KHTFR:MS Author's Notes

Discussion in 'Archives' started by AkuseruVIII, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    Alrighty there it’s me AkuseruVIII this is the author’s notes for my first ever fanfic Kingdom Hearts The Dark Realm: My Story. Okay I’m sure you’re all not caring what I thought at the time. So I’ll tell you anyways in a not so brief report detailing my thought process. I’ll start at the beginning and end at the end how’s that sound? (I’ll jump around to confuse you though.) I wrote this 'cause I felt like it no other reason.

    My Thought Process

    Alright then. I don’t consciously sit down and think up ideas on purpose. I just kinda think about it when I daydream in Geometry and Spanish class(and pretty much every other second of the day I‘m not intensely focused on something). It’s almost like a television show running through my head regardless of my will. That’s how I think of stuff. I’m sure many others are similar, I’m not too original.

    Okay, Getting Started

    I always wanted to do something with these pictures running through my mind all day everyday. I had this idea, it was faint and has grown into something hellish and deformed. But, it started out as me innocently trying to combine my ideas together into a coherent story. So, this is how everything turns out when I try to write it down.

    Idea 1
    There’s this dark beach and Axel has just faded he meets up with this guy looking for kingdom hearts. He joins and the find themselves on some large garbage dump where all discarded things end up. A little later they have to fight but Axel has no weapons the dude hands him a sword that suddenly shape shifts into heart themed chakrams. They fight, they win, they move on. They eventually come to this random spit of land and the dude asks for his sword back they, converse and Axel hands over the sword. He sticks it in the ground and kingdom hearts appears. I couldn’t get further than that with that idea. I wish I had though it seemed border lining okay.

    Idea 2
    Some dude wakes up and finds himself in the deep dive plays out a lot like it did with X except for he jumps off and doesn’t lose consciousness he lands on another platform and there is an epic heartless battle as he climbs runs and falls to his destination that also ends about here. I don’t really know where I was going with that one.

    Idea 3
    Some dude goes around the dark realm collecting it’s inhabitants to escape across the sea he finds Org. XIII Barbosa and several others, there it dies. The whole premise sucks. I’m glad I thought of no more.

    Idea 4
    I come in half way through the story here my brain does that sometimes. Some normal guy (no specific background) goes and attacks this castle and he meets this guy in armor with a huge stone sword he breaks the sword with his dual spears and he slices him open a heartless pops out and he kills it he also meets some dart throwing dude who also is a heartless somehow and same deal. He keeps going through this castle trying to save someone and guess what Sora and Co. are there too. It stops there. I think that one was when I was playing Star Ocean 3 a lot, maybe there were some tri-ace things floating about.

    At First through At Last

    The Writing Part
    From there I plot a course for our unknown hero or rather main character he isn‘t much of a hero if you think about it. I shaped it kinda with a whole Org. XIII vibe at first but that failed as I degenerated into Ideas 2 and 4. Idea 3 is left untouched as the mass of characters would be hard to deal with and I kind hate it. I originally wanted to have him parallel Roxas but that would be far too redundant. So the blonde girl was to be Namine or original but I couldn’t decide so she was pushed aside. I think I put her in as Aurelia later.

    I got to the deep dive and the dark plane and I just started writing on instinct and typing whatever popped into my head as I’m doing now. Hey it’s worked thus far. So there really isn’t much to say of brainstorming and the like. Yep I just improved the whole thing like my performance in front of my class.

    I got the parts when the unknowns are taking from the novel Ender’s Game which I was reading in class as I wrote. I think they turned out alright.

    I also took what I could from the KH video games. No direct quotations but some bits like in the deep dive and the heroes v. X battle.

    I also tired to get in as much mystery as I could just to confuse readers. It ended up backfiring and I confused myself and I had maybe one or two readers.

    I don’t really remember much from the writing it all blur together it’s the characters that I remember best. That kinda pisses me off ‘cause I wanted to remember and when I go back there really isn’t much to remember. I guess this is how it goes. I never really think about these things they just come to me as I type and I work with that instead of what I wanted to do.

    Characters Part

    X. He was hard ‘cause I tried to start out with a normal easy going guy and I wanted him to get serious later but not necessarily almost evil like he ended up. I kinda realized he was a monster when I killed Sharku so instead of rewriting which is a hella pain I went with the flow(probably why nothing ends how I want it to.) I just kept on testing him and pushing him to see if he’d snap and guess what he didn’t. I’m not proud of him for a number of reasons. One I can’t ever get a character the way I want them and he is a testament to that notion. Two he was the opposite (sorta) of what I wanted. And Three you know what he just was hard to write for. Yeah hi9s whole revelation during the battle with Seagle and the second one in the battle with the heroes. The first was there to hone his mind in a battle. I got it from the movie Hero at the end they were talking about a master swordsman cutting a man down with a blade of grass(or something I’ve never seen the whole thing and what I did see was a while back.) The second was to give him what he lacked. It is hard to explain he had purpose he had motive but he had nothing to fight for his reason was empty his motive was forced he had no drive or passion for what he was doing. I guess it’s kinda like in Rurouni Kenshin the ougi was based off of the will to live. This is like his equivalent not the will to live but the choice to live. He up ’til then had just faced things and followed instinct. He needed to think for himself and decide for himself. It kinda plays off the whole nobodies don’t exist and weren’t meant to thing. I think that’s it.

    Sharku for him I took the dart thrower’s design in my head and made him like that. He was originally supposed to be a big deal but he ended as most of my brilliant ideas do, a throw away character. I named him for Sauruman in LOTR ‘cause I thought it sounded cool(The henchmen called him this during the scouring of the Shire.) His design, I’ll have you know is totally mine even if I filched his power from Greed in FMA.

    Alice she was a toughie for sure I had been reading D. Gray-Man and a picture was stuck in my head so I decided to model her after it. She took Sharku’s original spot and provided the end of the dark plane bit. She was kinda like a final boss in a way. Her personality is kinda hard to say ‘cause she was always hiding it so I’d put her in the passionate emotional kind of role in anything else. But, I think she’d also make a good silent type of person just ‘cause that’s what I made her. Her character model kinda ended up being Kamiya Kaoru mixed with Lenalee Lee, I know I’m not original it just ended up like that and that makes me unhappy. AkuseruVIII is a bad person.

    I almost forgot, Ansem and them(Marluxia and all of the door people I can’t really remember.) I put them in for a descent into darkness slash recovery of memories and power type of thing. Ansem will play a part in the tie ups but no more. Marluxia was to connect the OrganizationXIII to the unknown organization in case no one got it or thought it was some trick.

    Allen he was put into fill the other position and to set up the memories and “His Story†yeah I already have a prequel in mind. So in general he is more a presence than a character but I figured I’d put him here anyways.

    Seagle’s design was based off of the knight, I thought of the name on the spot so I thought that it was good considering. He was just a goof in general and he kinda got serious and powerful but I don’t think it was that out of character as he was a Superior. It hurt me to kill him but it had to be done I chose the venue ‘cause it seemed a fitting place for X to kill his other’s mentor and boss. As far as his actual appearance I’d have to say Sigfreid from Soul Caliber had the heaviest influence. Don’t get me wrong he’s original enough it’s just his sense of style is similar. Also he wears heavy knight’s armor not much you can do with that. And yes Stone Soul his sword was based off of Soul Edge so don‘t get too mad at me for stealing people do it all the time in much worse ways.

    I can’t believe I left Aurelia off the original list of characters. It’s officially I’m bad person. She was if no one noticed the blonde X had remembered early on. She was designed to be a kinda rambunctious emotional and hyperactive person. Though she only shows this side to Seagle and maybe someone else. *hint hint* She showed up originally as the stuffy business type but the real Aurelia showed through later. I don’t really think I designed her after anyone. I don’t even know what she looks like. I’ll be given hell when I finally post up the profile pics of the characters. Oh well she has no defined role except a helper. She was really just some character I came up with to help along the story a bit. I changed her name later in the epilogue I didn’t say it but I think I made it half clear half too fuzzy to tell. That was on purpose. I don’t really wanna make a sequel the whole experience has been nothing but a huge pain.

    Xanatos he was originally supposed to be Solstice a rabid heterosexual but the idea was to out there and was subsequently deleted. His name came from Thanatos Greek for death or something like that but I had to make him fit the more Org. XIII name index so I put in the X. He was made up on the spot and thus became a throw away character. I wanted to write the battle and after math but I was too damn tired. So he just ended up looking the way he did ‘cause I suck at describing and his weapon wasn’t a scythe ‘cause Dian Wei (Three Kingdoms) was a frickin’ monster and he used dual halberds I just thought it would work better than the stereotypical death scythe. He got like no screen time though.

    Nose Rag(Styx) I called him Nose Rag to make fun of Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea Time of The Soul’s Toe Rag. Other than that he had no real model and I made him up as I went along. He’s bit of a suck up but he’s conniving and brilliant in his own way he just doesn’t like to do anything himself or getting in over his head. Later he evolved into this secretly high ranking almost exec type. I guess he was okay as far as I wanted him to turn out. His real name came from the band I was listening to a while back and I felt the name fit him sorta so I put it in. As far as physical design I wanted him to look very plain so he couldn’t be thought of as one with actual power. I guess he looks like a street person in a suit without the stereotypical beard. I guess he kinda stemmed from my view of corporate section bosses like in Office Space.

    The Old One, he just showed up and died. His model was probably just off the top of my head. Kinda what I’d think an immortal would look like. He will like Allen get screen time of importance later oif I choose to continue, any cult followings don‘t get your hopes up.

    Danso, I wanted to make him a big tough guy but he ended up a gentle giant. I kicked myself for him I then wanted to rewrite and I did but it ended up the same. So I rolled with it and tried to make him a nice guy but he couldn’t follow X so he was killed off. All these perfectly good characters thrown away. I hate it that I do that. I kick myself again for him and his stupid hard to write for-ness. I should’ve written him out.

    Solken. I got his name from an old martial arts master I heard of. I changed it a bit but I recognize it. I always wanted a character with tonfa they are so underplayed in everything. But I had this cool idea of how X killed him that I couldn’t pass up so I couldn’t even do what I set out to do. I wish I could’ve done more with him. I wanted to make him look like Xigbar at first but I soon scrapped that ‘cause it would seem dumb and I‘d be seen as a character thief.

    Top Brass Number 1 Nemo. I don’t know he just shows up for the final confrontation. I didn’t really have design I mind for him either I’m so bad. I just didn’t want him to be like oldie fart from the FM+ secret ending. I got the script from D. Gray-Man, it is based only in name I think. His personality and everything came off the top of my head.

    Top Brass Gorge. He was only mentioned once and he isn’t major I just thought I’d do it to explain something about the script’s origins. He was like many others made up on the spot with no physical appearance in mind.

    The Places Part

    Beach head- Duh KHII after the battle
    Deep Dive- Duh KH beginning
    Dark Plane- how I imagined the bottom of the deep dive looks
    Great Bastion- I needed a place for the final battle this wasn’t it
    Castle Obsidian- Needed another battle venue made one naming it after the rock I like best and using it earlier on made it easier to throw in without making it seem to random
    Worlds In Between- They just showed up out of necessity I felt there needed to be more and I made it so there was no real logic behind which worlds I showed I just thought they helped with the mood and mystery.

    The Weapons Part

    Alright here’s the rundown.

    Soul Blade- X’s sword in it’s normal stare. It responds to a users will not their heart so it is more wieldy for nobodies. It changes name as I can’t just keep naming what it turned into it gets old awful fast.
    Honor-katana and sheath ownsome by definition
    Duality- double Chinese broad swords or sabers if you like I think they’re actually called plum blossom swords but I don’t really care what they’re called. I know I’m pretty good with them so I put them in.
    Broad Edge-needed a big sword as shield
    Gladius-I thought of it earlier I had to use it
    Heart Blade- X’s heart(Allen) a ‘gift’ from the Old One it is only usable for X ‘cause it’s well his hearty. I was really vague with this but I think it’s okay no readers y’know

    Stone Soul- Soul edge as a big ol’ rock essentially

    Dual Halberds-Like I said they were wielded by the most beastly dude ever people feared to die in the wake of his dead body

    Kwon Dao-(see above) Yeah Lord Guan (for which it is named after) was like the most powerful dude ever I see no reason not to pay homage to him

    Oar- It is one of my favorite weapons and yes it is actually a weapon (With a style) used in Japan

    Gauntlets- I couldn’t come up with anything better

    Tonfa-They are cool and unsung

    Chinese straight sword-a woman needed a weapon and it is considered a woman’s weapon sorry no better reason

    Bare Hands- I thought Nemo wasn’t a fighter more of some really powerful freak so y’know no discipline no fuss

    Now here’s where I degenerate to *****ing about how I failed at everything, so prepare yourselves.

    First, the beach scene (UGH) I hate that thing. I couldn’t even get close to capturing the air wanted. I was looking to create an atmosphere of, like, mystery and adventure. Something compelling our antagonist to go. That failed when I couldn’t make the beginning work. I needed him to seem I don’t know dead at first (That didn’t work.) also the organization could have been done away with. I think in my next edition I’ll do that. They just overcomplicate and add deadweight. I hated the way I worded it too. It just made it seem dumb like some cheesy star trek knock off or something.

    Next, I hated pretty much all the fight scenes despite my odd attachment to them. They are boring and taxing to read and they are very simple and predictable in outcome. I used very I don’t know lifeless language to describe them they may have in a good writers hands flourished but I reiterate they suck. I got my inspiration for them from sparring. You can be the strongest and best but still when caught off guard your skills are nothing. Also the whole lack off thoughts was related to the way I get I don’t think when I clash I think between them. I just let my body take over and my mind goes into space when I spar I wanted to go for that. I failed there too. Oh well that didn’t work I think I’ll broaden my vocab and try again.

    I especially hated the progress of X’s character, it was too sharp and sudden. Then you’re cut off from him. Don’t get me wrong I meant to do that it just ended up going different than I planned.

    Characters I create always suck. If they aren’t lifeless dolls they’re boring archetypes. I just can’t get them to bend to my will. I tried to make X original (that failed horribly) ‘cause he was supposed to be just normal (yeah original.) Then he was supposed to be a torn up messed up guy trying to put himself together. Then he was supposed to be a heartless goal obsessed freak. Then he went kinda into a meld of all three which ended up freakin’ me out. I mean he wasn’t exactly normal nor was he broken. He was kinda like a broken toy that you put back together, no matter how hard you try it never goes back to exactly the way it was even if you do in fact fix it. Suffice it to say he was a failure. Alice the same deal I wanted her to be all like the strong person keeping their feelings secret and being torn up inside by their previous decisions and experiences. She was just a blank killing fighting thing, it didn’t work out. I could go on all day, but you get my point.

    Next up is… premise. I kinda hate my idea now that it’s getting to be over with. I just mean the idea is by no means new, it has no flare no deep meaning it was just some guy on his computer learning how to type. I just think there were so many little things that could’ve made this so much better. I just was too lazy to put in effort an thought.

    I’d like to thank KH-Vids for the place to post and I’d like to thank some people whose names will go undisclosed for reasons of shame. (Yeah I made it so people’d be embarrassed to be associated with me.) Oh well, I got nothing else.

    I have only one option to redeem this REWRITE or DELETE. I dunno I may leave this unredeemed and I may just never look at it again. That’s basically everything. I was really general but specifics are too troublesome. I figured no one’s care wither way. Peace. Out. I really better put that in my sig, it reminds me of that show…