Hey KH Vids. I can't wait for KH3 to come out. I've already been trying to make a fan version of what it might be. Here it is and I hope you guys enjoy. If you want me to write more, just tell me and I'll get onto it. PART ONE: THE CHAMBER OF REPOSEVentus sighed in and out as he slept. "Sora!" He then opened his eyes wide and gasped for air. Who--who was that? he thought as he gripped the edge of the chair tightly. Ventus then looked around the room, seeing weird Heart designs embedded in the walls. He looked at the ground. How--how long have I--? Aqua and Terra! Ventus sprang out of the chair and looked around the room, but he didn't see any of his two best friends around. Foolish hero--your awakening has only caused chaos... A familiar voice erupted through the room. Ventus looked around the room and summoned his keyblade. "I'm not afraid of you!" he said. The voice then let out a dark laugh. Let's see about that. I'm your worst nightmare... The next thing Ventus knew, everything turned dark. Ventus opened his eyes, only to see that darkness was around him. The same voice from before echoed around him. Foolish hero--to be afraid of the dark is to be afraid of your own self... "What--what do you know of me?!" Ventus yelled. I know that you hold weakness in your heart. Weakness that you can't let go. Your friends... "What do you know about my friends?! Let them out of this!" The same dark laugh echoed through the void. Let's see about that, shall we? The darkness then tugged at Ventus and pulled him forward. The next thing Ventus knew, he was on the beach in another person's body with two other people that he hadn't seen before.
It's an alright start to a story . . . there wasn't much to pull me in though. The suspense wasn't there, that thing that makes me want to wait on the edge of my seat for the next installment. You're spelling and grammar were excellent, but i'd suggest maybe coloring the "voice"'s dialogue. It was hard to distinguish it from the rest of the text. Other than that there really isn't much else to say. I'd like to read more and see where this is headed. Good job ^^