but my point is..you do get recognition. Even if you don't think you do. :) I wish people would start up conversations with me, but you know, they're probably used to me being the one to start them up. And you know..in all honesty, so long as I'm talking with friends and people who bother to respond, I'm okay with that. I know that it would be so much nicer if people would show a little interest in you by starting up a conversation with you instead of you doing it all the time. But I think the fact that they even respond in the first place shows their interest. =] This is from a fellow Andrew, and someone who understands what you're going through. Stay positive bro.