Kingdom Hearts II KH3 Title and well...anything else...

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by Thir13en, Apr 9, 2007.

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  1. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    Okay. You've all heard theories so I shall post mine and I try to prove that this is right:D

    First of all I want to discuss the title. I'm guessing that the title my actually be 'Birth by Sleep' itself. Reasons why-
    -'Birth by Sleep' was in English lettering and NOT in Japanese
    -Only one other thing in the game is also in English, the title 'Kingdom Hearts'

    Now for theory.

    I believe that this battle actually happens during the next game (in the future) somewhere along the line. Now, now, I'm getting to why Mickey was there. I also think that that place 'Sunset whatever' is Disney Castle after it has been destoyed. Reasons for it to be in the future and location
    -The crossroads has never really been proven where it has been placed except that it is somewhere significant (like D.C.)
    -Revenge would give Mickey a reason to be there and fight Baldy
    -the battle could be in the future because there have been no records of a battle. You saw Ansems computer. There must have been records of massive landscape changes after that battle. An explanation of this lack of records would be that it never happened
    -In that one room where Xeha is in Radiant G. he talks to F.S. so she can't be dead...yet, like E.S. says before you fight him (in the future)

    *Reason why the place is Disney Castle
    -The portal to fight E.S. is in Disney Castle and in that fight you see those towers which means that battle happened

    *Reason for Mickeys keyblade
    -okay, we all know that there is hardly anything called coincidence in KH but think for a moment, there was like thousands of Keyblades. Mickey could have just picked up Starseeker for hope that he was not alone. He could have just taken it to remind him that Yen Sid and his friends were behind him

    Now for what the chasers are I'd like you to refer to this thread. I believe this to be very convincing.

    Okay, I will post anything else I believe to be true here also

    I want you guys to try really hard to prove me wrong. I want you guys to show me why I am wrong and give me reasons not just stuff like "dude thats just stupid."

    Because if you prove me wrong theories will pop from your head
  2. wertyuioop Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    This theory was awsome. The only thing is another possible title is the key blade war. Well when micky was seen, the mountain did kinda look like disney castle. This has been one of the best theories I have seen.
  3. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    you're supposed to say stuff like 'this doesn't make sense.' Or if you didn't say that werty then that means you believe a huge chonck of it

    And the title could (but probably isn't) keyblade war because the letters in the Japanese version were not in English like the title
  4. Organization_XIII Moogle Assistant

    Apr 5, 2007
    the world that newer was
    do anyone know what the name of the song is? the game trailer..:confused:
  5. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    Do you mean the secret ending? Or what? Besides, I think you should go somewhere else like in the music forum for that
  6. tacochickenwings Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 3, 2007
    A lot of what you've said makes loads of sense, and I agree with a lot of it, but I have one disagreement, and that's the fact that I'm pretty sure Nomura said that this next game is something of a prequel to the games that are out now... I think that it takes place before KH1, but only by a couple of years, probably not long before Sora's birth... I made a thread about it

    Woah, when did that happen? I'm so behind on all this information... >_< Is there a video of it or something?
  7. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    just go to the left where it says KH Final Mix cutscenes subbed. It should say Old Friend or something

    And no, I really don't remember if Nomura did say that this was a prequel. Maybe I missed it but I don't think so cause I check here everyday and pretty much memorize everything (obsession, no?:D )
  8. tacochickenwings Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 3, 2007
    I'm pretty sure I read the prequel bit a very long time ago though... Though I could be wrong, and it's likely that I am wrong. :/ I dunno though, 'cause for some reason, I really thought I read that somewhere...

    I just saw that cutscene you remembered, the one with Xemnas talking to the suit of armor... But it was just the suit, just laying there on the ground. I think that could mean that maybe the FS IS dead...

    Gah, now my brain hurts. XD I miss the simplicity of KH1, hehe.
  9. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    Amen to that:D The only thing you did in that game was beat up heartless and kill...I'll stop:D
  10. wertyuioop Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Nomura never said KH3 would be a prequel he said the game would take place in the past and future

    Peace - Werty
  11. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    past and future. Or did you mean, or
  12. wertyuioop Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    No past AND future
  13. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    BOTH?!?!?!?!!?!?!? They want a game to be happening in 2 time periods!!!
  14. wertyuioop Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Well Nomura said that in an interview I am just looking foward it
  15. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    D@mn. But were gettin of topic here so back to theories
  16. Muramasa007 Moogle Assistant

    Apr 12, 2007
    Is that even Mickey...? Could it be someone else? And I don't agree with your "Mickey wants revenge" crap. He's too happy. But I do like the distant future thing.
  17. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    you've seen how determined he becomes in the games, plus his clothes are darker which is kinda like a symbol that he has a darker mood
  18. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    Are you sure he said that about past and future? :confused: Because I don't remember him saying anything about either. I think so many people predicted that it would be way in the future or in the past because of the location, different characters, and unbelievable circumstances. However, last time I checked, we have no basis on this other than our magical fan speculation powers. (Which, I'm sorry to say, usually come up with incorrect theories and insane explanations.)

    I for one, think your theory is reasonable. I am playing through all 3 games again right now to see what I can come up with and try to catch some little details I missed. But right now I'm only on KH1. And I'm stuck in the stupid Hollow Bastion library :mad:

    Sorry, I'm getting off topic....

    But yeah, it is a great theory, it would explain a lot.
  19. Seek Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 26, 2007
    Actually, Nomura was asked the question of the time frame for when the "Sunset Horizons" video took place. (Question was asked when only the original video was only out.) Nomura stated that in a sense, the trailer took place both in the past and the future. So he wasn't talking about the game itself, just the trailer.

    It was asked in a magazine I believe, although I cannot remember which for it has been a while.
  20. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    okay, yeah I think I remember that a bit now
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