KH1 HQ Art - Day 1

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, while we have several projects lined up for you, we'll also be keeping you busy with other media content, for today we'll have some High Quality Kingdom Hearts 1 Art. I would like to highly thank my TwilightTower who e-mailed me a nice collection of Nomura's art a long while ago. Hopefully these can be used as some references for others as well! Enjoy the first 5!

    It's amazing that when you look at these arts now, you can see references to KH2 we never spotted before, such as Xemnas and Xehanort having the same pose, hinting their connection and even Kingdom Hearts.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Be sure to check back for more updates! Also, when I checked up on our stats we're growing more and more popular as the days go by!

    Thank you all for helping keep KHV your number 1 source for your KH needs.

    Also there have been a few complaints for missing video downloads, we'll also be working on those shortly, so please be patient!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jul 9, 2007.

    1. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      kairi's always looking in a differnt direction
    2. Desmonic
      Cool!! Nice artwoork! Thanks for posting it Xaldin. I wonder what you guys are working on.. Anyway, keep up the excellent work!! I'm sure this is #1 site of KH of all time!!
    3. yushe\sora
      They are cool
      I WANT 'EM
    4. Stardust
      Cool! =D.

      I recognize some of those from the instruction manual(s) and cover of the original Final Mix ^^. Awesome, thanks, Xaldin!

      Also: I almost never go anywhere else to look at Kingdom Hearts information, unless it's a link from Gaia Online or something. KH-Vids all the way! =D
    5. KL93
      I think on the second one (The one with Riku having wings O.o), on the big rock thing, it says "Deep Dive", and next to where Kairi is sitting it says "Dive into the sky".
    6. [Total.Chaos]
      Those are some impressive pieces of artwork. Can't wait to see the rest.
    7. Stardust
      I think you're right O.O...If I had my copy of KH:FM with me at the moment, I would take a look at that since the cover is bigger than the artwork...I know the Deep Dive part is correct, but "Dive into the Sky" might actually be "Dive into the Heart" or something XO. Unfortunately, I'm not home so I don't have it with me. Nice observation =3.
    8. KL93
      Nu, I'm pretty sure it says "Dive into the sky". xD Also, I think next to Memory Skyscraper in TWTNW, there's a statue of a gargoyle where that truck crashed (Dunno why there's a truck in TWTNW. <_< ), sooo maybe Riku having those wings is a reference to the gargoyle. =/ The thing they're sitting around looks like some of the buildings in TWTNW.
    9. DigitalAtlas
      They look awesome, though I've seen the majority before.

      BTW, grats on becoming the number 1 source. Hardto believe it's only been like a year and a half and your now on top...
    10. Xejicka
      I like those pictues. It does look like the gang is at TWTNW or Traverse Town in the picture
    11. Knighty McKnight
      Knighty McKnight
      Pretty, but Ansem/Xehanort's Heartless isn't Xehanort.And how do you. know it's Xemnas? I see a person in an Organization robe of adult height, that could be any member 1-12 or even the Rikunort if Nomura had already come up with the concept.
    12. Xaldin
      Well before we go onto that.

      That was concept art after Final Mix was released, or it might have been during promotion of Final Mix, I can't remember the exact date of that art, and as far as I know, none of the Organization members had that major of a part to be in the exact same post as. And unless Rikunort was thought up during Final Mix, that's definatly Xemnas. And I know that's Xehanort's heartless, but it's a bit quicker calling him Xehanort.
    13. Demyx_MelodiousNocturne
    14. xemnasfan
      i've had that last picture logged on my computer for a while now, but i never guessed the guy on the left was xemnas even after getting kh2.

      it might be because there are so many guys in that game with that type of coat on.
    15. Dragonsphinx
      Hey thnx so much!

      That KH artwork is REALLY awesome:D And thnx so much for looking into the missing downloads!!!
    16. kngdmhrts2
      i've drawn the 4th pic of sora and the flag ^_^ looks well good....and i didnt trace it either
    17. Knighty McKnight
      Knighty McKnight
      So by that logic...any one picture of the first 12 with their hoods up and no weapon is Xemnas =/.
      Furthermore, not that big of a part? How bout Marluxia? He had a pretty big role in Sora's adventure last time I checked.
    18. Xaldin
      True, however that wouldn't really make much sense having Marluxia standing there, as it'd sorta ruin the fell for the art. Mainly because it seems to be focusing on the main characters of Kingdom Hearts, which are.

      Sora, Kairi, Riku, Donald, Goofy, Mickey, and Xehanort. And any Nobody/heartless/whatever form of those 7. The rest have roles but they arn't main characters/villains.
    19. Lord-Marluxia-Fanboy

      Tight pics...btw im new here.