OOC: I was bored when my internet was down so I decided to write a khv fanfic xD All CnC welcomed. I keep adding to it an odd paragraph at a time and don't always announce it updating, so check back every so often. Enjoy~ Chapter 1 Spoiler It was quiet, too quiet. The place should have been full of noise by now, he should have been struggling to navigate his way through the crowds, it should have been chaos. But as he walked down the empty street, one question tugged at his mind, ‘Where was everyone?’ He did not know and that in itself disconcerted him. This was his town; he knew almost every nook and cranny and did his best to know all of its inhabitants. He’d not been gone that long, what had happened? He needed to find somebody to tell him what was going on. He wasn’t picky, he’d love to see anyone right about now but the place was deserted. He made his way down the street slowly, searching for any sign of life. The houses at the side were all boarded up, the shops were closed and not a person to be seen. It seemed so sad, this place that held so many fond memories for him to be left like this. He ran a finger along one of the windows, creating a line through the grime and turning his finger black. He longed to see some immature boys running around, finding delight in the silliest things and finding an endless number of ways to get on his nerves. Perhaps, a heated debate where everyone gets involved, arguing their point across. He’d love to see a graphic shop open and bustling, seeing the wonderful works they create for everyone. Maybe he could see a writer, enthralling their audience as they tell their story. A gripping role-play or everyone coming together to sing in the chorus, he’d settle for anything, even a single person walking down the street. He just wanted to see something happen. Then he saw it, a flash of movement from an alleyway between two of the houses. He wasted no time in pursuing it; he needed to know what was going on. Turning down an alleyway, he saw the figure sprint away and behind the buildings. He followed quickly, gaining on them but turned early to cut them off. However when he came out, they were nowhere to be seen. He frowned; he didn’t understand where else they could have gone. He’d been certain they’d have to have come out here. His confusion was cut short as he felt the chill of metal touching his neck. The dagger was shaking slightly as it pressed against his neck, he did not recognise the boy holding it but they were out of breath and clearly not a fighter. He was not scared, he could fight and he felt more sorry for the boy but he wasn’t very keen on having a knife to his neck. However his escape plans were halted as he heard another voice, female this time and with a british accent, “Hey, who’ve you got there?” The voice seemed vaguely familiar to him but he couldn’t quite place it. He couldn’t see her very well without moving his head closer to the knife as she was stood on a wall overlooking them but she appeared to be wearing a large dark blue/purple coat with a fur lined hood up. More notably though was the bow and arrows she was holding ready and aimed at him. “Don’t try anything funny mister.” “I don’t know.” The boy answered, he was still shaking a little but clearly calmer now he wasn’t alone and he’d caught his breath. “He saw me in the interests area and chased me back here. Almost caught me too, he’s quick. What do we do with him?” “Interests, you say? What’s a person doing in that no go area? Well, I guess we should take him back to the others. Who are-” She cut off midsentence, she’d jumped down to the ground and just got her first proper look at him. “Chris! You’re back! Get that knife away from his neck, Andrew, it’s Christhor. You silly person, why didn’t you just say? A lot has happened since you left, you’ve a lot to catch up on but we’d better get you to safety first. No doubt the others will be glad to see you.” “Well where would the fun in that be? Now I can make you feel guilty.” He grinned, now being able to see the girl’s small height. “Can’t I, Midny?” The girl put down her hood and nodded, revealing her long messy blonde hair. “It’s nice to see you again. Though what’s with the scary get up and the weapons? Isn’t the staff protecting everyone?” Christhor asked, trying to figure out what’s going on. Midnight sighed, “Desperate times call for desperate measures. The staff are doing all they can and a pretty good job considering the circumstances but they can’t do everything and be everywhere at once. Everyone’s doing their little bit to help. They’ve created safe areas but if you leave a safe area you need a weapon, it’s far too dangerous without. The pins help with that though” Christhor watched as her bow suddenly transformed into a little pin in her hand, which she attached to her cloak. “See? Oh and follow me” She added, walking quickly. Chris raised his eyebrows and followed her, “Okay then. But who are you fighting, what’s happened while I’ve been away?” He also fished in his pocket and brought out some pins. They’d brought in pins as an award system before he’d left and now he gazed at them with a new respect, wondering what weapons they were. Andrew glanced at the pins he was holding, “Oh, um, you’ve got some already? You’ll need to activate them so you can use them.” He said slightly nervously, he was clearly still a little shaken up but had relaxed a bit and was trying to be helpful. He smiled at Christhor slightly as he quietly turned his little dagger back into a pin. Andrew appeared to be about 14 and still had childlike features beneath his fluffy brown hair. His eyes were inquisitive and curious, wanting to discover everything, unsuited to fighting. “Oh and we’re almost back, they’ll answer your questions." Chapter 2 Spoiler To say how well Chris thought he knew the town, he wasn’t quite sure where they were now as they came to the back door of a seemingly random building. Midnight knocked loudly three times on the door. There was a pause then the sound of someone moving about behind the door before a little box appeared out of the wall next to the door. On the box was a screen with a very bored looking teenage guy, “Who goes there? You know the drill; insert your identity cards, one at a time, yadda yadda yadda.” He said, extremely unenthusiastically. “On door duty again, Rat? What did you do wrong this time? Or is this still from last time?” Midnight asked laughing. Door Duty was an unpopular job, it was usually very boring just sitting there, letting people in and out, and making sure no enemies attacked. However in the unlikely event they did choose to attack there, it got a lot more exciting but you didn’t want to be the one to raise the alarm then defend it on your own until backup comes. Because of this staff gave it to people to teach them a lesson, it wasn’t an ‘official’ punishment but everyone knew that was what it was. It was Rat’s third time on it that week. The small girl glanced back at Christhor, “You have an identity card, right?” Christhor nodded after watching Midnight comment to Rat with amusement before fishing in his jacket to get out his old card. The cards contained their name, rank and other important stats about them. These updated automatically as things changed. They were often worn to help identify people and helped separate the rank authority of the residents. On top of this they helped with security, it was needed to use your cards to get into certain places. Apparently, now you needed them to get into all the safe areas. There were a few other uses of them that weren’t obvious and known about as well. Midnight placed hers into the machine, which opened the door for her to go through then shut again behind her. Andrew followed closely behind, he was quiet but still smiling, and Chris followed their lead. “Same as last time” Rat answered as they got through the door, fiddling with a penknife, “You know I’m starting to think they don’t like me very much.” He shrugged, relaxed back into his chair and unexpectedly threw the knife into a board on the wall where it lodged in. The board was peppered with holes from where he’d thrown the knife into it before. However, he sat up as he saw Christhor enter behind them, “Oh, Chris? You’re back? Well, welcome back to hell.” He sighed, glancing at Midny and Andrew. “I guess you’ve got to bring him up to speed so you’re not sticking around for a chat.” Chris grinned, “Yeah, I’m back. You know what they say; you can never truly leave KHV. And it can’t be that bad, can it?” He questioned but began to doubt as the look on Rat’s face told another story. He looked at the door that they were about to go through, what had happened while he’d been away? Was it really that bad? He knew Rat was probably exaggerating a bit but how much? He placed a hand on his stomach as he felt a few butterflies. Midnight shook her head at Rat, but smiled, “Aww poor you and I’m afraid you’re right. We can’t stick around, sorry.” She smiled apologetically at him. “But when you’re done, why don’t you pop over to the Voxli bar? We’ll be waiting for you, it’ll be a laugh.” She added on, Rat thought for a second about this before agreeing to come along. “Right, we’d better be off then. Bye” With an ever cheerful attitude she moved across the room to the door at the other side, gesturing for them to follow her. Chapter 3 (unfinished) Spoiler The sound hit them like a brick wall as soon as they got outside. The place was a hive of activity, everywhere you looked something was happening. Christhor could spot many faces he recognised as well as some new. They’d come out onto a large open area boxed in by buildings. In the centre were lots of stalls and marquees with a constant stream of people coming in and out. Anything and everything was happening there. Christhor recognised it immediately as the spamzone with the smaller playground behind. It was the heart and soul of the place, where everyone came to have fun and mess around. Few things were serious there. They were mainly tents as most of the stuff there was always changing; however to one side was a building with a wonky, colourful yet messy sign. LP2P. A virtually permanent attachment to the playground made from a mismatched group of people to create pure random madness. Anyone who understood or even knew all that went on in there must be a genius. There was now a ‘VI’ beneath the sign, the 6th version already? Chris raised his eyebrows, he used to be a member of that group and by looks of things his old friends had been working hard. The building itself reflected the madness that went on inside. It was covered in what he hoped were paint splatters and weird but wacky graffiti, a huge slide went round it and a fireman’s pole could be seen too. Strange coloured smoke emerged from its chimney, and the place seemed to have the slight aroma of waffles of the Belgian variety. His eyes were drawn to a stage in one of the corners of the square, it had fantastic scenery on it and upon the stage currently a small group of people appeared to be acting out something to a crowd in front of them. There was an elegant building behind the stage that had a fancy arch surrounding the entrance to the Arena. This he recognised to be the home to the role playing community. It was something he had never done but he had often enjoyed the magic of watching them.
Nice job Midny! Seriously, if you don't continue this, I'll have to strangle someonething. The only spot I had an issue with was paragraph three, fourth sentence: "He followed quickly, gaining on them but turned early to cut them up". I think "cut them off" would be a better choice of words. I can't wait for the next one!
I am liking this my dear. Your style of writing is lovely,interesting to read and fast paced,with barely any grammatical errors. My post here probably has more errors than our long paragraph. Scratch that,it most definitely does. I look forward to the next bit of this deary~
Oh my goodness... I love it so much! I mean, you can't even imagine how far my jaw dropped when I saw my name. Thank you so much for including me in your wonderful story! <3 I can't wait to see what else you have in store, you're very talented! c:
Ohhh another KHV story! How amazing! I do hope you finish this story Midny! It is quite amazing and very good so far!
This looks interesting, Midnight. I wish I could find something to truly critique, but looking for subtle grammatical errors was never my strong point. So, it looks good to me. I hope you add more, I want to see who was stalking Chris and see where this all goes from there! ^^
Ah, finally got around to reading this. As always, your writing is great, Midny. Your descriptions of things are always fun to read. I love the whole "pins are weapons" idea, there's just something about the whole thing that sounds exciting. Maybe it's because you're actually giving the, useless, pins some purpose? xD I'm also excited to be in this story, and I do like the way you described me, it is suprisingly well. I'm not saying that I am that much of a badass, because I'm clearly not. But the whole "He longed to see some immature boys running around, finding delight in the silliest things and finding an endless number of ways to get on his nerves." is suprisingly accurated, haha. In both the fact that I would miss such things if they were gone, and that it would be getting on my nerves if they were still there. Keep up the good work, Midny, I'm very interested in seeing where this might go.
Updated. Thanks for all the feedback guys. Keep it coming and I hope you like my next bit. Also, I'd like to give a special thanks to Kelly for giving me help in voxli with it.
Midnight this was also a pretty nice expositional chapter. Rat's personality seems pretty accurate too. XD But I think you posted it twice.
Just read up on this myself (As if you didn't already know I did >_>), and it's pretty interesting. I like the idea of Pins being weapons, especially since that would imply that newer members with none would need to be protected/given one to borrow, which should make for good story telling. No major critisisms, since you seem to know what you're doing with it, though the second chapter is slightly short in my opinion. Anyway, I like this and I look forward to seeing more at some point.
Wow, this is really fun so far. I like it a lot, and I can't wait to see what happens next. I didn't really see anything wrong grammatically, and the writing was good, so keep up the good work, I can't wait to see the next chapter!
I like it so far, like I've expressed many times via Voxli and MSN. I'm curious to how you're going to introduce some key or more interesting members of the forum, like Makaze for example, or one of the staff members. The writing was good, some words overused in my opinion but keep up the good work. Look forward to more, I'd be happy to help you again if you need any.