[KHV] Cruel World - A KHV story with pirates.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Laurence_Fox, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Note: Crossposted from the Creativity Corner. I know how some of you seem to live here.


    Gather 'round ye lads and lassies and I'll ye a tale of adventure and cutthroats, of tragedy and bloodshed. If any o' ye think ye can't handle it, then I would advise ye to close yer ears to what I'm about to tell, mateys.

    For I be tellin' the tale of Captain Fox and his Mistress, the Lost Heaven. The Lost Heaven was a fearsome ship if I ever did see one. Her sails were black as the blackest night that ever swallowed the blazing sun. The rest of her was the color o' blood lined with torches. The figurehead. Oh other vessels might have a mermaid or some other goddess to guide their way. But not the Lost Heaven. Her figurehead was that o' Medusa herself.

    And who was the Captain of this fearsome hellspawn of a ship? None other than Captain Laurence_Fox of course. Why, one old salt I ran into last week, forget his name, said that Fox was one o' the harshest Captains to ever sail the high seas of KHV. Fox said to be so deranged and evil that hell itself spat him back out because he tried to take over the place. Imagine old Lucifer wasn't pleased at that development.

    What did he look like, Captain Fox? The accounts o' his appearance vary but for the most part he was tall and dressed all in black and silver. An ornate eyepatch worn over one eye. The other eye as pure ice but that eye held a fury that the world had not seen since Cain killed Abel.

    The First Mate of this ship was Libregkd and he was jus' as bad as the Captain he served under. He took great pleasure in doling out punishments upon the forsaken crew and he had a most insane cackle as he did so. Libregkd dressed garishly in contrast to Fox's sinister black.

    The Lost Heaven was unbothered for the most part. Save for the occasional foolhardy pirate ship seeking to end Fox's reign of tyranny. All of those ships lay at the bottom of the ocean along with their fool Captains and crews. The other contender against the Lost Heaven was the Royal KHV Navy. One Commodore Clawtooth in particular was especially Hellbent on taking down the Lost Heaven and mounting Fox's head as a trophy.

    Commodore Clawtooth is well known amongst us pirates. He's personally escorted a few of us to the banishing gallows himself. While Captain Fox's eye burned with fury, the Commodore's eyes burned with a purifying fire. For he couldn't tolerate the presence of pirates in Staff waters and the fact that the Lost Heaven was the biggest pirate threat made Clawtooth more determined to bring her and Fox down.

    The particular tale I'm gonna tell ye salts about is about the conflict between Fox and Clawtooth. The met in the middle of the ocean in the Fun and Games section. The Lost Heaven loomed out o' the gloom like a ghost ship while Clawtooth's ship, the H.M.S Darkwatch. Named of course for the legendary Admiral who had lost his life against Fox's own sword. Maybe that was the reason the Commodore sought Fox's head.

    Anyway, the two ships clashed and Fox ordered his pirates onto the Darkwatch. 'Board that ship, ye dogs o' hell!' he yelled and he was one of the first to board the Darkwatch with Libregkd not far behind. 'Commodore Clawtooth is mine!' Fox yelled as he went in search of his prey.

    As luck would have it, the two men soon clashed swords with a clap of thunder. Both sides stood by watching as if a pair of titans were dueling for command of the world. Neither man seemed to have an advantage over the other and both seemed to be anticipating the other's movements.

    Ages seemed to pass as the two remained locked in combat with the thunder growing more frequent in the background. Fox was relentless, unleashing his full fury against the Commodore who matching him blow for blow. Either their blades would break or one of them would. Soon though, Clawtooth saw his chance, a minute opening in Fox's defenses and plunged his sword through Fox's heart. A hushed whisper ran through the pirates as the long awaited rain began to fall.

    Captain Fox looked down at the sword in his chest as he stumbled backwards. The ice cold fury leaving his eye before he fell backward onto the deck. "C…Commodore, I want to tell…you something before I die." Clawtooth knelt beside the dying pirate. "By killing me…the world is a smaller place." And he cringed as a stream of blood left his lips. "Some small bit of…wonder dies with me. As does my ship."

    And as the light left Fox's eye, the Lost Heaven seemed to melt away under the relentless rain, along with her crew. The First Mate, libregkd, he shot himself rather than hang and then his body too, vanished into mist. Only Fox's lifeless body remained on the deck of the Darkwatch. Clawtooth frowned as he closed Fox's eye, giving Fox that much respect. He pulled his blade from the pirate's chest.

    Oh aye, no ship has ever plagued the sea like the Lost Heaven did and no pirate instilled such a fear like Captain Laurence Fox? Did Commodore Clawtooth bring Fox's body back to the rest of the staff? Aye, he did. Once the staff had proof o' the pirate's death, they committed the body back to the sea. The Commodore was never the same after Fox's body sank to the depths, he often repeated what Fox had told him as the pirate lay dying. That the world was a smaller place and that he was responsible for killing some wonder from it.

    And who might I be telling' this tale like I was there? I served on Commodore Clawtooth's ship. And I 'ave the abandoned that life after I saw the legend o' Captain Fox die. My name has become Forsaken…as surely I am after witnessing that terrible day.

    On the bottom of the ocean, rests the body of Captain Fox. Even the sharks fled as that eye opened, not the ice blue from the old dodger's story, but blood red. Neither Hell nor Heaven would have him it seems…
  2. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Brilliant. I was telling the tale the whole time.
    Pirate tales are always amusing. I get the feeling it took you a while to do the pirate talk.

    Also, the spam zone is not what it was.
    Most people would have replied to this thread back in the day. Now they're more like "tl;dr"
  3. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    This is too beautiful oh my goodness. Also another story where Claw did not perish, hurrah.
    This would make a wonderful fad.
  4. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    So KHV is a huge ocean?


    I quite liked this and I hope you'll dare to make a prequel showing how Darkwatch died~
  5. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I might just do that.

    And the pirate talk actually didn't take me that long.
  6. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I hope you add more to it.
  7. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    The part at the end may or may not be the ending. I was kind of going for that cliffhanger sort of thing. Like at the end of the SyFy movies where the monster isn't dead or at the Halloween where Micheal's body just isn't there after the camera goes back to it.

    Captain Fox's story isn't over yet. For if he lives, then so does the Lost Heaven.
    It's complicated.
  8. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    Makaze, you were repeating yourself in Creativity Corner. Just thought I'd let you know.
  9. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Oh, then I will go check it... That seems to happen annoyingly often.
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male

    More shout outs to the long lost pas of this site would be a highlight.
  11. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  12. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Whoa dude, this was awesome. I love pirate stories. Well...when they're not pillaging villages and killing innocent people for no reason....that's not as cool, but this was all right. XD