KH3D Website Fully Updated

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    For those who thought the NA website would end up being forgotten, (Myself included) good news to you, earlier today the website had reach completion. Gameplay, Characters, Media, Worlds, and Download tabs have all been finished included all the content they were mean to hold.

    The "Gameplay" Archive now features videos on Flowmotion, Links, Reality Shift, Dive Mode, Flick Rush, and all the other elements that KH3D offers.
    The "Characters" tab, which used to hold only Sora, Riku and Mickey, now have the main cast featured as a plethora of Spirit and Nightmare Dream Eaters.
    The "Media" Section has a collective of the trailers released until the Release (Most of which can be found in our Video Archive)
    The "Worlds" tab features info on all 7 playable worlds that you get to venture in; Traverse Town, La Cité des Cloches, The Grid, Country of the Musketeers, Prankster's Paradise, Symphony of Sorcery, and The World that Never Was.
    Finally, the "Downloads" section now featured Facebook Wall covers, Icons and wallpapers for your viewing pleasure.

    So to all the fans, feel free to enjoy the updated site in all it's completed glory.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Aug 28, 2012.

    1. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Glad it didn't suffer the fate of the KH2 official website :p

      Seeing all that stuff now makes me want to replay the game for the third time!
    2. Labrys
      What happened to the kh 2 final mix boss achieve?
      Oh and that's pretty cool[DOUBLEPOST=1346145814][/DOUBLEPOST]
      What did happened to the website?
    3. Miles
      How do you download the backgrounds??? Every time I right click and save it it always has a small resolution of like 200
    4. Misty
      Move your mouse over the image you want, and a 'Download' link should appear in the bottom right of the thumbnail. It'll launch a download of a zip archive containing all the sizes.
    5. FF Cloud 7
      FF Cloud 7
      On the website does anyone know how to view the of the "Special Trailer"? I just can't find it.

      Thanks for the update Krowley.
    6. Krowley
    7. FF Cloud 7
      FF Cloud 7
      I guess I'll just hope that they'll re add it to the site or something. I'd rather get it myself i think it's safe to say that its the direct source (so never been through some video editing program) that kh-vids has but as i said i'd rather do it myself. thanks anyway I appreciate it.
    8. Misty
      Actually, I downloaded the videos straight from Square-Enix and put them up on the archive--didn't run them through any programs! Any compression present is on Square's side.
    9. FF Cloud 7
      FF Cloud 7
      Ok. thanks for clearing that up.