KH2FM+ Strikes #46 for Famitsu's top 100 Sales

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey everyone, recently Famitsu has released an article featuring Japan's top 100 Video Game sales for the year 2007. In this list, Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ did well enough to make the 46th place with 337,091 sales in the year it was released. That's pretty good considering it was an expansion of Kingdom Hearts II. If you want to view the full list, be sure to check Jeux France's website Here.

    Also to add more clarification to this, Midnight Kingdom's blog user has uploaded a scan featuring the list straight from Famitsu.


    Sources: Jeux France and Midnight Kingdom
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jan 19, 2008.

    1. jafar
      This is a suprise. As you said, this is an expanision. I'm sure most of the sales were from people who haven't played the original KHII. Although I expected it to be in the 70s or 80s. Not 46.
      w00t! First post!
    2. gamemaster1598
      cool #46 thought it would be lower though
    3. Unmei
      i also thought it would be lower. then again, i guess if you're a really big fan of the series, getting the game would just add a sort of "collector's value"
    4. TheMuffinMan
      Wow only 300,000? And Japan is the region that actually buys Special Editions, NA and PAL markets don't as much as the JPN market does, this is just proof that KH2:FM+ released outside of Japan would have just been a terrible financial decision for S-E
    5. D*Reeves
      Still waiting for an european release :(
    6. jafar
      America has to get it first! America gets everything before you guys. Except Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland. You got that and America never will.
    7. D*Reeves
      If America gets it then we probably get it aswell so...
    8. SplitOverload
      So what was Number one?
    9. Caetlin
      You know, it's really not that good to only sell 300,000 of a game especially when a lot of that was probably imports. Natively it should have done better than that.

      But at least it made the top 50. I liked it.
    10. twilight knight4
      twilight knight4
      kingdom hearts is so good it should be number one
    11. keyblade bearer
      keyblade bearer
      I agree!!!!KH shoulde be the number one...anyway...I'm onlooker...who is at the first place???There is really better than Kingdom Hearts???Ah?
    12. morris1113
      it was probably something dumb. like FF12
    13. len
    14. Shadow Keyblade Newbie
      Shadow Keyblade Newbie
      FF12 isn't boring it's fun and I think atleast it's hard I'm stuck right now but they did use a lot of capturing plot lines at the beginning a bit too much I would have to agree their I was annoyed at that mostly but wish KH2 FM+ was number one so WE CAN GET IT AND not have to import it that is so sucky maybe parkling Meteor is in the top ten or 30